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Say Hello to The Rep Grand Group! [07/19/16 UPDATE!]


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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

That, and the fact that no one could give more than a few reps in a 24 hour period made each one REALLY special. Also, getting reputation used to be one of the very few things that would light up the little "Notifications" tab (the others being a PM, which is sort of rare, and an infraction/warning which oh-my-what-have-I-done!) So when you logged on and saw that you got an immediate thrill of positive goodness.

The limit of reps (or "likes") now with the new forum software is limited to 25 per day, as it was in the old forum software.

And you're right about it being nearly a positive experience to get the notifications tab with messages or rep waiting for you. I do miss reading the reasons a fellow forum user would give me rep... everything from a snarky and funny statement to a well-laid-out post. I also miss being able to tell people why I was giving them reputation as well.


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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

Birthday rep.

Two things gone in this forum, the "Birthday's today" and the rep messages.

Hm... Squad could get someone who isn't a game developer and who knows how to code create an account that'll only be run by a bot. The bot would have a list of birthdays (as shown on the forum software) and when a person's birthday comes up, it likes their most recent post and also sends a pre-written generic PM to the person.

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2 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

Hm... Squad could get someone who isn't a game developer and who knows how to code create an account that'll only be run by a bot. The bot would have a list of birthdays (as shown on the forum software) and when a person's birthday comes up, it likes their most recent post and also sends a pre-written generic PM to the person.

They do send birthday messages. I just liked giving people "presents."

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Just now, monstah said:

And you're just about to crack 10K. How many would Green Iron Crown have by now?

Negative eleventy-umpteen godzillion. Looking forward to RIC joining me in--what, the Rep Lakh Group? 

And congrats @monstah! Someone will come by to fit you for your official clubhouse smoking jacket shortly. (yes, it's the jacket that's smoking, not the wearer--you'll get used to it.)

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@Endersmens there's no rush (but @Dman979 will likely scold me so anyway despite saying otherwise), but just asking for a status update or maybe further consideration for "passing the torch". I'd still be honored if you'd consider me :) .

That said, hope all is well with you. Today I've got a funeral so, :/ 

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16 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

@Endersmens there's no rush (but @Dman979 will likely scold me so anyway despite saying otherwise), but just asking for a status update or maybe further consideration for "passing the torch". I'd still be honored if you'd consider me :) .

That said, hope all is well with you. Today I've got a funeral so, :/ 

Scold you? I never! :wink:

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75% Achieved. *brings up calculator on computer*

243 days since April 5.

75% there.


81 days from today = Febuary 24.

I'm going to be waaaay off probably, but that is the guess based off of statistics.


Also, congrats to @Red Iron Crown on reaching the - what are we calling it?

On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 7:56 AM, Kuzzter said:

Rep Lakh Group

Okay, then. I don't know is @SQUAD's reputation has been artificially inflated, but if it is not, then the

On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 7:56 AM, Kuzzter said:

Rep Lakh Group

now has three members!

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@SQUAD doesn't count--but@Red Iron Crown definitely does! Congrats, and it's the very least honor this Forum can give you for your tireless efforts to make this a great place for everyone who loves KSP. 

I hope you enjoy your special smoking jacket with the gold embroidery and ruby highlights as much as I have mine, and that the smoke doesn't get in your eyes too much.

Edited by Kuzzter
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47 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:


What's that?

It's one of the infinite numbers between 199 and 201, but that's not important right now.


48 minutes ago, DarkOwl57 said:

What's that?

On the old vBulletin forums, they required everyone to give a birthday when signing up. The software then displayed whose birthday it was at the bottom of the front page, about where the "Newest Member" is now.

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5 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

It's one of the infinite numbers between 199 and 201, but that's not important right now.


On the old vBulletin forums, they required everyone to give a birthday when signing up. The software then displayed whose birthday it was at the bottom of the front page, about where the "Newest Member" is now.

Why did they remove it? That seems like an awesome thing!

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On 12/2/2016 at 8:56 AM, Kuzzter said:

Negative eleventy-umpteen godzillion. Looking forward to RIC joining me in--what, the Rep Lakh Group? 

And congrats @monstah! Someone will come by to fit you for your official clubhouse smoking jacket shortly. (yes, it's the jacket that's smoking, not the wearer--you'll get used to it.)

Someday... someday... :D


On 11/28/2016 at 4:53 PM, adsii1970 said:

I do miss reading the reasons a fellow forum user would give me rep... everything from a snarky and funny statement to a well-laid-out post. I also miss being able to tell people why I was giving them reputation as well.

I would like this as well. Obviously most of my likes and rep come from Emiko Station, and I'm often curious just what it was readers really liked. Or disliked for that matter. 

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On 12/5/2016 at 7:27 PM, Kuzzter said:

I hope you enjoy your special smoking jacket with the gold embroidery and ruby highlights as much as I have mine, and that the smoke doesn't get in your eyes too much.

[Edited by adsii1970 for relevant content]


On 12/2/2016 at 7:56 AM, Kuzzter said:

@monstah Someone will come by to fit you for your official clubhouse smoking jacket shortly. (yes, it's the jacket that's smoking, not the wearer--you'll get used to it.)

[Edited by adsii1970 for relevant content]

For some reason, I can see this - a self-smoking jacket - being in Airplane 3 - and with it being Leslie Nielsen wearing it... Oh, gosh, my 1970s/80s childhood is seeping back out again! :)

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On 11/20/2016 at 2:43 PM, Vanamonde said:

Guys, this thread was meant to congratulate people on reaching 1000 rep points. If it turns into people just asking for more rep to artificially build up their totals, then rep becomes meaningless. Please don't abuse the rep system like that. 

Hear, hear. I don't want to see it get taken down.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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