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Kerbal Space Program 1.1 Hype Train Thread.

Whirligig Girl

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Me wanna. me wanna! ME WANNA!!

Squad, but why not, but why not! BUT WHY NOT??:D

Can't wait for 1.1! 

If anyone correctly guesses the exact time of release, I'll give them $100.... (except Squad staff, that's cheating :cool:(MONOPOLY MONEY BTW)


Happy Flying




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Staff stalking report:

  1. Claw
  2. Dr_Turkey
  3. TriggerAu



    2 minutes ago

  4. Ted



    3 minutes ago

  5. NathanKell
  6. Squelch



    10 minutes ago

  7. sal_vager
  8. KasperVld



Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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If you guys watched KSPTV you would see that they are finding bugs even now...


The game won't be released any time "soon"... not while the bugs are there, cos you people would be the first to complain if there were.


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