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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:


Alright that might be useful... I had an idea of sorta taking the procedural armor code from BDA for Runway Project and adapting it to make a procedural wing panel that would be easier to use (and simpler) than proc wings, but still allow more custom wing shapes. That idea is not really high priority though so ima just keep it on the backburner.

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9 minutes ago, Drag0nD3str0yer said:

 to make a procedural wing panel that would be easier to use (and simpler) than proc wings, but still allow more custom wing shapes.

Do people find Procedural wings hard to use? The only problems I've had with them have been bugs.

Unrelated, Im not aware of any mods that add hydrogen fueled jet engines, would be cool if a few were added in an optional file for those who use mods that add liquid hydrogen.

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12 hours ago, Zmeya said:

Do people find Procedural wings hard to use? The only problems I've had with them have been bugs.

Not really, but having a simplified part could be useful for those that don't want to use procedural wings but still feel like the wing choices are lacking. I for one like Procedural wings, but I know people who don't want to use them cause they can be hard to get started with, and add a lot of complexity to handle in certain BDArmory competitions like Runway Project, which have less experienced players often not used to using proc wings.

12 hours ago, Zmeya said:

Do people find Procedural wings hard to use? The only problems I've had with them have been bugs.

Unrelated, Im not aware of any mods that add hydrogen fueled jet engines, would be cool if a few were added in an optional file for those who use mods that add liquid hydrogen.

I do like this idea, would make a nice selection of experimental/fictional parts, but probably makes more sense to focus on after existing bugs and parts that are useful to have are added. I'll definitely write that down though cause it could make for some really unique designs and cool concepts for planes

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15 hours ago, Zmeya said:

Do people find Procedural wings hard to use? The only problems I've had with them have been bugs.

Unrelated, Im not aware of any mods that add hydrogen fueled jet engines, would be cool if a few were added in an optional file for those who use mods that add liquid hydrogen.

Procedural Wings are great. Dragging handles to get a large wing is IMO a far better interface than using dozens of small wing parts.

Hydrogen jets? Near Future Aeronautics and OPT have some SSTO engines with hydrogen configs.

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1 hour ago, DeadJohn said:

Procedural Wings are great. Dragging handles to get a large wing is IMO a far better interface than using dozens of small wing parts.

Hydrogen jets? Near Future Aeronautics and OPT have some SSTO engines with hydrogen configs.

Some curved wings, both stock and procedural,  would be excellent. I managed to get a pretty accurate concorde wing here, but It would've been much easier with curved wings.


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I may or may not be available when it's up, but if there's any preview I can check out once you guys do, I'd be stoked to see it. Not like a progress report or anything, I just can't wait to see it. 

Also, there seems to be a lot of background work here, I don't understand some of it, I think I got tagged for some github stuff I caught glimpse of while busy a couple of days ago. If there's anything I can do, let me know, I will on my free time. If it really was the case, I hope you could be as detailed if it's on github as it is foreign to me.

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On 3/29/2022 at 9:19 AM, Drag0nD3str0yer said:

I do like this idea, would make a nice selection of experimental/fictional parts, but probably makes more sense to focus on after existing bugs and parts that are useful to have are added.

That's reasonable, I just figured it would be a good idea to suggest them while the idea was on my mind since I've been using a few of my own that are little more than modified clones of  stock engines.

On 3/29/2022 at 12:25 PM, DeadJohn said:

Hydrogen jets? Near Future Aeronautics and OPT have some SSTO engines with hydrogen configs.

Sounds like I missed something while installing them because as far as I have noticed they only have LF options aside from IIRC a nuclear thermal engine or two in NF Aero

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8 hours ago, Zmeya said:
On 3/29/2022 at 3:25 PM, DeadJohn said:

Hydrogen jets? Near Future Aeronautics and OPT have some SSTO engines with hydrogen configs.

Sounds like I missed something while installing them because as far as I have noticed they only have LF options aside from IIRC a nuclear thermal engine or two in NF Aero

I just checked my CKAN cache and it looks like the LH2 options are in Extras folders.

Near Future Aero: The LH2 patch is technically part of Cryo Engines. If you use CKAN it's called "Cryogenics Engines - Near Future Aeronautics".

OPT: The LH2 patch is in an OPT Reconfig Extras folder. File OPT_Reconfig_CryoEngines.cfg.

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I'm kinda confused with the discussion since there are two proc wings mods exist. But I guess you ppl was talking about non-b9's one

Looking forward to the community adoption of the airplane plus!

Edited by ssd21345
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@blackheart612 - and the others working on this.

I'm raising this as a suggestion/guestion.

It think it would make sense to edit the OP so it reflects what's going on.

Thinking of a structure like:

- Mod Introduction/Description: text only

- Compatibility with 1.12 (CKAN, Firespitter etc): few lines to make it working with the latest version of the game

- Some back scene WIP.

- Finally these awesome Pictures of the Mod with 2 or 3 and the rest in a drop down fashion.

This would bring some clarity on where we are, and avoid people (who are new or not) ask for an update (as we - unfortunately - usually see in this forum).

Lastly, a Revamp of the OP would demonstrate something is happening, and maybe more people would start using it again, which would bring some questions/issues to your knowledge.


Obviously, you got all my sincere support for the work you do, and hope you woudn't temper your passion on this amazing EDIT: procect - project.



Edited by Demcrew
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53 minutes ago, Demcrew said:

@blackheart612 - and the others working on this.

I'm raising this as a suggestion/guestion.

It think it would make sense to edit the OP so it reflects what's going on.

Thinking of a structure like:

- Mod Introduction/Description: text only

- Compatibility with 1.12 (CKAN, Firespitter etc): few lines to make it working with the latest version of the game

- Some back scene WIP.

- Finally these awesome Pictures of the Mod with 2 or 3 and the rest in a drop down fashion.

This would bring some clarity on where we are, and avoid people (who are new or not) ask for an update (as we - unfortunately - usually see in this forum).

Lastly, a Revamp of the OP would demonstrate something is happening, and maybe more people would start using it again, which would bring some questions/issues to your knowledge.


Obviously, you got all my sincere support for the work you do, and hope you woudn't temper your passion on this amazing procect.



Only the original author can edit the OP.  In cases where I adopt mods, I usually start a new thread to avoid confusion

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Does anyone have a list of what is and isn't working on this mod as of the current KSP release (1.12.x)?

If you need help on GitHub just ask, of course. 

I've done some very small patches for other projects, and might try my hand at this one.  The off colored tails are bugging me for instance. 

I don't think I want to take on wheel modules.  I wish Squad would add a better documented abstraction interface for wheel mods. We'd see a LOT more wheel mods if they did.

Edited by Ruedii
Moar to say.
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Wheels seem to be working for me just fine. 

At least the retractable one I tried (the small retractable.)

The KS-51 side retracting gear works fine for me too.    The braking grip on it is a tad strong, but that's about it.

Less wheelbarrowing issues than around 1.9 when I last played KSP

I will note that I'm playing on Linux.  Maybe they are only not working on Windows?  This isn't a typical thing to behave differently on different platforms, though.  It's not like it's a graphics issue.

I'll try checking the others later.

Edited by Ruedii
noted that I'm playing on Linux.
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8 hours ago, Ruedii said:

Wheels seem to be working for me just fine. 

At least the retractable one I tried (the small retractable.)

The KS-51 side retracting gear works fine for me too.    The braking grip on it is a tad strong, but that's about it.

Less wheelbarrowing issues than around 1.9 when I last played KSP

I will note that I'm playing on Linux.  Maybe they are only not working on Windows?  This isn't a typical thing to behave differently on different platforms, though.  It's not like it's a graphics issue.

I'll try checking the others later.

The big issues that i've noticed is many of the landing gears spawn inside the ground when spawning in the plane, and a handful of the wheels have no grip and slide about, and the angled landing gear have a poorly set up suspension hierarchy

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I guess we have to go through one by one and find the problem ones, so they can be fixed. 

As of the slipping, the behavior of all wheels are different from earlier releases, but I find it an improvement.  It might just be me and how I handle using the wheels.   The big issue is how they slip when the brakes are locked is a bit different now.  More realistic.

As of prop curves, they needed adjustment since who knows when.

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Lisias has a repo with the most recent version, and I will link my fork where I am working on adding new parts (a handful of the parts added so far are incomplete or need fixing). As of now, there isn't a huge amount of communication on merging the various areas that have been worked on, but that should come eventually.



Edited by Drag0nD3str0yer
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