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The Grand "Imgur albums/links are broken" thread.


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Well go to Imgur site and upload more than one picture.

If you mean upload one to the KSP forums, you must either give the link to the album or copy & paste each picture onto your post. You used to be able to put the id of an album into your post and it would come up with the album without having to go to the link.

However that option is now gone and I don't know why it is. Oh well.

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Spoiler tags are pretty helpful for breaking up posts full of pics - those of us who don't use Imgur have a lot of practice with it ( I did occasionally use Imgur because of the albums, but it's been dying since the latest management decided to make it a social site ). You can add multiple images to different spoiler sections.

Talking of albums, any chance of Flickr album embeds yet? the site produces HTML embed code already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something to test...

As many of you have probably noticed, Imgur now only supports a single album layout (the phone-friendly vertical scroll).  While older albums created using the horizontal layout or other arrangements still display in those old layouts, new albums cannot be created in the older layouts.

I recently discovered that you can force newly-created albums into using the old, better, horizontal paged layout that the forum software seemed to like by appending "/layout/horizontal" to the end of the album URL.

Squad reps...  Can the Imgur album embedding feature be turned back on temporarily and adjusted to include "/layout/horizontal" at the end of the URL to test if new albums forced into the old horizontal layout will embed properly in forum posts? 

EDIT - Never mind...  Imgur just broke this feature, too.  I'm officially looking for a simple photo/album host to replace Imgur.  Any good suggestions?


Edited by RoboRay
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  • 2 weeks later...

When imgur went and horribled up it's albums, sorry, made them mobile friendly, I belligerently refused to have any part of it on KerbalX and I'm still embedding albums in the old way (with the black background), and it still works just mostly fine.  The only issue is with positioning of description text and the cog in the top right doesn't do anything but other than that they're ok. As far as making them mobile responsive, I put them inside a responsive container and set the album width as 100% and that works fine (just needs a page reload to adjust height if you change the page width while looking at it, but if you're on a mobile or not changing browser width then that's not an issue). 

I'm embedding them like this (it's the frameboarder="0" that's the key IIRC);

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="650" frameborder="0" src="https://imgur.com/a/9SP2s/embed" style="height: 665px;"></iframe>

ie on this craft - https://kerbalx.com/estyles/mossy-41

Can we not go back to that old way on here and have them more functional than they are now?



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  On 10/19/2016 at 10:25 PM, katateochi said:

I'm embedding them like this (it's the frameboarder="0" that's the key IIRC);

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="650" frameborder="0" src="https://imgur.com/a/9SP2s/embed" style="height: 665px;"></iframe>



Your timing on this is amusing, we were testing nearly this exact embed today (only minor difference in height). It has some minor glitches when automated with an editor button which wouldn't make it unusable (Gear icon not working, some clipping of images depending on browser window width and image aspect ratio) but more critically, in testing the embed button does not create an embed at all on certain browsers. We're working on it.

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  On 10/20/2016 at 12:24 AM, Red Iron Crown said:

the embed button does not create an embed at all on certain browsers


which browsers cause issues?
Are you doing the embedding on the client side in JS? On KX it's done server side so should be browser agnostic.

  On 10/20/2016 at 12:24 AM, Red Iron Crown said:

Your timing on this is amusing, we were testing nearly this exact embed today (only minor difference in height).


sorry, I did mean to post about this sooner!
The height I set is just set so it has a value, but then it gets overridden by some javascript that adjusts it according to the width of the container it's in. But that does make an assumption about the aspect ratio. 

    var new_height = (($(e).width()/4) * 3) + 50
    if(new_height < 350){ new_height = 350}
    $(e).height( new_height )
    var div = $(e).parents(".craft_page_widget")
    $(div).animate({height: new_height}, 200 );


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen it done before on some mod posts, but I've never figured out how they do it. I would like to know so I can just dump a screenshot album without copy+pasting each of the pictures (and subsequently taking up a bunch of space).

Also not sure if this is the right place to post this, but since it's more about the website than KSP itself I figured it might be.

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