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[1.11.1] Hullcam VDS Continued


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/4/2021 at 11:01 AM, Aahz88 said:


A while ago I made some new camera models  for hullcam (see album). @linuxgurugamercan I add the models to your mod or should I upload them as a new mod?  The new models do not replace any of the originals, it just adds new ones. They also include module manager patches for Neptune camera and LaserDist. 



Parts and description:

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  • Hazzard cameras - small durable, simple. Comes in black and white. Ask your sales rep about the super-wide angle model.
  • AeroCam* - good for attaching to boosters and airplanes. Comes in regular and 180.
  • MunCam* - a bit grainy but perfect for filming your golf tournament on the Mun.
  • TurretCam* - High quality camera with a long zoom. Good for navigation and science. (Rotation not included)
  • NavCam* - Two high quality cameras. One has night vision. Using Neptune camera, you can take stereoscopic images to see Duna in 3d for the first time!
  • ChemCam** - Not a camera! For science. Shoots a laser at rocks and then analyzes the smoke . Has an attachment specifically suited to the NavCam.


* Neptune camera patch

**LaserDist patch

The only thing I never figured out is how to give the ChemCam a proper science experiment. Currently it just has ModuleResourceScanner and ModuleBiomeScanner.  It deserves better.  


Spectacular! (pun intended)

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, ElonsMusk said:

I apologize if this is listed in this thread or elsewhere I tried to find it.

What are the options for changing controls in settings.cfg? Is there a masterlist of accepted strings?

edit: Is this what I am looking for?

Which "settings.cfg", the stock game?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I installed the Extra Docking Ports mod and the Hull cams aren't showing up on the ports from this mod.  What config criteria is used in Hull Cam during loading to determine whether it puts its module on a part?  Of course I could just manually edit cfg files, but I at least want to see if getting either EDP or HC to add an entry to work with the other it would help more ppl.  I also noticed that the Pico Ports don't get a hull cam.  I would have figured that Hull Cam would just look for ModuleDockingPort and go with that, but now I'm thinking something else must be happening

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3 hours ago, darthgently said:

I installed the Extra Docking Ports mod and the Hull cams aren't showing up on the ports from this mod.  What config criteria is used in Hull Cam during loading to determine whether it puts its module on a part?  Of course I could just manually edit cfg files, but I at least want to see if getting either EDP or HC to add an entry to work with the other it would help more ppl.  I also noticed that the Pico Ports don't get a hull cam.  I would have figured that Hull Cam would just look for ModuleDockingPort and go with that, but now I'm thinking something else must be happening

Check the files in here. Looks like they add cameras to explicit part names:


It would probably be reasonable to add a patch that adds a camera to any part with a docking port module that doesn’t already have a camera module.


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7 hours ago, darthgently said:

I installed the Extra Docking Ports mod and the Hull cams aren't showing up on the ports from this mod.  What config criteria is used in Hull Cam during loading to determine whether it puts its module on a part?  Of course I could just manually edit cfg files, but I at least want to see if getting either EDP or HC to add an entry to work with the other it would help more ppl.  I also noticed that the Pico Ports don't get a hull cam.  I would have figured that Hull Cam would just look for ModuleDockingPort and go with that, but now I'm thinking something else must be happening

Try the Docking Camera KURS, it should work without any problem

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5 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

It would probably be reasonable to add a patch that adds a camera to any part with a docking port module that doesn’t already have a camera module.

The issue is, the HullCamera & KURS modules both need to define a specific gameobject name for reference to use as a camera transform, *or* someone needs to fiddle around with finding good x,y,z coords and orientation to specify in the patch.

Patches to add camera support to existing parts is pretty easy, *if* there is already a suitable gameobject in the model to use.

Docking ports are generally easy, since you can just piggyback/use the transform the model uses for docking reference. Might have to tweak the position on on one axis to get the "depth" right, so the view is not occluded by the mesh, but pretty easy to add support.

@darthgently I would recommend bringing up HC/KURS/Neptune camera support, on those mods' respective threads. Like I said, its very easy to add the necessary support patches. and those mods' devs would be most familiar with their models, and would be easier  for *them* to add support on their end, and take a load off LGG, who has plenty of other work to do.

Edited by Stone Blue
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@linuxgurugamer, this is just a bump/placeholder for this forum as you were involved in the thread below.  It was suggested that I suggest here that support for HullCam on your docking ports be rolled into your mod.  You mentioned in the thread below using the Docking Camera KURS but I wasn't sure if you meant some part placement in the editor or a cfg modification; I'll sort that out.  But anyway, posting this as a follow-through thing
See this post for details:

I figured out you meant the mod Docking Camera KURS, I'll give it a go, thanks!

Edited by darthgently
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5 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

The issue is, the HullCamera & KURS modules both need to define a specific gameobject name for reference to use as a camera transform, *or* someone needs to fiddle around with finding good x,y,z coords and orientation to specify in the patch.

Hullcam uses the ModuleDockingNode, it will work on any docking port which  uses that module

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7 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Hullcam uses the ModuleDockingNode, it will work on any docking port which  uses that module

Now if only it also worked for ModuleGrappleNode, lol.   I should have mentioned that with that other list of alternative dock ports but forgot.  I really like the Hullcam view when docking.  The crosshair is much more accurate than using either the navball centering or even Docking Port Alignment Indicator and the onscreen axial velocity info is very useful

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8 hours ago, darthgently said:

Now if only it also worked for ModuleGrappleNode, lol.   I should have mentioned that with that other list of alternative dock ports but forgot.  I really like the Hullcam view when docking.  The crosshair is much more accurate than using either the navball centering or even Docking Port Alignment Indicator and the onscreen axial velocity info is very useful

Interesting idea.

Looked pretty simple.  You can try this, I added a code block which gets the transform from the ModuleGrappleNode if there isn't a ModuleDockingNode:

Edit:  didn't work, I took a deeper look and there is more to deal with than what I originally thought.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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12 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Interesting idea.

Looked pretty simple.  You can try this, I added a code block which gets the transform from the ModuleGrappleNode if there isn't a ModuleDockingNode:

Edit:  didn't work, I took a deeper look and there is more to deal with than what I originally thought.

Was the issue that the camera view was blocked by the jaws of the grabber?  I was wondering if that might be an issue

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On 2/4/2022 at 7:14 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

IYou can try this, I added a code block which gets the transform from the ModuleGrappleNode if there isn't a ModuleDockingNode:

Edit:  didn't work, I took a deeper look and there is more to deal with than what I originally thought.

@linuxgurugamer Is the mod already capable of being able to use any transform or gameobject, if said object is specified in the .cfg with a key? Say a "cameraTransform"? If so, could it also over-ride using the docking/grapple node transforms, if the key is present?

I've been poking around the stock Grapplers, and the issue seems to be the camera gets stuck using the docking node, which does not move (not animated with the grapple claw mesh), thus its occluded by the claw mesh. If the mod could be pointed at a transform/object that was childed in the claw hierarchy, the camera would animate with it.
I think the mod *can* specify location coords, to offset it from a docking node, meaning you *could* place it out in front of the limit of the animated meshes, so it wouldnt be occluded by the meshes... But that seems unrealistic, and wouldnt be quite accurate when whatever part is retracted.

I would ask if, and say that the same applies to KURS?

IIRC, NeptuneCamera has code to specify specific transforms in .cfg, with "cameraTransform", if you need to peek at it... vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  • 2 weeks later...

hi recently i have been experiencing an error with hullcam vds continued  the problem is that the aerocam which i use the most is no longer in my game i have re-downloaded multiple times from ckan and manualy i will link my logs below 


also all my mods i currently have installed


any help is very appreciated @linuxgurugamer

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32 minutes ago, IM_NOVACON_. said:

hi recently i have been experiencing an error with hullcam vds continued  the problem is that the aerocam which i use the most is no longer in my game i have re-downloaded multiple times from ckan and manualy i will link my logs below 


also all my mods i currently have installed


any help is very appreciated @linuxgurugamer

I would need the Player.log, please

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