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  On 2/11/2020 at 3:23 AM, StrandedonEarth said:

130+ hours wasted into Factorio, much to my wife's disgust...

Note to self: unload nuclear-tipped rockets from the rocket launcher when done nuking bug bases, so that you don't accidentally nuke a tree )and yourself) when trying to shoot it out of the way....


Also helps when you accidentally hit c while roaming your base.

In addition to Factorio, I just finished Gris (very good but kinda sad, and the puzzles are more "find the thing that does what you need in this huge area" than they are "solve this puzzle") and am playing Human Fall Flat (Hilariously fun and frustrating in a way that's similar to Goat Simulator and Grow Home, where most of the time the big constraint is that you just can't get the guy to do what you actually want)

I also started KSP again but that's beside the point :D

Edited by 5thHorseman
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I started a new Factorio map. This time Ribbon world. I opted for 24 tiles high, which I figured would be challenging enough, but without too much insane acrobatics needed for narrower maps (just regular acrobatics). I cleaned up the only biter nest on my "island" so, I'm safe from biter from now. My initial "island" is a bit short on coal (only 12k in starting area, and about 600k about a minute walk from base. On one side the island stretches for about 5 minute walk and there is some oil just on the other side of water, so that's good. On the other side, about two minute walk is about 4 M of iron ore and more biters, so I'm not sure which way to head to look for more coal, which I suspect I will need eventually, haven't decided yet.

In any case I just automated red and green science and I'm preparing for some military conquest and to explore more area. Since the width of map is quite substantial I think I'll make a paved and conveyored highway from end to end.

I'm also confining myself to leave some room for train tracks,  which I already see as problematic since I insist on two track system, but also would like to have some sort of small bus for materials. The green science setup already takes more than half of the map height, so I'm not sure how that will work out. Fun times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ARK: Survival Evolved.  It's 80% off at the time of writing this, so I snagged it, and jumped in, completely bewildered. After a 15 minute tutorial, I was playing and hooked.  Two friends got it and now we have a private server set up that any one of us can jump in at any time and do whatever.  (I can't stand playing with people online I don't know, especially in a persistent environment that's supposed to be cooperative)

It's been insanely addictive.

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  On 3/4/2020 at 8:48 PM, Geonovast said:

ARK: Survival Evolved


Run while you can. I got hooked about a year and a half ago during summer. I had to consciously quit it because I realized it was using too much time. The taming is what gets you.

Anyway, C# Aurora 4x is about to hit the shelves (end of March), so I'm preparing for that.

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  On 3/9/2020 at 4:14 PM, Shpaget said:

The taming is what gets you


Yesterday I tamed a pair of raptors simultaneously while being stalked by a Therizinosaur.  Or as, I like to call them, a Murder Chicken.

I managed to get them tamed even with me dying in the process.  One's black, one's green.  I want to find a red one so I can name them after the dragons in GoT...


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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon rescue team DX(Why is the name so long)

I have been a PMD fan since I picked up Super(That game is really good and the OST is great),so this was a day one buy for me.

It's a nice game that makes you question your sanity and wonder if you are playing pokemon or dark souls.Like no really in a few hits you are dead,with the only exepcion being boses that two shots you(actually no there are some that one shoted.....my entire team.....on a dungeon with 40 floors...   I hate you Kyogre)

My only complain is the story,it was really basic,it had a few nice ideas but it never expanded over them.

The post game is long tho,it has like 15 chapters 

Another one I have been playing is from the same franchise,Explorers of the sky.On my WiiU

I bought it like one month ago,i've been listening to the music from the game a while ago and people in the coments really liked the game,so i decided to give it a try

Well this one easily takes place on my top 10 favourite games,the gameplay was nice,the story had some good twists and the soundtrack is really good

Oh and I love the virtual console on the WiiU it's save feature saved me many times.

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  • 2 weeks later...


It's an interesting little dice-roller game that is currently on sale for $1.49 on Steam; so thought I'd give it a shot.

I like it...  and your ship looks like something that was assembled by Kerbals.  I may actually try to build something similar in KSP now!

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Mixed bag the last few days

Touhou 14&16 (about like 15 percent of my VGing) [Easy modo 1cc is Easy modo (and 1cc)]

Minecraft (about like 50 percent of my VGing) [Mostly due to me starting an SMP w/ my friends on a discord]

Beat Hazard (about like 10 percent of my VGing) [I think I’m going blind from 200% visual intensity]

Super Smash Brothers Ultimate (about like 25 of my VGing) [Marx and Rathalos are 2 deaths each guaranteed on hard]



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