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Thank you for everything and good luck!


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Thank you @Arsonide@Claw, @Mu.@NathanKell@Porkjet, @Romfarer, @sarbian and @taniwha for this outstanding game!

You managed to create something that changed the lives, interests and also the understandig of space and spacetravel from many of us. KSP is by far the game i have played and loved the most!
You kept on constantly updating this game for such a long time and shaping it the way you visioned it to be. There is no other game i know of that gets free content updates for such a long time.

Therefore thank you that you have let us take part in your vision of this masterpiece and the best of luck and success for all you futurer plans!

PS: Let me know, if you ever happen to come near to Rostock, Germany so i can buy you a drink!

Edited by Nils277
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On 6/10/2016 at 1:43 PM, Higgs said:

No. It has not. Here's why.

1. They make these announcements in other locations first. This forum is 100% dedicated to KSP. Reddit is not. 4chan is not. Neither is CNN or Fox News. THIS FORUM. 

2. Take @sarbian a recent addition to Squad, and now has quit?!? When a NEW HIRE jumps ship THAT fast, its not an indication of a healthy company, its an indication of a company that is getting sick.

3. Take the rocket parts beauty pass. SQUAD released them as an asset package to be made into a MOD. They do this knowing that they are actively excluding people who for what ever reason cannot or will not mod KSP.

I can go on, but, this is NOT a good sign. Period. Bad things for KSP this way come.

Excuse me, I have a doomsday bunker to fuel, stock and hide in.

Please.... proof that he "quit" .... all we know he left.... so, either provide proof he quit or retract your libellous statement....

Please.... proof again, its needed or your statement is a lie...

As far as I know, he was a short term recruit, from the time he was hired to the release of 1.2 ..... so, provide proof or retract....

Edited by kiwi1960
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i'm confused.

So for whatever reason (new horizons/contract finished) the mod makers (of the leaving grp)....

Why would they Stop maintaining their mods?

Have they said they will no longer be working on them?

Was there a clause in the contract saying they couldn't have anything to do with ksp when they left?


I'm just wondering why if someone leaves the team at ksp it is automatically assumed that that person wil never resume their place in the community as a mod maintainer/creator?

have each of the guys said anything to this effect?

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Frankly, just reading a few of the pages in this thread, there has been far too much childish whining, moaning, and arguing about everything under the sun, and not nearly enough of this...

Nils277 wrote :


Thank you @Arsonide@Claw, @Mu.@NathanKell@Porkjet, @Romfarer, @sarbian and @taniwha for this outstanding game!

You managed to create something that changed the lives,....

It doesn't matter how, where or why these guys announced that they decided to leave KSP's dev team. At all.

They've made a massive contribution to this game, and have shaped its style and substance.

The game is in far better shape now than it was before these guys came on board, and everyone should be universally thanking them. Even after joining the dev team, they still carried on doing extra work in their own time for their mods. I don't think most people comprehend how monumental of a task it was to migrate an entire game from Unity 4.whatever to Unity 5, nor the scale of the problems involved.

The stuff they've produced after that has given a real polish to the product. You couldn't ask for more from them. Top notch stuff, guys, thanks.

If anyone had read the latest devnotes, it seems clear there will be new guys added for the hinted plans for an expansion or two. So all the doom-mongerers aren't worth listening to, either.

It's a sad day, but sometimes a fresh impetus and a new set of eyes with a fresh perspective can be good for a project. 

Here's to looking forward to the exciting upcoming announcements and reveals.

Edited by Stevie_D
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4 hours ago, Stevie_D said:

Frankly, just reading a few of the pages in this thread, there has been far too much childish whining, moaning, and arguing about everything under the sun, and not nearly enough of this...

Nils277 wrote :

It doesn't matter how, where or why these guys announced that they decided to leave KSP's dev team. At all.

They've made a massive contribution to this game, and have shaped its style and substance.

The game is in far better shape now than it was before these guys came on board, and everyone should be universally thanking them. Even after joining the dev team, they still carried on doing extra work in their own time for their mods. I don't think most people comprehend how monumental of a task it was to migrate an entire game from Unity 4.whatever to Unity 5, nor the scale of the problems involved.

The stuff they've produced after that has given a real polish to the product. You couldn't ask for more from them. Top notch stuff, guys, thanks.

If anyone had read the latest devnotes, it seems clear there will be new guys added for the hinted plans for an expansion or two. So all the doom-mongerers aren't worth listening to, either.

It's a sad day, but sometimes a fresh impetus and a new set of eyes with a fresh perspective can be good for a project. 

Here's to looking forward to the exciting upcoming announcements and reveals.

Not nearly enough that's for sure.

Thanks you   @Arsonide@Claw, @Mu.@NathanKell@Porkjet, @Romfarer, @sarbian and @taniwha

I'm <censored> by the fools that posted earlier in this thread.
SQUAD is bad at communicating : Where did you live the previous 10 years ? Do you find that EA, Ubisoft or Blizzard communicate as much as SQUAD ?
SQUAD must explain what's going on : No, paying KSP did not entitled you to have that kind of info. What you deserve is already in your hard drive, and it's DRM free !

It's not a sad day ; It's a time of changes, at most.
Only the miss-oriented passion of some is darkening the future of this game. Fortunately, this won't have any effect.

Again, Thanks you   @Arsonide@Claw, @Mu.@NathanKell@Porkjet, @Romfarer, @sarbian and @taniwha !!!!!

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5 hours ago, C04L said:

I'm just wondering why if someone leaves the team at ksp it is automatically assumed that that person wil never resume their place in the community as a mod maintainer/creator?

It seems to be a pattern that when someone leaves Squad, they drop out of KSP completely.  Not that it always happens, just that it's been seen to happen quite often.

It's understandable that if the employee in question left on bad terms, they might not want to be involved any more.  (Of course, not every employee leaves on bad terms, nor am I assuming that is the case with this group.)

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All of you that have posted before me have pretty much said what I would have, but I do have words of my own.

When I got KSP over two and a half years ago, I was awestruck. This game changed my life. KSP has been the sole reason that I have become interested in space exploration and science, and ultimately the reason why I became a member of the astronomy community. 

This game has changed me and helped me decide on my future. I want to be an astronaut or work at JPL or Caltech or SpaceX. KSP has made science a whole new world to me, and it saddens me that this game seems to be at an end. I don't know enough about SQUAD's policies to like or dislike what they're doing, but there are clouds on the horizon and a storm approaching. Whether the game, community and dev team can survive is not up to solely the community, it is up to SQUAD. 

To those at SQUAD, I do ask of you to not ruin the game with DLC and other EA-like nonsense. Keep it how it is and has been. Even if no more updates can be made, the community will be around until the game is no longer available for purchase. Just don't mess it up. Please.

And on a last note, I think this poem (which many of you have heard of) by Dylan Thomas eloquently expresses my thoughts.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

- Zane, freshman student


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I noticed that in my career I had ups and downs, sometimes I even lost hope for my job that I usually loved. For whatever reasons that happened, internal or external, real problems or misunderstandings. I would like to wish you not to loose hope and continue the great work you do, for the game I loved and love, thank you SQUAD :)

P.S.: People usually take action when something is wrong, not when something is good. Many people who would wish the same might not take action because its alright:) 
P.S.S: If you think squad deserves a support now you should show it, or they might thing that we don't appreciate their work.. you know for reasons...

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11 hours ago, kiwi1960 said:

Please.... proof that he "quit" .... all we know he left.... so, either provide proof he quit or retract your libellous statement....

Please.... proof again, its needed or your statement is a lie...

As far as I know, he was a short term recruit, from the time he was hired to the release of 1.2 ..... so, provide proof or retract....

@kiwi1960 The proof is the reddit post made earlier this week in which his name appears with other devs who left. When a person leaves his or her job by means other than being fired or retirement it is by definition quitting. Thats my proof kind sir.

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20 hours ago, Higgs said:

@kiwi1960 The proof is the reddit post made earlier this week in which his name appears with other devs who left. When a person leaves his or her job by means other than being fired or retirement it is by definition quitting. Thats my proof kind sir.

PROVE they QUIT!!!!! Where does it say they quit.... come on... WHERE.... all it says is they are leaving, it never said they quit... PROOF or retraction!!!!

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2 hours ago, Higgs said:

@kiwi1960 The proof is the reddit post made earlier this week in which his name appears with other devs who left. When a person leaves his or her job by means other than being fired or retirement it is by definition quitting. Thats my proof kind sir.

Quitting their jobs as paid by Squad, that yes. Quitting developing mods for KSP and being active on the community? Like I said, at least one of them has already updated a mod.

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@kiwi1960 I have proved it to you. The reddit post by one of the devs that says who is leaving is the proof. They are not retiring, they were not fired. They quit their job at Squad. It is that simple. You do not like this truth that is not my concern. You will not bully me into retracting a truthful statement simply because you cannot accept the truth.

I publicly state that I have spoken TRUTH. I publicly state I will not bow to bully tactics and retract a truthful statement because it is disagreeable to you.

Accept it or not.  I frankly do not care what you think sir. I wish you well. Once this reply goes live, I will no longer acknowledge your replies on the subject in which this debate has occurred. Fair you well.

@monstah Quitting squad =\= quitting a player developed mod.

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For a thread with "thank you" in the title, there is an awful lot of uninformed speculation, doom-and-gloom, and acrimonious argument going on here. Please save that for other threads, or better yet, drop it entirely and just use this thread to express appreciation for the people who did good work for our enjoyment. 

Thank you, gentlemen. 

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@Higgs sarbian did not quit. If you had bothered to read the post by nestor that I linked earlier, you would see that he was brought in on a short-term contract to work on 1.2, and 1.2 only. 

Once 1.2 was done, there was no reason for him to stick around. Saying that he quit implies that he left before his work was done. He did not. He finished what he was there for. 

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20 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

Some overlapping threads have been merged. 

fair enough, but then when you post this....

21 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

For a thread with "thank you" in the title, there is an awful lot of uninformed speculation, doom-and-gloom, and acrimonious argument going on here. Please save that for other threads, or better yet, drop it entirely and just use this thread to express appreciation for the people who did good work for our enjoyment. 

Thank you, gentlemen. 

Then maybe, just maybe, that was caused when you merged threads...

But I happen to agree with you... this time. :)


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4 hours ago, kiwi1960 said:

PROVE they QUIT!!!!!

You're quibbling about a technicality there. Whether the developers resigned, were fired, or had temporary contracts that were not renewed, I don't think it makes much difference to either the future of KSP or the positiveness of Squad's staff relations.

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22 hours ago, cantab said:

You're quibbling about a technicality there. Whether the developers resigned, were fired, or had temporary contracts that were not renewed, I don't think it makes much difference to either the future of KSP or the positiveness of Squad's staff relations.

Yes, you are probably technically right... just like these entire forums doesn't matter to the existence and future of the solar system...

Are you familiar with the legal term: defamation?

There is a very big difference to quitting, being fired... or having left Squad... these people are suggesting they quit... that implies Squad is a bad employer and may affect their chances of getting decent game devs in the future...

So while you are technically correct... you are also very wrong. Mud sticks....


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