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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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2 hours ago, Ravlain said:

Anyone seen anything like this before? Low over Iota, in 2.5 rescale.

I've never seen anything like your first screenshot.  That being said, ghosting can occur when rescaling if you don't refresh the cache, though it usually doesn't look like your screenshot.  If you haven't already done so, I recommend deleting the .bin files located inside the GPP/Cache folder, and restarting.

Edited by OhioBob
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10 hours ago, Ravlain said:

Anyone seen anything like this before? Low over Iota, in 2.5 rescale.


Looking forward is fine, but any other direction produces multiple overlaid images as the view moves.


Iota is the first body I've been close to, but the only similar issue I've seen on Gael is a ghost GSC for a couple of seconds after loading in.

Logs etc are available if needed.

I had this exact problem; the fix is to turn off temporal anti-aliasing (TAA) in Scatterer.

The cause is the outdated version of Scatterer that GPP requires. This specific bug is fixed in a later version of Scatterer that is not compatible with GPP (yet).

See here:


Edited by bigyihsuan
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4 hours ago, bigyihsuan said:

I had this exact problem; the fix is to turn off temporal anti-aliasing (TAA) in Scatterer.

The cause is the outdated version of Scatterer that GPP requires. This specific bug is fixed in a later version of Scatterer that is not compatible with GPP (yet).

See here:


Thanks @bigyihsuan that was exactly the issue :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

can someone please explain and help me fix this PINK crap. It happens with a completely fresh install and with GPP downloaded and installed through CKAN. It happens with a completely fresh install and GPP manually downloaded and installed along with all dependencies also installed manually. No extra mods added besides only GPP and what GPP needs. It's so annoying.


Plz help.


<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/vfOQWgg" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/vfOQWgg"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>



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31 minutes ago, Astra Infinitum said:

can someone please explain and help me fix this PINK crap. It happens with a completely fresh install and with GPP downloaded and installed through CKAN. It happens with a completely fresh install and GPP manually downloaded and installed along with all dependencies also installed manually. No extra mods added besides only GPP and what GPP needs. It's so annoying.


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  • 2 weeks later...
30 minutes ago, urturino said:

Please, help me. I can't load the game, it say "Kopernicus was not able to load the custom planetary system due to an exception in the loading process"

It looks like Kerbin isn't loading.  According to the logs,

[LOG 15:58:45]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Loader: Failed to load Body: Kerbin: Default constructor not found for type UnityEngine.Material

I don't know what that error means, however.  I need to see what and how you have your mods installed.  Can you provide a screenshot of your GameData folder?

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3 hours ago, OhioBob said:

It looks like Kerbin isn't loading.  According to the logs,

[LOG 15:58:45]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Loader: Failed to load Body: Kerbin: Default constructor not found for type UnityEngine.Material

I don't know what that error means, however.  I need to see what and how you have your mods installed.  Can you provide a screenshot of your GameData folder?

I have a lot of mod, but even after i removed all of they, i still have the same error.


I don't want stock system, why is it trying to load Kerbin?

I am trying to reset everything and start from zero.

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45 minutes ago, urturino said:

I have a lot of mod, but even after i removed all of they, i still have the same error.


I don't want stock system, why is it trying to load Kerbin?

I am trying to reset everything and start from zero.


I did it! I don't even know how, but now it works.

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3 hours ago, urturino said:

I don't want stock system, why is it trying to load Kerbin?

The internal name of the home world is always Kerbin, although it can be given a different display name.  What you see when playing the game is the display name, which in GPP is Gael.  But all the configs reference the home world by the name Kerbin.  This is true of any planet pack.

3 hours ago, urturino said:

I did it! I don't even know how, but now it works.

Glad to hear it.

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I've started a new career using (among many other mods) this pack, CTT, and Strategia. I discovered that the Private Industry strategies get pretty overpowered when your tech tree is several times larger than stock. It's also not affected by lowering the science multiplier in the difficulty settings. I don't think changing the strategy multiplier to also use the difficulty multiplier is possible with just Module Manager patches, due to load order issues. It may be possible with DLL updates.

Barring that, I did make a MM patch to reduce the Private Industry bonuses across the board. Feel free to tweak to your liking.

// reduce bonuses for Private Industry strategy
    // science bonus per unresearched tech
        @multiplier,0 = 0.2
        @multiplier,1 = 0.3
        @multiplier,2 = 0.4
    // tech research costs
        @minValue = 0.8
        @maxValue = 0.8

    // launch costs
        @minValue = 0.35
        @maxValue = 0.35


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On 9/28/2022 at 9:51 PM, MacJSteele said:

Hello, do you have to do something different from the vanilla game in order to get new recruits? I have the Astronaut Complex at its max level and no new recruits are available to higher.

I don't know what the problem is, but it could be the kerbal renamer.  You might try deleting the folder GPP_Renamer.  I'm not sure what happens to an existing save if you do that, however.  It would be a good idea to backup your save beforehand.  You might have to start a new game. 

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On 6/14/2022 at 11:09 AM, Leganeski said:

However, I cannot figure out why Catullus's tidal locking to Gauss is stable. If I'm understanding tidal forces correctly, Gauss from a distance of 57 Mm exerts a tidal force of 6.82 · 10-10 m/s2 per meter (which, at the radius of Catullus, comes out to 0.000818 m/s2). Meanwhile, Tarsiss is much smaller than Gauss but also much closer to Catullus, and I'm finding that its tidal force from 6 Mm away is 1.581 · 10-9 m/s2 per meter (0.001897 m/s2 at the surface of Catullus), more than twice as much as that of Gauss.

I don't know the exact process of how tidal locking works, but wouldn't this mean that Catullus should be tidally locked to Tarsiss or at least rotate at a speed somewhere in between, balanced by competing forces from Tarsiss and Gauss?

Of course, I could easily be making an error somewhere or missing something important, and I wouldn't be surprised if there is some other reason for Catullus's rotational period.

I've done some further studying of this situation.  While I agree with your numbers, I think we are dealing with what is an impossible system.  According to my calculations, Tarsiss would very quickly become tidally locked to Catullus, and Catullus' rotation would begin to slow due to tidal forces from both Gauss and Tarsiss.  But at the same time, Catullus would migrate away from Gauss, and Tarsiss from Catullus.  Tarsiss' migration would greatly lessen its tidal force on Catullus, causing Gauss' tidal force to become dominate.  By my estimates, Tarsiss would escape Catullus' sphere of influnce, and Catullus would become tidally locked to Gauss.

I'm not an expert on this, so I can't guarantee the veracity of my calculations.  But the entire system as it exists in GPP appears to be artistic license.  There is certainly nothing wrong with your calculations, but Tarsiss just seems to be in an orbit that it would never occupy in real life.  And since the likely real-life outcome would have Catullus becoming tidally to Gauss, I'm inclined to keep the system as it currently is.


@Leganeski, I might consider moving Tarsiss' orbit from its current 6,000 km out to 8,000 km.  This would reduce the tidal force from Tarsiss to just barely below that from Gauss, thus removing the conflict and making things more mathematically palatable.  Tarsiss would still be well inside the Hills sphere, so the orbit should be stable.  And hopefully it wouldn't be big enough of a change to significantly alter things visually.

Edited by OhioBob
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18 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

I've done some further studying of this situation.  While I agree with your numbers, I think we are dealing with what is an impossible system.  According to my calculations, Tarsiss would very quickly become tidally locked to Catullus, and Catullus' rotation would begin to slow due to tidal forces from both Gauss and Tarsiss.  But at the same time, Catullus would to migrate away from Gauss, and Tarsiss from Catullus.  Tarsiss' migration would greatly lessen its tidal force on Catullus, causing Gauss' tidal force to become dominate.  By my estimates, Tarsiss would escape Catullus' sphere of influnce, and Catullus would become tidally locked to Gauss.

This seems completely reasonable, assuming Catullus was initially rotating quickly.

23 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

Tarsiss just seems to be in an orbit that it would never occupy in real life.

You're right; it certainly wouldn't be in its current orbit if it had formed as a regular satellite of Catullus. This means that it must have been somehow introduced to the system later, probably after Catullus was already locked to Gauss.

I'm probably even less of an expert on this than you are, but I do have a guess as to how Tarsiss could have ended up where it is now. It could have formed independently, and then happened to get captured by Catullus at the end of a chaotic interaction with the Gauss-Catullus binary. After that, it would be orbiting faster than Catullus's rotation, and would slowly migrate inwards, eventually reaching its current orbit. I have no idea how long this would take, but it doesn't seem completely implausible.

Tarsiss would transfer angular momentum from its orbit to Catullus's rotation. Initially, all of it would then be immediately transferred to the Gauss-Catullus binary orbit, causing the planets to migrate farther apart from each other and (I think) Catullus to remain locked to Gauss. However, as Tarsiss spirals inwards, its tidal force would eventually overtake that of Gauss, causing Catullus's rotation to become unlocked. It does seem unlikely that Tarsiss would have enough time to lock Catullus to itself, especially with Gauss constantly extracting angular momentum from the Catullus-Tarsiss system, but it would definitely speed up Catullus's rotation somewhat by the time it reached its current orbit.

41 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

But the entire system as it exists in GPP appears to be artistic license.

Of course, the process I described is pure speculation, and as a mod developer, you're free to do anything you want. Leaving Catullus alone is a totally valid decision, and lets it retain all of the challenge it is known for. (Reducing its rotation period would reduce the delta-V required to get to orbit, and make aerobraking safer.)

What I was trying to say is that even ignoring the history of the system, Catullus's current rotational period isn't stable in the long term with Tarsiss where it is now. This isn't a problem on its own, but the fact that it happens to be exactly equal to its orbital period is a coincidence that can't explained by the current tidal forces.

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23 minutes ago, Leganeski said:

This seems completely reasonable, assuming Catullus was initially rotating quickly.

Yes, that is the assumption.  All three bodies are rapidly rotating at the start.

23 minutes ago, Leganeski said:

You're right; it certainly wouldn't be in its current orbit if it had formed as a regular satellite of Catullus. This means that it must have been somehow introduced to the system later, probably after Catullus was already locked to Gauss.

I'm probably even less of an expert on this than you are, but I do have a guess as to how Tarsiss could have ended up where it is now. It could have formed independently, and then happened to get captured by Catullus at the end of a chaotic interaction with the Gauss-Catullus binary. After that, it would be orbiting faster than Catullus's rotation, and would slowly migrate inwards, eventually reaching its current orbit. I have no idea how long this would take, but it doesn't seem completely implausible.

Tarsiss would transfer angular momentum from its orbit to Catullus's rotation. Initially, all of it would then be immediately transferred to the Gauss-Catullus binary orbit, causing the planets to migrate farther apart from each other and (I think) Catullus to remain locked to Gauss. However, as Tarsiss spirals inwards, its tidal force would eventually overtake that of Gauss, causing Catullus's rotation to become unlocked. It does seem unlikely that Tarsiss would have enough time to lock Catullus to itself, especially with Gauss constantly extracting angular momentum from the Catullus-Tarsiss system, but it would definitely speed up Catullus's rotation somewhat by the time it reached its current orbit.

Interesting hypothesis.  I might have to study this in more detail when I get a chance.

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  • 1 month later...
7 minutes ago, Graploos said:

Has anyone ever shared a config to enable additional launch sites with 2.5 rescale installed? 

Currently i just have 'ksc 2' as a secondary option, but that spawns me on top of a build most of the time.

 Did you install Kerbal Konstructs?

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7 hours ago, Graploos said:

Yes. But launch sites are disabled in the config if you have the 2.5 rescale version installed.

I play GPP at 2.5x and alternate KK launchsites are working for me. IIRC these are the installation pains I had getting it to work:

  • At first I tried an obsolete rescale mod. After I found the official "GPP_Rescale" patch things started working much better.
  • Some of the bases were floating or stuck partly underground after rescaling. I had to use the KK adjustment menu at each base to shift the entire base onto flatter terrain. KK decals may offer an alternate way to fix things by flattening terrain after rescaling, but I am not a KK expert and I brute forced the position of an entire base at a time. For my primary laucnh site, though, I spent more time editing individual buildings.



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  • 2 months later...

@OhioBob @Galileo i've been trying to use/get the suits working from ...\GPP\GPP_Replacements\Suits\... but i still can never get them to show up in suit selection. I have all sigma replacement mods installed. Is that how sigma replacement suits/heads works? Im just assuming it was gonna work like texture replacements where you can choose the heads and suits, and it had an app button on the toolbar. Which leads me to my next issue, the replacement heads. I have no way of selecting different heads from the \\GPP\GPP_Replacements\Heads.. either. Do i need to install TextureReplacer as well along with sigma replacement mods?


Main issue: i want to be abkle to access and choose/pick the suits from GPP_Replacements and the heads from GPP_Replacements.... so how do I do that? 


Or can i not do it and the game just puts them it automatically?


Hope to hear from you, Thanks in advance for your time.

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1 hour ago, Astra Infinitum said:

@OhioBob @Galileo i've been trying to use/get the suits working from ...\GPP\GPP_Replacements\Suits\... but i still can never get them to show up in suit selection. I have all sigma replacement mods installed. Is that how sigma replacement suits/heads works? Im just assuming it was gonna work like texture replacements where you can choose the heads and suits, and it had an app button on the toolbar. Which leads me to my next issue, the replacement heads. I have no way of selecting different heads from the \\GPP\GPP_Replacements\Heads.. either. Do i need to install TextureReplacer as well along with sigma replacement mods?

I've never used any of the replacement stuff, so I don't know how it is supposed to work, or even if it does work.  All the replacement stuff is scheduled to be removed from the next GPP version.

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On 1/19/2023 at 7:03 PM, OhioBob said:

I've never used any of the replacement stuff, so I don't know how it is supposed to work, or even if it does work.  All the replacement stuff is scheduled to be removed from the next GPP version.

oh darn! The heads and suits really look nice! From what I gathered it looked like whoever created all created heads, created them for each of the people involved with working in GPP?  At least thats what i assumed from the naming. I thought that was cool. Could yall try to keep them in? Maybe incorporate them to work with TextureReplacer?

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8 hours ago, Astra Infinitum said:

oh darn! The heads and suits really look nice! From what I gathered it looked like whoever created all created heads, created them for each of the people involved with working in GPP?  At least thats what i assumed from the naming. I thought that was cool. Could yall try to keep them in? Maybe incorporate them to work with TextureReplacer?

The renamer and replacements mods have been a source of occasional complaints and bugs since the beginning.  I've therefore decided to strip GPP of all the unnecessary frills and extras and just get down to the basics of providing a planet pack.  I just don't want to have to deal the the maintenance of all those extras.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So i just downloaded GPP. I have a bunch of other mods installed too. Whenever I enter the SOI of Ceti my game crashes. I can cheat it into orbit and its fine, only whe switching SOIs. Please help


other mods

USI (all of them)

KW rocketry rebalanced



Contract config


planetary bases

near futures



kerbal engineer

science reAlreted

flight manager for reusable stages

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