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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Mark One Laboratory Extensions (M.O.L.E.)

Angelo Kerman

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So, @Angel-125 - Don't know if you're aware (probably are) but there is an issue with the Corvette & Hemi-Cuda engines. In the VAB, they a number of problems:

  1. The engine does not appear in staging in the VAB. It does on the launchpad - this results in having to rearrange staging on the pad prior to launch.
  2. The shroud either doesn't appear OR both shrouds appear. This is irrespective of the two shroud buttons. (when first building a craft, no shroud. Go to the launchpad & revert to VAB, both shrouds). This is strictly cosmetic as the correct shroud shows on the launchpad, but if you're unfamiliar with the issue, it causes some concern.
  3. The 'variant' buttons appear to do nothing.

Latest version of MOLE, KSP 1.6

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Some good news: I've managed to straighten out the issues with the Fulcrum, Corvette, and Hemi Cuda. The issues stemmed from having more than 2 engine modes, which the game's FXModuleAnimateThrottle part module just can't handle. I had to drop the Propellium/Oxium engine mode in the Corvette and Hemi Cuda, but MOLE's engines will work with the stock delta-v calculator. Additionally, the Raptium/Oxium engine mode was available even when players weren't using Classic Stock, which means the game wouldn't know what to do about the non-existing resources. I've fixed that as well; Classic Stock users will get the Raptalox alternative fuel mode, non Classic Stock users will only have LiquidFuel/Oxidizer.

Additionally, I've patched my custom engine switcher and KER detects its changes. Right now though, I can't get the stock delta-v calculator to notice the changes due to the way it was designed. I think that what @SQUAD did is look for the first engine part module that it finds in the configuration, or barring that, look for a MultiModeEngine part module to find the active engine. I can tell this because the delta-v drops to 0 when I disable the first engine module (isEnabled = false) in, say, the Fulcrum, which runs LFO, and enable the second engine that runs Raptium/Oxidizer, and I've made sure to include the proper fuels in my test craft. My stuff would work better if the delta-v calculator had looked for the first enabled engine part module that it could find in the config file, and the calculator had an API to call that would re-scan the vessel to find the first enabled engine in the part when I switched enabled engine part modules. I'm not sure how to provide feedback on the calculator, perhaps @JPLRepo can point me in the right direction. :)

Lastly, I figured out what is going on with my multi-engine adapters- and for that matter, possibly other part modules that I've made. It seems that the VAB/SPH no longer calls the part module's OnStart when you grab an instance of the part and place it on the vessel. It does, thankfully, call OnAwake. Some code shuffling later, and I've got the adapters working again.

I'm doing some testing and refining and hope to have an update by the weekend. :)

Oh, and just one more thing..


I'm investigating revamping the Appaloosa to make it work with the new stock mk1 capsule. It's more than just a new paint job though...

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I have a question about the 'Skylab'-style solar telescope included with MOLE. The Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) was vertically in-line with the docking module during launch. Once in orbit, the mounting truss rotated it until it was perpendicular to the docking module. Is there a part that can do this in MOLE and/or are you thinking of making one? In its absence, how do you usually launch/deploy this part?

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35 minutes ago, Bombaatu said:

I have a question about the 'Skylab'-style solar telescope included with MOLE. The Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) was vertically in-line with the docking module during launch. Once in orbit, the mounting truss rotated it until it was perpendicular to the docking module. Is there a part that can do this in MOLE and/or are you thinking of making one? In its absence, how do you usually launch/deploy this part?

There isn't a part in MOLE that does this. It would require something like Infernal Robotics to work properly and still let you attach solar arrays. It's something I toyed with in the early days though. If you notice, the Solar Observatory has a probe core, SAS, reaction wheel, and even some MonoPropellant...

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10 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

There isn't a part in MOLE that does this. It would require something like Infernal Robotics to work properly and still let you attach solar arrays. It's something I toyed with in the early days though. If you notice, the Solar Observatory has a probe core, SAS, reaction wheel, and even some MonoPropellant...

So, basically put a docking port and some RCS on it. Gotcha ;)

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Mark One Laboratory Extensions is now available.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/MOLE/releases/tag/v1.17.1.0
- Fixed propellant issues with the Fulcrum, Corvette, and Hemi Cuda.
- Corvette and Hemi Cuda's Raptalox mode moved to Classic Stock only.
- Removed Proplox propellant option for Corvette and Hemi Cuda.
- Fixed issues with interstage adapter nodes.
- Fixed issues with WBIMultiModeEngine not reporting delta-v stats properly to Kerbal Engineer. NOTE: Stock delta-v won't recognize the engine switch. Nothing I can do for now...

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If I could get some help with the numbers in this, and the correct NEEDS tags so it only activates with EPL and USI's MKS mods I'd be grateful. It converts Equipment (WBI) into Material Kits and Specialised Parts (OSE workshop with MKS added)

Also, where do I put it to make it work?

	templateTags = workshop
	TechRequired = specializedConstruction
	description = Retool Equipment to produce Material kits.
	ConverterName = Retool Equipment
	StartActionName = Start retooling Equipment
	StopActionName = Stop retooling Equipment
	AutoShutdown = false
	GeneratesHeat = false
	UseSpecialistBonus = true
	SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
	SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
	ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
	EfficiencyBonus = 0.2995

	//Density: 0.0025

		ResourceName = Equipment
		Ratio = 0.1
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = ElectricCharge
		Ratio = 5
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

	//Density: 0.004
		ResourceName = Materialkits
		Ratio = 0.0625
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL

		ResourceName = SpecializedParts
		Ratio = 0.0625
		FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL


Edited by Sudragon
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19 hours ago, Sudragon said:

the correct NEEDS tags so it only activates with EPL and USI's MKS mods

I don't know of the specifics for the content of your patch as I don't use those mods, but NEEDS takes a comma separated list for multiple dependencies. The documentation is helpful for fun and interesting MM party tricks.

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  • 1 month later...

A little something to look forward to in Angel-125's next update to this mod. :)

Sorry for low quality. The recordings were only meant to be sufficient for sharing on Discord and I forgot that YouTube demands certain aspect ratios and frame sizes.


Edited by JadeOfMaar
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One of my favourite things about M.O.L.E is the modular SRMs. Regardless of whether my game is still in the approximately-Gemini-ish era, or as far advanced as exploring the outer planets with vast magnetoplasmadynamic-thruster-propelled interplanetary transports, no solid booster will be preferable to these.


I especially like the ability to angle the engine; it is a shame there are no other SRMs (that I know of) which allow this kind of feature, but these ones are certainly nice.

Of course, the rest of the mod is excellent as well; the SRMs are just on my mind right now because both of my most powerful rockets (in my current playthrough) rely on them.

And I am looking forward to the updated Appaloosa, and those engine plumes look excellent.

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Mark One Laboratory Extensions is now available.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/Angel-125/MOLE/releases/tag/v1.17.2.0
- Fixed overchange of Equipment costs for OmniConverter templates.
- Fixed incorrect display of Equipment costs in the Operations Manager.
- Fixed duplicate OmniConverter and OmniStorage loadouts that happen when you revert a flight back to the editor and create a new part.
- Fixed Botany Module's Classic Stock resource requirements - Thanks JadeOfMaar!
- Updated plume effects - Thanks JadeOfMaar!

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As it turned out, a glitch occurred when the plume update was PR'd to Angel so nobody actually gets to experience the new flames right now. :(

However I saw a golden opportunity to go to town on the already awesome WBI Sledgehammer SRM/SRB engine while fixing/rebuilding that PR. As you'll see below, I've changed the SRB plumes and that the plumes change on their own in the flight-- I've installed thrust curves (stock feature) and engine modes for each of these curves (facilitated by WBIMultiModeEngine{} ). Two of these are more appropriate for use in vacuum and will show it in their own different Isp curve and lousy thrust most of the time.

I bet this smoke configuration is going to hurt a few PCs.... It doesn't hurt mine and it's a potato so I doubt.

Oh hello @Jso @CobaltWolf :D you might like this a lot (except where this breaks heat animations. I must confirm whether Nertea's config for a heat animation will work beside this).

Imgur Album




All of these will be select-able in the update, featuring "Rod And Tube" as the default.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a mission to do some experiment on the Mun and then return it, so I flew a MOLE out there ran the experiment and then collected the science and left the MOLE behind for my return stage.  I did not complete the contract when I got back.  I guess I was supposed to bring some sort of container that could hold the experiment itself and not just the science?  If you do return the experiment intact, do you get more science than just bringing back the report in a crew pod?

Also, I set my scientist to pre-generating lab time in the MOLE during the journey, switched away to do some other business while they flew to the Mun and when they landed I noticed the labtime was back to 0 and the part dialogue said inconclusive or somesuch.  Do lab stints just randomly fail sometimes?  Wat about the experiments themselves?

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On 2/9/2017 at 5:03 AM, eberkain said:

I'm not sure if this is something @nightingale would need to account for, or something MOLE its self needs to take care of. 



I keep forgetting to post that I made a fix for this so it don't conflict with the Field Science contracts.  Here is my code. Just make a CFG file inside the gamedata folder.   This will make Field Science ignore it for contracts.

    name = WBIModuleScienceExperiment

	   name = WBIEmptyExperiment
        ignored = true



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  • 3 weeks later...

MOLE 1.18 is now available:

- Updated for KSP 1.7

- Awesome updates by JadeOfMaar:

  • Sledgehammer engine becomes switchable between 6 modes, each per unique SolidFuel grain geometry, granting different thrust curves, 2 of which are ideal for vacuum. Warning: switching mode on a Sledgehammer engine in-flight will start the engine.
  • Remade all template decals and added new ones.
  • Plume update for liquid engines (Kerolox and Raptalox modes)


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9 hours ago, Bill the Kerbal said:

does this reference stock textures at all or (if it does) do i need to write a restock whitelist?

There's no reference to stock materials that I can think of, and I'm very familiar with MOLE so a Restock whitelist should not be necessary.

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I don't have a plume on the Fulcrum engine, what might be causing this? Don't have realplume or anything like that installed. This is on 1.7.


edit: it appears to be all the LF/O engines from wildblue, what did I break?

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