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[WIP] AngleCan SIMPLEX Living 0.10 updated 7 January 2019


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SIMPLEX Living    Seeing the coding among the stars...

Now released https://spacedock.info/mod/2067 Please see the release thread https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/181681-161-simplex-living-11/

Resources with Simplex Ores and EPL recipies now part of separate mod SIMPLEX Resources.

Tech Tree and engine nerf part of separate mod SIMPLEX Techtree. 

An extension of the  Engine Nerf with fuel changes now part of separate mod SIMPLEX Propulsion.


Simplex Kerbalism Profile
LifeSupport that combines food and water into Consumables, with a waste product of OrganicSlurry.
Breathable Air and non breathable BadAir replacing oxygen and CO2.
A simplified system when 1 unit of Air or consumables equates to 1 day of usage per kerbal.  Masses remain the same as vanilla Kerbalism (i.e. realisitic) although Air is heavier that O2.
Air is used instead of Nitrogen to maintain atmospheric pressure.  A buildup of BadAir will result in asphyxiation of kerbals, but can be scrubbed the same as vanilla Kerbalism (scrubbers no longer convert BadAir to Air).

Rocket Surgeons as a tourist style kerbal that will be used in construction

Kerbal Konstructs instances placement of additional stock launchpads at the KSC.

ResearchBodies style laboratory contracts

Kerbalism and Life Support changes:

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Kerbal Konstructs:

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Please let me know what you think.  


Edited by theJesuit
2019-03-19 Edited for remove link to old Beta
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AngleCan Simplex development post

Ongoing work completed as at 2017-04-20:

Simplex Ore system:

  • Removed Stock Ore by making appearance in stock planets nil.
  • Added HydrateOre, MetalOre, and RareOre and may need balancing
    HydrateOre will appear as often as old Stock Ore
    MetalOre will also appear as often but will increased concentrations
    RareOre has 80% chance of appearing on a body
  • Scanners updated for three Simplex Ores
  • Drills updated for the three Simplex Ores.  All drills can drill any ore type.
  • ISRU updated for the three Simplex Ores.
    Kerbalism Chemical Plant only converts HydrateOre to OrganicSlurry + Air
    Stock Mini ISRU does the same but will also generate the stock fuels
    Stock ISRU does both again, with increased efficiency and Temporarily will convert MetalOre to MetalParts and RareOre to ModuleParts

Other resources added:

  • Consumables, OrganicSlurry
  • Air, BadAir
  • MetalParts
  • ModuleParts

Kerbalism Simplex Profile:

  • Profile created based on KerbalismSimplified with change from ConsumedWaste to OrganicSlurry
    eating and breathing 1 unit per day, atmosphere leakage (1 unit per 30 days), scrubbers, radiation, stress



Yet to be done:

KerbalTrait - Rocket Surgeon

Ground Construction adjustments

Extraplanetary Launchpads adjustments

Tech Tree adjustments

Kerbal Konstructs to allow KCTalike functionality

Balance Runs


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AngleCan Simplex development post

Ongoing work completed as at 2017-04-21:
On Track for a Beta release 2017-05-01

Simplex Ore system:

  • Was having issues with ISRU parts continuing to have the option for stock Ore conversions.
    Thanks to @Sigma88 this was resolved, and will result in cleaner MM patches across the board.  Thanks!

Other Resources added:

  • Done (see post 2)

Kerbalism Simplex Profile:

  • Done (see post 2)

KerbalTrait - Rocket Surgeon

  • Started work on this, but Ground Construction may be hard coded to only recognise Engineers.
    If this can't be addressed, then a potential workaround would be rename Stock Engineer to Flight Engineer and use the Engineer for my own purposes... with an in game rename of Surgeon.

Ground Construction

  • Started work on this. Looked at stripping out the mod.  I think I reduced the mass of a module kit.  The ModuleParts will be hard to manufacture for use with EPL (not a concern when spawning at KSC)
    I'll need to look at reducing cost of MetalParts to nil, and spawning the DIYKit at the full cost of launching a rocket.
  • An issue I haven't yet considered... can you spawn a kitset within a kitset?  EDIT 2017/4/24- I think it breaks the Universe! Unbelievably, the first time that has ever happened to me :) Kareken yes, Hell Kraken yes, Fire Kraken yes.  Now this!  


Yet to be done:

  • Clean up of Ore Patch codes.  It works, but may have issues with non stock planets.
  • KerbalTrait - Rocket Surgeon - noted above
  • Ground Construction adjustments - as noted above.  
    Launch workshop needs to be decided upon, with major adjustment on attachment node to allow for KSC launch Spawning to occur at a safe distance for the final deployment.  
    Is there Kerbal Alarm Clock functionality?
  • Extraplanetary Launchpads adjustments
  • Tech Tree adjustments
  • Kerbal Konstructs to allow KCTalike multi-build functionality - may need to wait 
  • Balance Runs


Edited by theJesuit
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AngleCan Simplex development post

Ongoing work completed as at 2017-04-26

Simplex Ore System

  • Done, with balancing required (see post 3)

Other Resources added:

  • Done (see post 2)

Kerbalism Simplex Profile:

  • Done (see post 2)

KerbalTrait - Rocket Surgeon

  • This is now done.
  • Rocket Surgeons will increase in efficiency and skill as they level up - 1.0, 1.1, 1.21, 1.33, 1.4
  • Engineers will also be able to construct things with GC, EPL when they reach L4 and 5, but only at a rate one less than Surgeons.  i.e. 0.0, 0.0. 0.0, 1.21, 1.33

Ground Construction

  • So in an update to post 2, you can't build kitsets in kitsets.  This does kind of make sense.
  • Some Original Post preamble thought changes below which will be updated in the Beta Release.

Kerbal Construction Time

  • Begun looking at pairing the KCT timing with level of the VAB, and way GC applies the timing of builds.  Probably not feasible

Kerbal Konstructs

  • @Ger_space has been looking into the Stock Statics, but is finding they are buried deep in the code and may be too hard to extract for KK.  This may mean the nice looking, but not stock alike graphics.

Thoughts on the process so far (the re-looking at the preamble):


Original Post Preamble 2017-04-20

Simplex is to be a number of modded alterations to Kerbalism, Ground Construction, Extraplanetary Launchpads, and eventually a setup with Kerbal Konstructs.

It also seeks to provide an alternative to the Kerbal Construction Time mod which I love, but which has issues with Kerbal Konstructs.  I also wanted to intergrate the time constraints across Kerbal Construction Time, Extraplanetary Launchpads and Ground Construction.

It will add in a new 'tourist' style class of Kerbal named 'Surgeon' (this name may change).  The 'Surgeon' will be an equivalent to a level 4 or 5 Engineer, will not be able to EVA or fly rockets.  They will only be able to action the construction of rockets.  Engineers at level 4 or 5 would be an equivalent.  The main goal is that their IVA's are to be based on Gus Kerman's pic - hard hats or at least overalls.

In line with the the idea that it should take time to build a craft, all craft will be 'finished' on the launchpad.  When a craft is 'launched' from the VAB or SPH, it will be launched as Ground Construction Kit set, attached to a 'finishing base' which will have launched with an abundance of the correct resources to kit out the craft.  The Kit will then be built out and the craft completed.  The Surgeon or a L4/5 engineer will be the only Kerbal able to complete construction of a Kit.


One of my head goals was to create a more user friendly and visceral Kerbal Construction Time, which I expressed in the preamble.  It was also a desire so that the rocket building time of KCT, GC and EPL would be an experience shared whether launching from the KSC, from a base on the Mün, or as far out as Eeloo.  I have since realised that to do it the way I envisioned (launch in stock and do the GC builds on the LaunchPad) wouldn't work as I'd never be able to launch a Kit from the KSC Can't have a kit result from as part of a kit build).  It was becoming far too convoluted, so I'm going to drop this (perhaps, for now!)

So continuing on... Simplex will have its BETA release on 1 May (2017) as planned - with the Kerbalism Profile, Ore System and KerbalTraits that will add Surgeons if GC or EPL are installed as outlined in this development post 

Ground Construction and Extraplanetary Launchpad Changes:

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Yet to be done:

  • Clean up of Ore Patch codes.  It works, but may have issues with non stock planets.
  • TechTree adjustments.
  • Extraplanetary Launchpad changes for the GC section and also recipes for EPL only.

Put aside for another day:

Aligning Kerbal Construction Time with Ground Construction and Extraplanetary Launchpads


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  • 2 weeks later...

AngleCan Simplex development post

Update Expected 2017-05-08 with Trait, GC and EPL and KK additions.

Ongoing work completed as at 2017-05-05

Simplex Ore System

  • Done (see post 3)
  • For Third update: Ore patch still to be reworked.

Other Resources added:

  • Done (see post 2)

Kerbalism Simplex Profile:

  • Done (see post 2)
  • Next update: Plan to remove the gravity ring in in career mode (simply won't be available on the tech tree), and replace with the pork works rotational habitat, about the same size, and with IVA, and comfort module added.

KerbalTrait - Rocket Surgeon

  • Done (see post 4)

Ground Construction

  • Next update: Partial implementation (see KerbalTrait) - use only KerbalTrait Rocket Surgeons
  • Next update: Plan to remove the mobile workshop and space crane in career mode (simply won't be available on the tech tree)
  • Next update: Plan to use mod stockalike parts for smelter and workshop: MetalOre >SMELTER> MetalParts >WORKSHOP> craft is constructed from DIY kit 

Extraplanetary Launchpads

  • Next update: Partial implementation
    RocketParts not available in resource system so you can't build craft.
    New Recipe specifically for Ground Construction DIY Kit, requires ModuleParts.
  • Next update: Plan to use mod stockalike parts (or even stock MPL) for refinery and and fabricator: RareOre >REFINERY> ModuleParts >FABRICATOR> DIY kit spawned

Kerbal Construction Time

  • Begun looking at pairing the KCT timing with level of the VAB, and way GC applies the timing of builds.  Probably not feasible.
  • This will become simply a recommended mod for the time being.

Kerbal Konstructs

  • @Ger_space has done an amazing job at bringing about the Squad statics for the KSC into Kerbal Konstructs.  Thank you - one of many dreams come true!
  • Next update:In Simplex will add in KK instances of additional stock launchpads (3) and runways (2).  In my own normal play I usually don't upgrade beyond tier 2 (or use SLS inspired engines - only tanks), but I know this is the same for everyone.  The two additional pads will be a tier 2 and tier 3.
  • I also recommend using a flat platform from KK on the Mün, or any other body for constructing bases.

Simplex Tech Tree (based on HPTechTree style and progression)

  • Still a work in progress possibly complete by 2017-05-15.

Thanks for the thumbs up @CobaltWolf!

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  On 5/8/2017 at 3:15 PM, FreeThinker said:

Please make it compatible with CTT, which is the most common Tech tree used, it is also the least evasive


Noted @FreeThinker.  The mod is actually going to be a series of CFGs that you may install or not with functionality, so yes a unique Tech Tree, but it will still operate if you just deleted the tree cfg.  Also, if you dont want the Ore remodel, then take out that cfg, or the science changes for kerbalism.

The tree rebalance was purely for my own personal tastes and flavour.  But it may change with some balence testing.


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AngleCan Simplex development post

Update Expected 2017-05-15

Hi all,

I've made a first pass at the Tech Tree, but I'm not that happy with it yet.  It is like the Historical Progress Tech Tree, but with some rebalancing of stock part placements such as tanks, some engines and science experiements. There is also some limited crossover which will require the materials bay to be researched before advanced construction is able to be researched, but I'm not happy with it yet.

I've been having some fun trying hard to get the EPL and GC blend to work well.  I'm almost there but I've worked out how a recipe mix for EPL that mirrors GC.  What this means is that earlier in the game you can ship out DIY Kits and build them, or, later just build the whole then straight using EPL with a very similar build time.  I may even drop GC altogether, but with an option if you want to use it.  I'll also probably bundle EPL.  I'm really in two minds - but I'll sort it out for myself by the weekend.

So, with this I was planning on a second beta release, but getting it to that stage that I'm happy with it hasn't worked, so I'll wait till the weekend after more testing. Unless people really want me to update with the TechTree.  Apologies!

KSP also doesn't like KK configs for statics if KK isn't installed.  Funny that!



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  • 3 months later...

AngleCan Simplex development post

It's been a while, but some progress has been made, with testing!

Hopefully a next beta up SoonTM

Ore System

  • This remains as changed.  I'm not happy with the way the Ore system applies itself across the planets.  Still deciding on manually specifying biomes.

Tech Tree

  • I think I am happy with the Tech Tree now as well.  
  • This features 8 somewhat independent branches, with flight stability, electrical, crewed flight, science, then engineering, LFO rocket engines, jet engines, and storage (tanks for fuel and ore).
  • It has a similar design to HPTechTree.
  • There is crossover between several of the branches.


  • Life Support is based on Consumables (OrganicSlurry) and Air (BadAir) with the OrganicSlurry and BadAir able to be converted from HydrateOre and MetalOre.
  • Consumables and Air are each used at a rate of one per Kerbal per day.
  • The Kerbalism Gravity Ring has been removed.  Use the PorkWorks one instead!
  • A MM patch for the Tokamak released Porkworks increasing the size of the centrifuge by 5% so that the IVA fits better, and has increased storage of Consumables and Air.
  • Atmosphere Leakage is calculated PER HABITAT PART at a rate of 1 Air every 30 days.
  • I'd like to add back in pressure control, but can't seem to work out Nitrogen being replaced by Simplex Air.  When I get this sorted, Atmosphere will be a hidden resource. and you'll only see Air in the planner.  I may release without this...
  • An additional thought/ desire is to simulate boil-off/ leakage from stock tanks.


  • I like the simplicity of this, against the complexity of KCT.

EPL and Ground Construction and KerbalTrait (Rocket Surgeon)

  • More testing still required.

Kerbal Konstructs

  • Will ship with two additional VAB/ Launchpads at the KSC.

Planning next release for 1 September (2017).


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  • 8 months later...

RL issues - work and home maintenance sorry.  Current hold up being some containers for MetalParts and ModuleParts.  Happy with everything else, so this evening I'll upload the Kerbalism Profile and Tech Tree.


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I actually have my own resource setup as I use ART/EPL/MKS/NFP/FFT/NFE/USI-LS etc, and some of the processing is too magical, basically I also got fed up with naming differences and processing rates between mods for the same materials and just made my own processing units for all the mods I use.

MetalOre is already added by EPL itself on the drills, and MKS has it's own MetallicOre, so when you use ART the asteroid drill produces both resources. Then the fact that Ore is a magical resource that can be turned into basically any fuel somehow. This may work in a stock game to keep it simple, but not so much in a game where you want a more reallistic resource stream.

Through the years I always wished someone would come up with a universal and balanced way to mine and process things so that other mods could hook into this, but too may mods want to use their own resources instead of using existing ones in CRP, which is why none of them integrate well with each other. You also have MKS that changes EPL Rocketparts into MK/SP which unlike RP, is not used in any other mods. It's up to the user to dig into config files and patch the living snot out of some mods to get them all in line.

CRP already offers:
Rock, Dirt, Ore, MetallicOre, Metals, RareMetals, Hydrates, Gypsum, Substrate, Uraninite, Water, Waste, and lots more. I really think you should stick with these resource names so that things can be balanced across mods. I kind of hoped EPL would also change their resources MetalOre>MetallicOre and Metal>Metals so that it is CRP compliant.

The main issue is probably that the smaller mods are all aimed at stock players, but I find that when you start using mods and mining, you quickly need CRP anyway and most likely already use mods like MKS/EPL. It would be much more flexible to try and meet up with each other.


For the tl;dr crowd:   MKS already has a lot of the resource conversions you are doing, but uses CRP materials for standard resource names. 

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  On 5/7/2018 at 4:16 PM, Jimbodiah said:

For the tl;dr crowd:   MKS already has a lot of the resource conversions you are doing, but uses CRP materials for standard resource names. 


Thanks @Jimbodiah  and I need to add a credit to you for the idea of limited propulsion from your SSRSS patch.  Sorry it wasn't there in this release!

I get the point about MetalOre - I'll do it differently. I might use HardOre or something and switch HydrateOre to SquishyOre or something so that there is little confusion. 

I guess I don't like having it all or nothing with or without CRP.  I wanted an extension of stock but not too intense.  Especially when adding mods that use part switching. So I've wanted a kind of a middle way.  IFILS is great for showing what you have and how much but i like the idea of air scrubbing and atmosphere leakage. I want to different resources for different things too.

That kind of simplistically but with a tweak for interestingness is where Im going with the EPL recipies as well.  I may not use the Rocket Surgeon in the end.  It over complicates things.

Over night I've been thinking that I'll release the tech tree separately.  The Kerbalism and EPL in the next release can both be there and not used if the mods aren't present but if some want just the tech tree it is less likely to need updating - unless adding mod support.

Thanks again for the feedback!


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My remarks are not meant to burn down your efforts by the way, just posting the current problem with all the other mods and trying to form a unity is becoming very hard. Stock is too simple, MKS is too complicated for the casual player. There is no middleground basically, hence your effort to make one. I'd really like to see where you go with this :))

PS: the RSS/SSRSS patches work in 1.4.3 as well as they are very simple changes, I just have not updated my own gameplay to 1.4.x yet as SSTU and RSS is still on 1.3.1. 


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  On 5/7/2018 at 7:59 PM, Jimbodiah said:

My remarks are not meant to burn down your efforts by the way, just posting the current problem with all the other mods and trying to form a unity is becoming very hard. Stock is too simple, MKS is too complicated for the casual player. There is no middleground basically, hence your effort to make one. I'd really like to see where you go with this :))

PS: the RSS/SSRSS patches work in 1.4.3 as well as they are very simple changes, I just have not updated my own gameplay to 1.4.x yet as SSTU and RSS is still on 1.3.1. 



No worries, it had crossed my mind, it is just a matter of coming up with awesome and obvious names for the stuff.

The only thing about the SSRSS was that I wanted a stock-alike feel, but was so used to how engines operated in vacuum in stock so I wanted to keep that.  Eventually I'd like to add compatibility of the simplex resources to SSRSS, and hope that Galileo will continue his awesome work on it.


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Hi everyone.  An update is coming but I've hit a snag.  I've created a new texture for the Simplex Ore tanks that is more in line with what I want and can implement it using an MM cfg texture changer.

What's delaying me a ltitle was that I wanted to do the same for MetalPart and ModulePart containers but with a more rectangular shape using the scale and rescale options.  I spent the weekend trying to do it with the ScienceBox model but could not get it to replace the texuture! 

Over the next few days I'll try with the ProbeCube model and see how far I get.  At worst I'll utilise a part from another mod There will also be some code cleanup.


Release 0.9 once containers are sorted with code cleanup and separating out.  Also MetalOre will change to NaturalOre so that there isn't a conflict if someone has CRP installed. I also have agreement to add in KD furnaces. :)

0.10 with the Simple Construction mod files and Ground Construction mod files added. These mods won't be required for the Kerbalism profile, but if they are installed and not kerbalism then it will adjust them in the same way.

.11 Keriden Dynamics mod profile :)

Then a release?


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Another update - I don't have much time to work on this, around twenty minutes a day currently.

On the positive side of things i worked out my issue with the science box model.  Basically I wasn't removing the old model or mesh or whatever. That's sorted and I standardised the size for it against the FL-T400.

A nice aluminium style texture.   Now that I've done this, I finish the part off an post the update today or tomorrow.


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  • 4 months later...

Updated to 0.9 and now matches the Kerbalism 1.9.x release for the values on:

Consumables = food and water

Air = oxygen/nitrogen mix

As expected Air is used for pressurisation in kerbalism however to keep the balance with CO2 poisoning it is around 20% the mass. It's a balancing act with keeping the units to 1 per day through breathing (so you'll need a tad more than 1 unit per day for pressurisation)

Humidity is new for Simplex and this operates simply as a game mechanic. It does utilise generate water/waste water as it does in kerbalism vanilla.

Sorry it took so long to get out.  Enjoy and pleas give sone feedback.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all.

I'm considering splitting Simplex Resources to be a separate download that would affect mods that have harvestors and isru and also EPL and maybe GC. But maybe doing a thing like bundling EPL like Simple Construction does.

This would allow people who don't want kerbalism to install a mod that makes little more complex by having different ores for fuel and for construction with say EPL but want a different (or no) life support.

Then have Simplex Life which includes the kerbalism Simplex profile.

Without this Resouces mod the kerbalism simplex profile would use ore for conversion to OrganicSlury and BadAir.

This would mean three Simplex mods... TechTree, Resources (including epl and GC changes) and Life (kerbalism).  

I'm keen to know your thoughts!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

Haven't updated this in a while... but it is coming!

When this releases it will be split again into SimplexResources and SimplexLiving (both to compliment SimplexTechTree)

Resources, like the TechTree will be standalone and support various mods.  You'd pick it up if you want to play with EPL and want three Ores to play with, two for rocket building and the other ISRU fuels.  It will support Baha EPL drills and Mining Expansion.  You'll also be able to extract XenonGas from various places and also obtain various amounts of the Ores from asteroids.

The EPL resource chain is more complex requiring two resources, but no scrap metal, and making those resources is a one step process each. NaturalOre to MetalParts then build with CustomParts

RareOre to CustomParts  then build with MetalParts.

The Resources mod adjusts EPL tanks and Keridian Dynamics tanks (thanks to B9 support from @blowfish.  Near Future and SSPX will come in an update.

The Living mod will include the kerbalism profile.  It also could be a standalone mod using Ore rather than HydrateOre.  It will add it's own resources such as Consumables and Air and support B9partswitch for Near Future, SSPX and KD with these.

Living will eventually incorporate further EPL configs closer to the excellent Simple Construction mod.

Eventually I'll also support Kerbal Planetary Base Systems across all three.

So, keep an eye out. Resources is to be out by Christmas (if not this weekend) and Living very soon after.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

Update to the Beta 0.10 was out this morning.

Renamed to SIMPLEX Living.

Simplex Ores and Extraplanetary Launchpad resources and recipes now in the SIMPLEX Resources mod, and the Techtree (not in 0.9 Beta) is of course SIMPLEX TechTree.

This is just the Kerbalism profile now.

Full release at the end of Jan.  Needs checking if you want to give it a go.  Should be balanced.  Only major change will be mining and ISRU in full release will be kerbalism modules, not stock ones.


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Hi all,

Made great progress whilst I've been on vacation so I'm almost ready to drop a full release, and I'm expecting kerbalism to update to KSP 1.6.1 if it hasn't already.

For people who want SIMPLEX Resources, then this will change all the ISRU, EL smelters, furnaces and custom parts to kerbalism modules. This will be in its own  cfg so you can use SIMPLEX Resources with all the stock modules if you want.

If you don't want SIMPLEX Resources and don't install it then this will still rename Ore to HydrateOre but won't do anything to Extraplanetary Launchpads.

NOTE. With this profile you will not need to install CRP for kerbalism.

Hope to drop next weekend.  Peace.

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