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So what song is stuck in your head today?


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I'm frequenting this thread too much! :D

Ozzy Osbourne, No More Tears. (I love that bass)


I hope they find a way to keep Forum funded, this is one of my favorite threads (I'm fond of it even more than my owns!).


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All this hype train about KSP2 recently made me remember this one today:

Ozzy Osbourne, Crazy Train.


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This tune has been in my head for a couple days .. until I finally listened to it on repeat about 6 times.

There are no words so it was just a piece of the bridge playing endlessly on repeat.. kind of made it worse actually.

Still one of my favorite groups and I was heartbroken to hear they are getting a divorce.




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Well... Given the recent news,  "mysteriously" these two songs came to my mind... THE WHOLE DAY. :/

but also:

And this last one is... perfect (pun not intended) for this moment.


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Posted (edited)


Mainly due this post:

9 hours ago, BA-Forums said:

“We’re killing the Kraken.”

Responding to a cringey comment.



On 5/25/2024 at 4:13 AM, Fizzlebop Smith said:

No Reason ... just is. Often I will catch a faint melody only to be reminded of some song that is unwilling to vacate my heads pace for a few days.

Get a good pair of headphones, enhance the bass. There're two things in this song that I absolutely admire: the bass and Turunen's voice.

Edited by Lisias
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  • 2 weeks later...

This appeared on my timeline today, don't remember when or why.

I remember watching this when they released it. Dark times, but yet I'm pretty fond on this.



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Given some of the current events of late, this song is getting more relevant every day:


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Ever since scrolling through here the other day this song has played a verse or two every couple hours or so.



Oh.. who am I kidding.. like always, it's just the chorus on repeat.



Oh and since I've started micro dosing to help with.y depression.. this gets alot of play time.





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