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Poll: Are you buying the "Making History" DLC?


Poll: Are you buying the "Making History" DLC?  

444 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you getting the Making History DLC?

    • Yes, just shut up and take my money!
    • Yes, I'm getting it for free since I bought KSP before May 2013
    • Maybe, I'll check out the reviews/bug reports first
    • No, I dont have the funds
    • No, the DLC content doesn't appeal to me
    • No, I can't accept the new EULA and may have to stop updating/playing KSP altogether
    • Other (please post below)

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  On 3/4/2018 at 5:32 PM, 5thHorseman said:

I'm buying it and jumping head first into the mission builder.


Me too. While the EULA stuff is a little worrisome I doubt that @SQUAD would take stories and\or mods without giving credit. Of course they can't say that they aren't going to enforce their contract, so we won't get a response from them. The mission builder, new parts, Kerbal parachutes, etc. look so pretty and fun! And for only $15 funds! 

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I'm an early purchaser, so lucky to get it free, but would almost certainly buy it anyway if I didn't.

I am a little disturbed by the EULA stuff too, or at least the uncertainty surrounding it, but doubt it will affect me personally as I am not a modder or fan-fic writer.  Never say never, as I have been tempted to look at it on occasion, but doubt I could dedicate the time to do it well enough anyway.

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Never say never, but I certainly have no plans to buy it in the near future. I was only middling enthused about the content anyway and the new EULA and the way it's been handled have soured me. 

The latter can all change of course, hence the 'never say never'.



Edited by KSK
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I had to vote other, because I get the Expansion for free, but if it wasnt free I might not buy it. But it's even more complicated if you want my full answer.

The mission builder sounds neat and I'm sure we'll see some clever, creative missions come from the community, but I'm not sure if that's worth $15 dollars to me. As for the history parts and missions, they're also neat, but I don't have an emotional attachment to any historical rockets or missions. The engineering challenges rocket scientists overcame in the space race are endlessly fascinating to me, but this Expansion, and KSP in general, only deals with a fraction of those challenges. I've already flown a difficult, as-realistically-inspired-as-possible Apollo 11 style mission back when @Mulbin made one of their last Munbug vessels, and while it was thrilling I feel like I've already flown my most compelling historical mission. So the history side of things only has pretty limited appeal to me, and mods can provide more parts than I know what to do with if some need arises.

And here's where it gets complicated. I bought KSP on sale for a friend a few years ago. My friend didn't have a lot of disposable income at the time, and still doesn't now. It's been a rough few years, and I know KSP has been a great outlet for creativity and stress relief during that time. So, if my friend is interested in the Expansion I'd get it for him without hesitation. Personally, supporting Take-Two has zero importance to me, and, while I'm sure Squad is comprised of decent, well-meaning people trying their best to do good work, the people who made KSP so great have all moved on. At this point I have no idea what the plans are for KSP; Take-Two has offered no information of what it wants to do, so it's hard for me to be excited about the future of KSP and feel like it's anything I'm interested in supporting.

As directionless development continues, I continue to lose interest. I remain hopeful that something will be made that takes its inspiration from KSP and makes it even better by having a directed vision from the start and by utilizing the best software possible to go beyond any limitations KSP has. If that comes from Take-Two, great! If it comes from someone else at the expense of the Kerbals, great! Heck, if it comes from someone else that might even be ideal. I think I could like a space-software race.


TL;DR - I get the Expansion for free. If it wasn't free for me, I don't really feel compelled to buy it for myself -- at least not at full price -- but I will probably buy it for a friend.

Edited by Mako
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Absolutely.  I've been eager to check out the new "historical" parts ever since I heard about them.  I'm not 100% certain yet what to think about the 'Mission Builder,' but I'm still looking forward to poking around with it to see what it can do, too.  :cool:

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I bought KSP early enough to qualify for the free-ness, but I'm still going to purchase it to support further game development and support.  I bought a copy of KSP for someone last week, so I'll probably buy the DLC for them too if they can't get it themselves.

Still have no clue if I'm going to build a Saturn V or a "Soviet green" R-7 rocket yet; they're going to be the first parts I mess with.  I guess I'll see what parts my mouse-hand instinctively clicks on first and go from there. :)

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  On 3/4/2018 at 5:53 PM, kerbalstar said:

I doubt that @SQUAD would take stories and\or mods without giving credit


Well, the latest KSPW did say they are added a field for the Mission Author, so you'll get credit for it, but that's all you'll get. I bet T2 will eventually release a Missions DLC ($20 cheep cheep!) with a few Squad-made missions and a ton of user-made ones, so you may get a small claim-to-fame there and maybe a shiny badge if your mission is chosen, but that'll be it.


I'll get it so I can play with the parts, but the greedy new EULA has soured me on contributing, so while I may play some missions, it may be awhile, if ever, until I try to make some. That should be Squad's job.

Edited by StrandedonEarth
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Probably later, but most likely yes. And I don't give a single uck about the EULA, have seen a lot of these, none of them really affected the playerbase. Except for GTA, but that's another story, not relevant to what we have here. And I take @UomoCapra word as a promise.


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Probably not initially.  If I wanted to play with a load of real world parts, I'd be playing with a load of real world parts already available via mods. 

The EULA doesn't bother me directly, but I'd expect it to have some knock on effects on mods I might want to use.  Presumably this DLC, which as far as I can tell is basically an official mod, may well be the end of some mods that are already producing real world parts.  I was thinking of giving Realism Overhaul a go one day, but will it survive this update?

I completely get why they're introducing DLC as they need to bring in money to keep the development going, but I'm just not sure how well it will work in game that's so mod friendly as KSP.

It'll teach me to be a cheapskate though, I played the demo version off and on for a fair while before buying a proper copy in 2014 :D

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I have not voted in this poll (yet). I fall in the "maybe" category, but not because of bugs/reviews.

I have absolutely no interest in the mission builder aspect of the DLC. I haven't from the start. Initially, this meant that I would definitely NOT buy the DLC. However, they seem to keep adding more and more parts into the DLC that will not be included in the 1.4 stock update, and I like a lot of these new parts. So, I'm on the fence about buying the DLC because I want the new parts (and still don't care about the mission builder stuff), but I'm not sure all these new parts are worth the cost of the DLC. I also feel no obligation to Squad or Take Two to "support" them and their development of this product by purchasing the DLC, especially after the recent hubub over the new TOS and Privacy Policy. Take Two is a massive company with a lot of cash and plans to supplement that cashflow via microtransactions, so they have no business trying to guilt trip a community like this into funding development of this product as if it was stll an indie title.

I was hoping there would be a much bigger backlash within the various KSP communities (here, Reddit, Steam, etc) about moving more of these DLC parts into the 1.4 stock update. Unfortunately that hasn't happened. Personally, I have no issue with the "historical" specific parts (like the Apollo LM, Soyuz, etc) being DLC exclusive, but there are a lot of other "basic" parts (fairings, service modules, etc) I believe should be in the stock game that they are currently fencing off in the DLC. This gives me a sad, because it means I will probably have to pay full price for a DLC that I only care half about. And in doing so, I'll play right into the hands of a faceless corporation that really doesn't give two hoots about me as a customer or this community as a whole. They view us as a cash register and they intend to take as much from the till as they can.

Edited by Johnny Wishbone
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I'm an old KSP player so I'll get it for free.

I don't know if I would have bought it if I had to: I'm not that interested in the Mission Builder thing and I've seen the historical parts done better (IMO) elsewhere. I'd probably have bought it if it had become a requirement for other mods; either way I paid a grand total of $15 for KSP so it probably wouldn't have hurt me too much to pay 10 more.

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