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Kerbal Space Program 1.4.4 and Making History 1.3 launching today!


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23 hours ago, UomoCapra said:

Indeed. We have removed Red Shell from Kerbal Space Program in this latest patch in response to community feedback.

Good. I find it very worrying that stuff like that was implemented at all, but at least you reacted fast.

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On 6/22/2018 at 2:24 AM, AVaughan said:

So will Steam workshop properly handle the use case of a user has mods installed, the game updates, and some of the mods get an immediate update to make them compatible with the new KSP version.  [snip] Will steam correctly revert his updated mods to versions compatible with the previous version of ksp, and allow him to continue his save game?

This is precisely what that "Chain of Thrust" would do. But please consider that delegating this directly to Steam would demand some financial compensation, what I don't know if would be acceptable or not at the present state of affairs.


On 6/22/2018 at 2:24 AM, AVaughan said:

[snip] here are also mods like kopernicus which are tied to specific ksp versions, and make whose sudden loss would make the save virtually unplayable, as well as mods whose loss would mean that ships in transit would suddenly vanish.  

It's my main objection about a Mod Workshop too. At least, until this is solved somehow. This kind of problem would cause a severe backslash IMHO.


On 6/22/2018 at 2:24 AM, AVaughan said:

I'm sure that technical solutions for that and steam workshop could be found, but we already have that.  It is called ckan.  It would be better for KSP to get a new launcher that integrated ckan-like functionality.  That way the player could revert to exactly the same ksp version and modlist he had been playing with.  As a bonus it would also support non-steam players as well.

I'm not sure CKAN is for everybody. At least until now. CKAN lacks that "Chain of Thrust", so updated mods still can break thinks and, worse, corrupting save games. Some mechanisms to rollback also the save-game changes due the update are needed.


On 6/22/2018 at 2:24 AM, AVaughan said:

Well the real mistake is playing a modded Steam install.  For a modded game I recommend always copying the ksp install to a folder outside of steam and installing mods in the copy.  

Hummm… Now that you mention, yes… You're right. That should be made clear to the end users somehow. I do not consider myself a common joe user, but I also missed that obvious point. I have about half a dozen installments for KSP (only one Steam managed), but it's due testing and mission dedicated mod collections. O simply didn't thought about this issue, it just happened that I made the "right thing" without being aware. :/


On 6/22/2018 at 2:24 AM, AVaughan said:

(This is also why I'm not a fan of calls to add mods to steam workshop.  It just seems like another recipe for a similar issue to what @sathill experienced).

Neither do I. I was brainstorming about what would be needed to make this happen safely. Or the less unsafely possible. :)

Edited by Lisias
Tyop! Surprised?
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Thanks for the update!

A little feedback:

Steam workshop integration is ... a disgrace. And it's not even Squad's fault either. I've done almost 330 uploads on KerbalX with ease and with Steam I'm fighting over basic stuff like a GUI like it's from Windows NT. No picture preview, no ability to upload multiple pics at once, file size limits on upload, no memory for last folder visited, no clear way to change the primary picture ... I could go on but without all these basics from a billion dollar corporation vs the excellent website from a single guy in England ... it's like a bad joke in every way.

People ... don't waste your time with this backwards stuff, It's like going back to 2002. KerbalX is and will remain the way to go for sharing and downloading craft. Period.

Just buy the site from the KerbalX guy and forget this episode. It's worthless.

Squad/T2, did you even consult the community before starting this experiment?

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ModulePartVariants now supports cost and mass modifiers for variants.  Note that if this is added to existing variants, the mass of crafts in flight will be preserved at the old value.  Only new vessels are affected.

This is AWESOME !!!!!!!!!

Now procedural tanks can become a well implemented reality. No more 1001 parts that do almost the same thing.

BTW will 1.4.5 follow or will there be a respire time until 1.5 ?

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On 6/21/2018 at 12:04 PM, UomoCapra said:

new Steam features

Just out of curiosity, as what point in time is it expected that KSP will not function without Steam? I've seen it before, and it looks to me you're headed in that direction - no?

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1 hour ago, LordFerret said:

Just out of curiosity, as what point in time is it expected that KSP will not function without Steam? I've seen it before, and it looks to me you're headed in that direction - no?

I hope not. I don't want to have to launch Steam to play KSP. It's annoying enough when I want to play some of my other games. I'd hate to have to wait for Steam to launch then KSP. 

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1 hour ago, LordFerret said:

Just out of curiosity, as what point in time is it expected that KSP will not function without Steam? I've seen it before, and it looks to me you're headed in that direction - no?

If this happens I'll leave this platform. I use multiple versions and I will not be dictated this way. Competition is on the rise and I'd go and use my talents elsewhere.

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2 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

It would suck if KSP went Steam-only, but since THERE IS NO SLIGHTEST INDICATION THAT THEY WOULD DO THAT, why don't we hold off on the rage, panic, and threats to quit playing? 

No rage, no panic, just an advice that it would be a bad idea. If KSP would've been a Steam title from the very first start with the limitation of running from Steam it would be a different story and everyone would just accept it.

But because of the mod updates situation a lot of users have moved their install to a different location to protect their saves.

The turmoil of being forced to play KSP from within Steam would be tremendous.

There has been no slightest indication of some previous decisions right?

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2 hours ago, LordFerret said:

Just out of curiosity, as what point in time is it expected that KSP will not function without Steam? I've seen it before, and it looks to me you're headed in that direction - no?

It shows no signs of heading in that direction.

It's like a car changing lanes. There is no real fear that the person doing so will just continue after successfully changing lanes, veering into oncoming traffic or people's front yards.

I've seen before games that have for years been available on Steam and have for years used Steam Workshop and have for years had non-Steam versions. Usually those are niches but not because they're not supported, because Steam is a very attractive option to both developers and users.

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1 hour ago, shdwlrd said:

I hope not. I don't want to have to launch Steam to play KSP. 

Steam user here. Currently, there's four ways to launch KSP, at least on MacOS X:

  1. Using the Launch Icon Steam puts on my Desktop
  2. Clicking on KSP's entry on the My Library list
  3. Clicking on the Launch.app program on the KSP install directory (Squad's own launcher, as it appears).
  4. Clicking directly on the KSP.app to run KSP directly.

Since I have access to every single depot from Steam since the first time KSP was distributed on Steam (it was there that I downloaded the Demo version before deciding to buy it), and since I downloaded some of them to compare, I can say with a reasonable sure of being right that there never was, and presently there're not a single apparent movement into this direction.

It would be nonsense anyway, as there're some other distributors (GoG, G2A, HumbleBundle and some others I found on Google but I choose not to mention as some of them appears to be…. fishy…) and I don't think it would be a wise move to ditch everybody else. Even if 80% of the present KSP users are from Steam, there's that other 20% to chase for. Money don't grow on trees.

One very interesting thing I noticed by analysing the different versions of KSP on its history (the actual history, not the Making - #tumdumtsss :P ) is its highly componentized architecture. Localization appears to be implemented by adding a plugin, Lingoona. The novelty on the 1.4.4 series appears to be the "steam_api.bundle", so Steam support is merely adding a DLL into the right place it appears to me. I didn't bored to play lego by adding or removing such plugins, but the pattern appears to be solid.

So, adding equivalent support for the remaining distributors appears to be easily done - and perhaps, even by third parties.

So, even by going Steam, there're no doors to be closed on this - and so, the same movement can be replicated everywhere. What probably include Kerbal-X, CurseForge or whatever, as long someone is willing to write the plugin - but I'm wild guessing, probably a lot of work would need to be done on these services to support this stunt.

In a way or another, I understand the fear that we, poor humans, are subject. Almost everybody here appears to love the game, but sometimes we must refrain ourselves to let our emotions on the loose in order to preserve the very thing we love.

Love and fear are a very destructive combination.

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Hmm...the structural tube drag bug still appears to be present after some testing with the fresh structural tubes in 1.4.4.  I didn't see it mentioned in the changelog and it's not closed in the bugtracker, just bringing it up in case anybody else was looking in to it.

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So, I had no idea about redshell. thats freaky illuminati stuff. cool its gone.


regarding steam workshop support for mods...I think you guys should just drop it. I dont see any great advantage over any of the other methods used to install mods. Best I would suggest is request to add ckan link for complete documentation and installation instructions and have them work from there. Installing mods can be complicated sometimes, ckan is one of the best automation programs for that exact reason...its why it was made in the first place (a good assumption at least). I probably wouldn't know about half the mods I like to play with without ckan. Its a small .exe file, its list mods(not all but most) from spacedock and github, which are popular development sites. It gives insight(not all but some) to dependencies and cross compatibility/incompatibility. as well as suggestions when you select mod A, you may like Mod B. What else do you want....for it to be in the steam window with a big ol steam workshop banner or somthin? Because thats what I see when you have literally plenty of options that work perfectly fine..but still want another..just because.


My final point...is say there is a workshop for mods. and some bugtracking is going on. and it turns out a mod that isnt located on the workshop is the cause for someones crash or game break. what then. the backlash are the mass requests to make an updated version just for the workshop...or better yet, the funnier meens...some modders dont support the bug posts simply because it was installed via ckan for example. so some modders actually require you to install manually before getting any sort of support(along with proper files n such of course), tell me how a workshop will be useful/game-changer here? I really dont get the hype here...just learn how to manually install, use ckan. or just dont use the mods. Not like they(modder) make readme files for their health or anything lol.


anywoo, Im happy to see a plethora of bug fixes and improvements, i wasnt expecting another update so soon. Now...to see which mods broke and which ones didnt ;) thats always the question isnt it? haha

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