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[1.12.x] BDArmory Continued v1.3.5 beta [1/29/2022] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together


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I have created a fresh new Topic to maintain BDAc continuity.  For any past forum posts please refer to the Old BDAcTopic here:

The old BDAc Forum Topic has been locked by the topic owner.



Please note that Physics Range Extender and Module Manager are required dependencies for BD Armory Continued

Also be advised that using the World Stabilizer mod will cause problems with PRE as it has it's own world stabilization code we refer to as Black Spell ... Only solution to this is to not use the World Stabilizer mod


BD Armory wiki: http://bdarmory.wikia.com/wiki/BDArmory_Wikia

BDAc Release Links:
Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases
Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues

Physics Range Extender (REQUIRED): https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases

Papa Joe's Soup Github link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup?tab=repositories



Importing craft that are armed into the new BDAc is going to mess with the weapons as the craft file that has been saved will have values in it that are no longer in BDAc as well as not having the new variables that are in BDAc

The current release of BDAc is a maintenance release, and only KSP compatibility updates will be performed going forward.  The Mod is NOT dead, though, as others have taken the reigns of keeping BDA alive and well.  with that said:

Please Check out the New BDA+

NOTE.  BDA for Runway Project (now BDA+) is a separate fork by Brett Ryland and others. 

New forum Post for BDA+ is here:  



See spoilers below for release notes, videos, Github issues and download links

The BDAc family of mods were all created by @BahamutoD, and in his absence, we have taken it upon ourselves to keep the explosions flowing

For anything related to BDAc or mods in the BDAc family, I refer you to the Github link for Papa Joe's Soup (Slightly Over Used Parts) where there is listed download links for the mods in question ... If you have questions or concerns, feel free to post here and the team will do our best to assist you

I also refer you to our in game KSPedia where you will find a wealth of information on the operation of BDAc

Be aware that forcing opengl will result in many shaders showing as pink ... the only solution is DO NOT force opengl

If you think you have come across a gremlin or a bug with BDAc or any of the mods we maintain, feel free to post here, however we ask that you also take a look at the issues list on Github to see if your problem has been addressed. We use the built in Github issues tracker to keep record of bugs, enhancements and feature requests as it is difficult to keep track of bug reports and all the great ideas that the community have come up with on the forum (things can get buried and lost under newer posts)

Please note that only the most recent version of BDAc is supported at this time and that BDA needs PhysicsRangeExtender to work properly: https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases

Also, to correctly install BDAc, first download the latest release from the BDAc releases link posted below (not the source download) and then extract the BDArmory folder contained within the zip file and place it into your KSP/Gamedata folder ... Do not, I repeat, do not place the Gamedata folder contained within the BDAc zip into your Gamedata folder as this will cause umpteen million conflicts to arise as the BahaTurret pickle looks for textures, configs and whatnot in specific places

In regards to CKAN ... It is our policy not to provide support for CKAN as we have no control over the process beyond listing when deploying to SpaceDock. If you are having issues with CKAN we request that you take it up with CKAN, otherwise follow the clear instructions posted above and if your issue continues then feel free to ask the team for assistance

In regards to support, KSP.log please  (Found in the same directory as the KSP executable ... this file is overwritten each time you start KSP ... upload this file to a filesharing site such as dropbox and post the link so the team can take a look) ... I also refer you to the following thread where it describes in detail everything else that is required for us to help you:

Best Regards,
The BDAc Team


BDAc Release Notes (latest only):


1.3.5 Beta
    * Recompiled for KSP 1.12.3

    * Recompiled for KSP 1.9.1
    * Shaders compatibility for Mac / Linux
    * Missiles problem regarding locking and losing lock affecting heat and radar missiles. (Thanks to TheKurgan to find the problematic commit)

    * Recompiled for KSP 1.9.0
    * Localization en-us and zh-cn (Thanks to tinygrox!)
    * Some NRE here and there.
    * Fixes to Laser accuracy (Thanks to Gedas!)
    * Part Categories for BDArmory is now activated by default

    * Recompiled for KSP 1.8.1
    * Munition count to Weapon Manager GUI.
    * Enhanced weapon selection.
    * Beam-guided munition track moving targets.
    * Improved camera tracking position.
    * RMB info in editor.
    * Ballistic guidance overhaul. Now it is possible to also select the angle of the ballistic path.
    * Turret movement improved.
    * Weapons respect engagement range.
    * Dozen of NRE exceptions.
    * Fix surface ai description.
    * Fix turret gimbal calculation.
    * Turrets with constrained yaw should freak out less when aiming behind them.
    * Locatization fixes.
    * Fixed torpedo produces thrust above water. #710
    * Fixed proximity fuze radius for explosive bullets.
    * Fixed heat missiles missing target just after being fired.

    * Multiple teams are now supported by BDA.
        * Probably breaks ALL the existing addons.
            The new property is `Team` instead of `team`.
            Review all existing references and check whether the check is for the same/different team (`==`/`!=`) or enemy/ally (use `IsEnemy` and `IsFriendly`).
            `TargetDatabase` and `GPSTargets` have gone private and are not guaranteed to contain all the teams anyway. 
            Use `TargetList` and `GPSTargetList` instead.
        * Will lose existing saved GPS targets.
        * Right-click the team button to customize the teams in-game.
    * Ammo gauges. (thanks to @SuicidalInsanity)
        * Disabled by default, enable in BDA settings.
    * Editor subcategories.
        * Disabled by default, enable in settings or by right clicking the category button.
        * Any part specifying a `bdacategory` will be accordingly categorized.
        * Other parts can be inferred from part modules.
    * Recompiled for KSP 1.7.0
    * Wing commander formation parameters can once again be configured in editor on the weapon manager.
    * Improved gun ballistic estimation.
    * BDA will show a small version number on weapon manager.
    * AI pilot should now use torpedoes.
    * Weapons will revert to default weapon group on blank weapon group entry.
    * Missiles fired from turrets will obey drop time and decouple direction.
    * Guns with air detonation (flak) should work now. (thanks to @SuicidalInsanity)
    * Guard mode no longer stops firing at passed out pilots. (thanks to @SuicidalInsanity)
    * Missile turrets should properly stop tracking in various circumstances.
    * Gun safety should no longer prevent firing from aiming too close to self.
    * Drag no longer causes bullets to speed up.
    * Reloadable missile rail no longer permits reloading when out of ammo.
    * Modular missiles autodestruction if missed improved

    * Weapons groups - different weapons firing in parallel(thanks to @SuicidalInsanity)
    * Recompiled for KSP 1.6.0 
    * Fixing modular missiles roll correction.
    * Fixing modular missiles stage on proximity.
    * Fixing Hipoints for mods like AirplanePlus #598

    * Recompiled for KSP 1.5.1  
    * EC per shot for energy weapons like Rail guns. #486
    * EMP Weapons logic.
    * Modular Missiles: Min speed before guidance trigger, time between stages.
    * New High Explosive resource for missiles.
    * New smoke model.
    * Autopilot: Orbiting direction can be set.

    * Explosive blast forces increased.
    * Hitpoints rounding reduced to 100. #432
    * Missiles can be jettisoned using action group #539
    * Max detonation range for air explosive bullets increased from 3500m to 8000m.
    * Autopilot improvements: pitchKi has saner values, also steering added.
    * Guard mode: Better calculation of missiles away.
    * Better bullet distribution.
    * FX performance improved limiting number of parallel animations.
    * Better checks for missile detonations.

    * HE bullets now do less kinetic damage after substracting HE mass
    * HitPoints calculations: values remain the same between scenes 
    * HitPoints calculations: bigger vessels now have more sensible HP values. #477
    * Stop explosions moving across the ground
    * Fixed detonation on collision #566
    * CSV parts export now show all parts
    * Fixed weapons category due to localization issues. #580
    * Stage icons fixed for KSP 1.5.1
    * Some exceptions controlled
    * Heat missiles will not lock friendly vessels. #586
    * Fixed issue where modular missiles were detecting themselves as enemy vessels and detonating.
    * Modular Missiles: roll correction fixed.

    * Bullet mass rebalance for lower calibers #515
    * No damage reductions for lower calibers #515
    * 120mm bullet improvements.
- Thanks to SpannerMoneky, Gedas-S, DoctorDavinci, Kergan, Gomker, PapaJoesSoup, TheDogKSP, Duck1998, and Fitiales for their work on this release!

* added in missing high speed missle fix.  somehow got lost in the merge migration.

* added in missing high speed missle fix.  somehow got lost in the merge migration.

* Recompiled for KSP 1.4.5

    *Error spam in Log when a radar is destroyed.  An orphaned index was not properly being updated. 
     Reported in BDAc Forum post: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155014-14x-bdarmory-continued-v1221-7102018-vessel-mover-camera-tools-bdmk22-destruction-effects-burn-together/&do=findComment&comment=3425233
     Thanks to greydragon70 for his thoughtful evaluation of BDac and issue reporting.
    * Corrected an error where high speed missiles would sometimes not detonate in the correct location.

  * Increased maximum allowable missles per target to 18, up from 6.
  * Added EMP Module.  Now Electromagnetic pulses exist in game that can disable electronics within the blast range.
  * Added 2 new EMP equipped missiles  HellFire EMP, and AIM-120 EMP.  Small pulse radius but demonstrates the feature.
  * Added 3 different sized EMP pulse FX, allows for additional sized pulse weapons.
  * Added Reloadable Missile Rail (ModuleMissileRearm.  Now missile launchers can be reloadable!  
    This module can be added to missile launcher designs to allow reloading. (code used with permission courtesy of @flywyx).  
    Requires unity based modifications,  normal rails will not function as reloadable unless additional transforms are added.
  * Added new standard resource High Explosive.  Provides better matching of tntMass for balance.
  * Added an Ammo switcher feature (no more Firespitter required)
  * Added new Universal Ammo Box part that uses the new Ammo switcher feature.  Old part remains for backawards compatability.  
    Use the new part going forward.  To remove the need for FireSpitter, replace existing Ammo Box parts with the new part on existing craft.
  * Improved sub categories for BDA parts.  This helps with the clutter in the Editor under the BDA category.
  * Removed BDACategoryModule as a result of the BDA categories refactor.  
    Existing craft may see a module not found warnings in the log.  This will have no ill effects and can be safely ignored.
  * Improved smoke effects for smoke canister launchers
  * Added new Jet engine based on the J-404.  Licensed from KTech. (Thanks @TheKurgan, @SpannerMonkey(SMCE) & @XOC2008!)
  * Added new BDAc Test Drone MKIII craft, utilizing the new engine.
  * Added engagement rules to all missiles

NOTE:  There has been a long standing issue with guns accuracy and the AI.  Seem when the AI fIres, it can't hit the broad side of a barn (OK, it can if the barn jumps in front of it, but not intentionally.)  As was reported and well characterized by @greydragon70 (Thanks) and many others (thanks as well!).  we are taking a deep look at this issue.  Based on our rather extensive testing, this problem was introduced some time around version 1.0 or 1.1.  We are working on narrowing it down, but that is going back quite a ways.

I just wanted everyone to know we are taking a hard look at this as we realize it is an unacceptable condition. 

More news will follow, but we wanted to get this latest change out so we could focus on this issue.

BDAc Development Timelapse:

Just a little video that @jrodriguez put together to show the development of BDA from its modest beginnings to around April of 2018.  We thought you might like to see it:




BDAc Family Mod links:

BDMk22 Plugin
Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/releases
Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/issues

Burn Together
Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BurnTogether/releases
Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BurnTogether/issues

Camera Tools
Releases link: https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases
Issues link: https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/issues

Destruction Effects
Forum link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154379-12x-destruction-effects-v130-010217/&page=1
Releases link: https://github.com/jrodrigv/DestructionEffects/releases
Issues link: https://github.com/jrodrigv/DestructionEffects/issues

Improved Chase Camera
Forum link : https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/173436-14x-improved-chase-camera-v162-apr-02-2018/
Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ImprovedChaseCamera/releases
Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ImprovedChaseCamera/issues

Vessel Mover Continued
Forum link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/144421-12-vesselmover-continued-v1513/&
Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/releases
Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/issues


Vessel Switcher has been incorporated into BD Armory Continued

In regards to Adjustable Landing Gear, please consult the Kerbal Foundries Continued thread where @Shadowmage has taken it upon himself to maintain an ALG-like addition to KF Continued ... his thread can be found at the following link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155056-122-kerbal-foundries-continued-tracks-wheels-and-gear-02-05-17/&page=1


Physic Range Extender:

Guard Mode and Wing Commander:

Modular Missiles:

Sonar and Torpedoes:

Missiles - Cruise and Terminal Guidance 


BD Armory was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (BahamutoD) and distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0.  BahamutoD has moved on to creating VTOL VR, found on Steam.  Go check it out!

This mod is now called BD Armory Continued, and is being maintained in BahamutoD's absence by the BDAc team.  It continues to be distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0.
Please read about the license at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/before attempting to modify and redistribute it

BD Armory Continued contains code based off of Aircraft Carrier Accessories and is used with permission (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152916-14xaircraft-carrier-accessories/) ... Courtesy of @flywlyx
BD Armory Continued also contains code based off of Firespitter. To comply with the requirements of Firespitters' license, the following permission notice, applicable to those parts of the code only, is included below:

License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission.
UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking.
For reuse of the plugin, please either direct people to download the dll from my official release, OR recompile the wanted partmodule/class with a new class name to avoid conflicts.  https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter

Edited by Papa_Joe
Add redirect link for BDA+ (formerly BDA for Runway Project)
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Greetings all. A quick query.


A while ago, I remember this mod having an issue with the HEKV missiles. I was just wondering whether the HEKVs are currently working, or if anyone has any specific recommendations with them. I'm running myself a little bit of a storyline in my main game, and a missile strike (combined with the railguns and some Gatling guns set as CIWS/PDS would work rather well.


Many thanks,

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19 hours ago, Messernacht said:

Greetings all. A quick query.


A while ago, I remember this mod having an issue with the HEKV missiles. I was just wondering whether the HEKVs are currently working, or if anyone has any specific recommendations with them. I'm running myself a little bit of a storyline in my main game, and a missile strike (combined with the railguns and some Gatling guns set as CIWS/PDS would work rather well.


Many thanks,

Since the newest version of bdac shows that the HEKV is no longer broken, I assume yes.

Would  require more testing though. I have not used it for some time.

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On 9/14/2018 at 2:44 AM, Messernacht said:

I was just wondering whether the HEKVs are currently working, or if anyone has any specific recommendations with them

The HE-KV-1 works... BUT it only works reliably in a vacuum... it does not work well in the atmosphere, this is the way it was designed, and it is intentional.

You need a powerful radar to lock targets at it's range limits, which is about 100km.

Although the missile works ok in low orbit, it works best in high orbit, or above 250km.

14 hours ago, Xd the great said:

Would  require more testing though. I have not used it for some time.

No, it does not require further testing. Please stop.

Video of the HE-KV-1 in action:




Edited by TheKurgan
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6 hours ago, TheKurgan said:

The HE-KV-1 works... BUT it only works reliably in a vacuum... it does not work well in the atmosphere, this is the way it was designed, and it is intentional.

You need a powerful radar to lock targets at it's range limits, which is about 100km.

Although the missile works ok in low orbit, it works best in high orbit, or above 250km.

No, it does not require further testing. Please stop.

Video of the HE-KV-1 in action:

  Hide contents



Perfect. Many thanks for that. Most conflict will be above the 300km mark in any case.


On that topic, where did you obtain the PTMK4FX radar from? Seems perfect for these purposes.

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6 hours ago, Messernacht said:

On that topic, where did you obtain the PTMK4FX radar from? Seems perfect for these purposes.

If you look again, the PTMK4FX is actually a weapon :)

It stands for Photon Torpedo MK IV  The FX was a variant for testing the exhaust effects :)

The radar I use comes from my mod KTech, the link is in my sig

and the Photon Torpedoes are in KTech too.

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Just now, ToastyOats said:

Out of curiosity are any of the BDA Contract mods supported for 1.4+ KSP? Or do you currently have to build out your own AI Enemies etc.

AFAIK Contracts stuff was handled by Doc who is on sabbatical for now

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I just thought of something:

Would custom detonation distances on missiles (Especially ones that are set to detonate closer to a target) be more likely to explode the missile upon firing?

That would explain my issues with them since I usually set my detonation distances to 7 or 8 in order to up the odds of the missile doing damage, but it may inadvertently be causing them to explode almost immediately upon firing them in certain positions.  

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I just got KSP on Steam and I'm trying to get the BD armory mod working. I tried everything I could think of. I have Module manager installed, went to YouTube got the Physics Extender thing. 

The problem is that even though I see Module Manager and the parts for BD armory in the loading screen, I don't see the tabs showing the weapons. only the Weapons Manager tab that allows you to control them when attached.

Can someone help me on this? Am I making a mistake somewhere? Please inform me if I need to add more info.

Thanks in Advance

My GameData Folder: https://imgur.com/a/jpTk66D

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I would PM you about this Papa Jones, but i dont have access to PMs on this account yet.

I've started making some more realistically ranged radars for use with my procedural missiles i've built in FAR, specifically an AN/APG-71 is what i'm working on right now, but i can't figure out how to extend the range of the radar window that you open up in flight past 100km so my radars can be used to their fullest extent. Could you help me with this?

Edited by Isenderen
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7 hours ago, jrodriguez said:

Hi @Isenderen what do you mean with be updated? At the moment it works fine with the latest KSP version.

Sorry, i guess i should've worded that better. I was meaning more of will it be maintained in the future if it does break. Even with it working, it not receiving updates made me kinda worried that it might have been a short time jab at it just to see if something like that would work.

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