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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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19 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I submit PRs when I have changes for any/all mods that I update.  For this, the only changes were needed to compile it in my environment

Well, to get same functionality of the current Kopernicus in 1.8, that’s all that is needed, but the new Kopernicus add some cool features that needed an extended development time, obviously :D 

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1 minute ago, Galileo said:

Well, to get same functionality of the current Kopernicus in 1.8, that’s all that is needed, but the new Kopernicus add some cool features that needed an extended development time, obviously :D 

Of course.  I did find one bug, confirmed by @Sigma88 when working on New Horizons, but in general, I don't ask for support for my version.  

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9 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Inhave, but I don’t recommend doing it for the casual player.  And, before you ask, I am not distributing it to other players. I did it for my steam on Twitch


I stated that I will NOT distribute this to other players.  It's fairly obvious what I am saying, yet I have already been contacted via PM by someone who wants me to send it to him.



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Some content has been removed and/or redacted.

Folks, just a friendly reminder that reports are a private matter between the moderators and whomever filed the report. As such, it's never appropriate to tell anyone (other than moderators) that you have filed or plan to file a report. Doing so constitutes "backseat moderation" and is, itself, not allowed (per forum rule 3.2). If you believe someone has violated a forum rule, simply file a report and leave it at that; then the moderators will review and decide whether they think any action is necessary.

Thank you for your understanding.

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3 hours ago, Galileo said:

Within 24 hours, you guys will be playing with an updated Kopernicus. Patience is key. 

They say patience is it's own reward. . . they're liars.  But, I suppose I can suck it up for another day or so :cool:.

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5 hours ago, dlrk said:

People frequently post recompiles.

Not as often as you might think, mainly due to the hassles one has to put up with in order to post a recompile while following the add-on posting rules. It's actually a pretty big deal.

That's because posting a recompiled mod counts as publishing your own mod, which means you have to jump through all the same hoops you'd need to if you were making a new mod from scratch. You can't just share a zip file or DLL and post a link.

(Of course, a fair number of well-meaning people don't realize this, and post rule-violating recompiles anyway-- which we moderators must then, regretfully, remove when they come to light.)

For example, here's what the process would look like to legitimately publish a recompile : 1. Establish that the mod has a license that even allows publishing derived works in the first place. 2. Do the recompile. 3. Create your repackaged mod, including an updated license (since you're the author of the recompile), while giving credit to the original author as required. 4. Set up a public repository of your forked code, for example on github. 5. Create your own thread in Add-on Releases with a link to your download. Ensure that it has both a link to your updated source repository and your updated license information.

That's... rather a lot of hassle, for just a simple recompile, which is why most people don't do it. (Unless they're going whole hog and assuming full ownership of maintaining their own published fork on an ongoing basis, in which case there's so much labor invested that the hassle of publishing is worth it.)

So please understand that if you ask a forum member to "share a recompile", that's not a small thing. Either you're asking them to take on the massive hassle described above, or else you're asking them to break rules for you.

In other words... it's a much bigger ask than you probably realize. So, please be mindful of that, and best not to be forward asking for such a thing unless they've already volunteered to shoulder the significant burden of publishing. ;)

A final note: I've explained all this here due to the ongoing interest in Kopernicus, but further discussions of the intricacies and pecadilloes of mod forking and publishing, and the forum rules pertaining thereto, would be off-topic for this thread. So if anyone wants to discuss that, please take it to a separate thread over in Add-on Discussions, rather than here. Thanks!

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15 hours ago, Galileo said:

Well, to get same functionality of the current Kopernicus in 1.8, that’s all that is needed, but the new Kopernicus add some cool features that needed an extended development time, obviously :D 


9 hours ago, Galileo said:

Within 24 hours, you guys will be playing with an updated Kopernicus. Patience is key. 

Have I missed something, are you on the team maintaining Kopernicus? The first page only mentions Sigma and Thomas.

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11 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:

Have I missed something, are you on the team maintaining Kopernicus? The first page only mentions Sigma and Thomas.

Galileo was a great help dev testing the dev versions while I was coding the new features. There are a lot of people who contribute (or contributed) to the development of kopernicus other than me and thomas. And working with galileo was easy for me since we already had worked together on other projects. Plus he is one of the planet devs that uses a lot of the features provided by kopernicus, which helps when you want to make sure that everything works

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9 hours ago, Galileo said:

Within 24 hours, you guys will be playing with an updated Kopernicus. Patience is key. 


But Im supposed to be preparing for my next D&D session this week :o

Oh well, my gnome’ll be from a distant universe inhabited by little green men I guess. :3


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1 hour ago, Sigma88 said:

... working with galileo was easy for me since ...

Ok, so then what he was saying probably wasn't just speculation then :)

I look forward to seeing my planet Rald with the new shaders and Duna textures.

On another note, I've tried modding surface features from BG before (like duplicating Laythe's geysers and making them show up on Kerbin and Badlands geysers), but it didn't work with planets made by Kopernicus. Will Kopernicus 1.8 support surface features on custom planets?

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Galileo just posted that for the forum rep. /s :D 

Will there be Kittopia dumps of the stock bodies to coincide with the 1.8.1 release so that they can guide users how to use any new parameters that are available from the stock game? Its always great to be able to look at those as references.

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4 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

24 hours is probably very optimistic :D:D:D

I don't think I will be finished by then, but the release date is getting closer I think

Well, then I was lead astray! 

I’ll slink away into my sad, little corner, with the other little boy that cried wolf.

But, wow! Thanks for all the fake internet points, guys! Though, that was not my intention.




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Just now, Galileo said:

Well, then I was lead astray! 

I’ll slink away into my sad, little corner, with the other little boy that cried wolf.

But, wow! Thanks for all the fake internet points, guys! Though, that was not my intention.




Im so confused.

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