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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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1 hour ago, Mrcarrot said:

@OhioBob- Still doesn't work.

Sorry, I don't see anything else obviously wrong.  Are you sure the path to your color map is correct and that the texture is there?  Planet's won't show up when there's a missing texture file.  I also normally use .dds files for my color maps, though I don't know if that's a problem, .png might work as well.

When you say it doesn't work, what do you mean?  What's not working about it?

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@Mrcarrot, the following works:


		name = Noduun
		flightGlobalsIndex = 355
		cacheFile = Planets1138/Cache/Noduun.bin
			name = Jool
			description = Noduun. Farthest out and smallest gas giant in the system. As Noduun is quite some distance from Eeloo, scientists speculate that it feels lonely.
			radius = 5991000
			geeASL = 1.5
			isHomeworld = false
			tidallyLocked = false
			rotates = true
			rotationPeriod = 5960
			sphereOfInfluence = 4000000000
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 200000 430000 650000 87000000 290042000 30000000 300000500
				flyingLowDataValue = 6
				flyingHighDataValue = 5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 3
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200100000
			referenceBody = Sun
			semiMajorAxis = 90339999999
			inclination = 1.221622
			eccentricity = 0.250642
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0.90075
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0.0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
			color = 0.034,0.0,0.255,1.0
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 29000
			fadeEnd = 30000
				texture = Planets1138/Noduun/PluginData/Noduun_color.png
				shininess = 0.25
				specular = 0,0,0,1.0
					0.0 = 0.034,0.0,0.255,0.3
					0.5 = 0.009,0.0,0.071,0.3
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0


It took two things to make it work.  First, I tidied up the formatting.  I'm not sure what was wrong specifically, but I went and changed all the indentation to tabs rather than spaces.  Second, I deleted the atmosphere node.  One of those changes alone won't work, but the combination makes your planet appear.

I don't know what's wrong with the atmosphere node.  At first I thought it was a formatting problem - your curves have a lot of extra spaces between numbers.  I tried to fix the formatting but it still doesn't work.  I'll take a second look and see if I can figure it out.


I copied into your config an atmosphere node from another planet that I know works.  The above config with the alternate atmosphere node works fine.  When I copied your pressure curve back, it failed.  There definitely seems to be something in your pressure curve that Kopernicus doesn't like.  Why don't you try making your atmosphere using this:


Edited by OhioBob
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1 minute ago, Astrofox said:

Question: How do I generate a biome map?

You don't generate a biome map. You make one in Photoshop or whatever image editing program you use. 

Edited by Galileo
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I have a problem relating to textures: My world has been given a texture via Kittopiatech, and I then placed the texture (normals, everything) in the respective folder and then put in the ScaledSpace code that applies the textures.

However, when I get close enough to the planet, it does not hold that texture.

Here's the video, and pastebins are in description:


Yes, I do this so that people can see problems that I have faced and check if they have the same issue. Then we have the answer in the comments (or a link to the answer on the forums).

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4 hours ago, Astrofox said:

Question: How do I generate a biome map?

After playing with Alien Space Programs I can offer some help here.

If you have a height map for your world made up, you could use that as a guide to making a biome map. Say, convert a height range to a single shade and repeat for multiple shades. But if possible, try to use a colour scheme that resembles your planet's visible colours so it looks better with KerbNet displays. Once you've converted your basic height ranges, you can introduce unique biomes to some areas, like slopes for crater walls could be different from regular slopes.

Use the ScanSat biome maps in the KSP Wiki or the kittopia-dumps project for inspiration. You can turn on biome view in Cheats to preview the biome map on top of your planet.

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21 hours ago, OhioBob said:

@Mrcarrot, the following works:

  Hide contents

		name = Noduun
		flightGlobalsIndex = 355
		cacheFile = Planets1138/Cache/Noduun.bin
			name = Jool
			description = Noduun. Farthest out and smallest gas giant in the system. As Noduun is quite some distance from Eeloo, scientists speculate that it feels lonely.
			radius = 5991000
			geeASL = 1.5
			isHomeworld = false
			tidallyLocked = false
			rotates = true
			rotationPeriod = 5960
			sphereOfInfluence = 4000000000
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 200000 430000 650000 87000000 290042000 30000000 300000500
				flyingLowDataValue = 6
				flyingHighDataValue = 5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 4
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 3
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200100000
			referenceBody = Sun
			semiMajorAxis = 90339999999
			inclination = 1.221622
			eccentricity = 0.250642
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0.90075
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 0.0
			meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
			color = 0.034,0.0,0.255,1.0
			type = Atmospheric
			fadeStart = 29000
			fadeEnd = 30000
				texture = Planets1138/Noduun/PluginData/Noduun_color.png
				shininess = 0.25
				specular = 0,0,0,1.0
					0.0 = 0.034,0.0,0.255,0.3
					0.5 = 0.009,0.0,0.071,0.3
					1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0


It took two things to make it work.  First, I tidied up the formatting.  I'm not sure what was wrong specifically, but I went and changed all the indentation to tabs rather than spaces.  Second, I deleted the atmosphere node.  One of those changes alone won't work, but the combination makes your planet appear.

I don't know what's wrong with the atmosphere node.  At first I thought it was a formatting problem - your curves have a lot of extra spaces between numbers.  I tried to fix the formatting but it still doesn't work.  I'll take a second look and see if I can figure it out.


I copied into your config an atmosphere node from another planet that I know works.  The above config with the alternate atmosphere node works fine.  When I copied your pressure curve back, it failed.  There definitely seems to be something in your pressure curve that Kopernicus doesn't like.  Why don't you try making your atmosphere using this:


I actually found the one problem:



(stuff here)



(rest of config here)

My atmosphere curve was fine. I used @KillAshley's Curve calculator.


Edited by Mrcarrot
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[Fixed!] Rotate a surface?

My fork of Laythe Space Program has the KSC half a world away from where Latitude 0 and Longitude 0 are, making early career survey contract locations impossible to reach.

I ran into this with Eve Space Program, but I found a spot on the edge of Eve's Crater Lake at 0/10 that works. On Laythe, 0/0 is smack in the middle of the Sagen Sea with no large land masses nearby.

[26 JUN 2017] This, among other problems, were solved by making sure only the home world used the Kerbin template. Templating Bin from Kerbin and then templating the home world from Kerbin caused all kinds of strangeness. Maybe the game was using the KSC coordinates on the first world to use the Kerbin template, to place the initial survey contracts and the distance record origin.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Solved by making sure only one world used Kerbin template
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45 minutes ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

Rotate a surface?

My fork of Laythe Space Program has the KSC half a world away from where Latitude 0 and Longitude 0 are, making early career survey contract locations impossible to reach.

I ran into this with Eve Space Program, but I found a spot on the edge of Eve's Crater Lake at 0/10 that works. On Laythe, 0/0 is smack in the middle of the Sagen Sea with no large land masses nearby.

So with moving the KSC to the middle of the ocean not an option, I thought I could rotate the surface 180 degrees instead. I tried taking the four images for the height, colour, normal and biome map, and wrapped them 180 degrees. The colour map failed to wrap so land masses were in the wrong place and there were black holes in the ocean, but I think the height map and biome map worked at least. Mind you, I was using GIMP to do the job and it might not be the best tool.

Is there a better way to rotate the surface of a world? Or have I missed an essential step beyond editing the graphics? Maybe I can tell Kopernicus where 0/0 should be on the images.

the KSC is not at 0/0 on kerbin

it's at longitude = -15 and latitude = ~0


I thought that contract generation took into account of wheter the position of the KSC had changed


@nightingale is usually my go-to guy for contract troubles :)

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Just now, Sigma88 said:

the KSC is not at 0/0 on kerbin

it's at longitude = -15 and latitude = ~0

Early in career mode, the first few survey contract waypoints are close enough to 0/0 (or 0/-15) that travelling to them in an early aircraft is practical. Moving the KSC does not move the general area where these waypoints appear.

I wonder how Galileo's planet pack deals with this on Gael. @Galileo, I don't have GPP installed and looking at the Gael.cfg didn't give me any clues. Do the early career surveys spawn near your KSC, with it being at 8 / -168?

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1 minute ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

Early in career mode, the first few survey contract waypoints are close enough to 0/0 (or 0/-15) that travelling to them in an early aircraft is practical. Moving the KSC does not move the general area where these waypoints appear.

I wonder how Galileo's planet pack deals with this on Gael. @Galileo, I don't have GPP installed and looking at the Gael.cfg didn't give me any clues. Do the early career surveys spawn near your KSC, with it being at 8 / -168?

For stock survey contracts, they base the center point for "near KSC" survey contracts on the SpaceCenter location - which is different than the KSC PQS City.  It's not something I've looked at enough to know if SpaceCenter is its own thing, or in the same game object hierarchy as the PQS City (and would therefore automatically get moved).  That part I'll pass off on @Thomas P.. :wink:

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3 minutes ago, nightingale said:

For stock survey contracts, they base the center point for "near KSC" survey contracts on the SpaceCenter location - which is different than the KSC PQS City.  It's not something I've looked at enough to know if SpaceCenter is its own thing, or in the same game object hierarchy as the PQS City (and would therefore automatically get moved).  That part I'll pass off on @Thomas P.. :wink:

so it's some kind of component that you can get from the celestialbody?

I'll look into this, I guess the "SpaceCenter" is not being moved and that might cause the errors, unless...

 @Gordon Fecyk are you using Contract configurator? or is this just about stock contracts?

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3 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

are you using Contract configurator? or is this just about stock contracts?

Just stock contracts.

After doing "Purple Space Program" as an April Fools joke I took some interest in fixing the problems I ran into, such as no biomes and the KSC being 90 degrees west of where the surveys were.

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1 minute ago, Gordon Fecyk said:

Just stock contracts.

After doing "Purple Space Program" as an April Fools joke I took some interest in fixing the problems I ran into, such as no biomes and the KSC being 90 degrees west of where the surveys were.

then it's probably an issue with moving the "SpaceCenter" component instead of moving the KSC building to the hardcoded position of stock KSC

I'm looking into it right now

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I've got a problem I'm hoping somebody has a solution to.  This has likely come up before, because it seems to be rather common problem, but I haven't been able to find any discussion about it.

I have a situation were the size of the planet as rendered in scaled scale versus PQS doesn't match up.  The PQS rendering has a larger radius, so when I'm at the range of distance where both are rendered, I have two superimposed images that don't quite match up.  I can fix it by changing either the planet's deformity, or its offset, but neither is a good solution.

When I set (deformity + offset) = 5000, there's a near perfect match between the two renderings.  However, if I set the deformity too low, the planet is too flat a featureless.  For aesthetics, I need a large deformity.  But if I set the deformity larger than 5000, then I must use a negative offset.  A negative offset means that I have large portions of the surface lying at negative elevation.  This causes the radar altimeter (i.e. 'height above terrain') to not function correctly (plus I understand there is other bugginess associated with negative elevations).  So, for example, either of the following fixes the mismatched images,

deformity = 5000, offset = 0

deformity = 8000, offset = -3000

But both solutions are bad for the other reasons already described.

Does anybody know a way to get the scaled space and PQS images to coincide without having to change the deformity and/or offset to values that I don't want to use?

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2 hours ago, OhioBob said:

Does anybody know a way to get the scaled space and PQS images to coincide without having to change the deformity and/or offset to values that I don't want to use?

stupid question, have you tried deleting the cache file so that kopernicus can generate a new one?

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Just now, Sigma88 said:

stupid question, have you tried deleting the cache file so that kopernicus can generate a new one?

I think I did at one time, but I've been making so many changes that I really don't remember now.  Let me give that a try and see what happens.  Are you talking about the MM cache?

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13 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

I think I did at one time, but I've been making so many changes that I really don't remember now.  Let me give that a try and see what happens.  Are you talking about the MM cache?


the .bin file generated by kopernicus

just search for any .bin file with the name of your planet


if you also upload the mm cache file I can take a look at the planet and tell you exactly where you can find the cache file for the planet

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21 hours ago, Sigma88 said:


the .bin file generated by kopernicus

just search for any .bin file with the name of your planet

That didn't work.  I'm still getting the same effect along the planet's limb.


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[Fixed!] KSC scene rendered 180 degrees from KSC

Still trying to fix up Alien Space Programs and uncovered a new problem. The Duna edition has a broken KSC scene but craft launched would appear at the 'real' KSC location as defined in SpaceCenter{}. This is something GregroxMun acknowledged as much, but it does break career mode, even worse than the survey contract problem does, because you can't right-click on buildings to upgrade them.

While surveying for a new location for the KSC around Duna, I found a KSC-shaped indentation in the terrain roughly on the other side of where the KSC is supposed to be. KerbNet reported an altitude of 47 mm (yes, 0.047 m) there, but landing there the terrain was really 3300 to 3500 m high. The craft's position icon appeared in the broken KSC view where I could recover it.

Ever notice that Kopernicus-edited home worlds with landed craft nearby have their positions ever-so-slightly off in the KSC scene? Well this one had its position half of a world away. Maybe there's something wrong with the config that has the maps or the PQSCity reversed by 180 degrees.

Here's the config file as I have it right now, on the forked GitHub repository I've been working on. This isn't happening with the Laythe or Eve implementations.

Looking at OhioBob's recent problem I made sure to clear the Kopernicus cache each time I checked.

[26 JUN 2017] This was fixed by making sure only my home world used the Kerbin template. I think it was trying to read the coordinates of KSC from 'Bin' when rendering the Space Center scene on Duna.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Solved by making sure only one world used Kerbin template
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@Sigma88, it looks like your suggestion to delete the .bin files worked after all.  Like an idiot I deleted the wrong file when I said it didn't work.  When I realized my mistake and deleted the correct file, the problem went away.  Thanks for your help.  That's good to know that when I make changes like this I should delete the .bin file.

Edited by OhioBob
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