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Let's welcome St4rdust, our new Community Manager


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Hi everyone,

Let me introduce you to @St4rdust, our new Community Manager She's very excited to be part of the KSP family and she hopes to make her contribution and provide fresh ideas to the best community ever! Please give her a warm welcome :)  

Here are a few words by her:

Hello there! I’m St4rdust.
I've played video games sinces I was 7. My favorite games are StarCraft l & ll, World of Warcraft and Overwatch. My favorite character from KSP is Valentina.
My interests are arts, space documentaries and COSMOS series with Carl Sagan & Neil Degrasse Tyson (still waiting for the 2nd season release). I like SiFi movies like Alien, Interstellar and more. I went to NASA in december 2018. My favorite spacecraft missions are Cassini, Juno and Voyager.

I hope we could have many adventures in the space with Kerbal Space Program. Share the love for the game with me. I’m here to help you and to be your friend.

"Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still"
- David Bowie


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4 hours ago, St4rdust said:

Thank you so much for the warm welcome to KSP Community. Let's do amazing things as a team. :)

See you in space! 

Welcome aboard the friendliest forum around!

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I would repeat what all the others have said, but that's getting a little too boring for me.


Normally, this is where I would do a song-and-dance routine, but as this is online, I am unable. No, there are any videos of me doing this... it's way too cringe-worthy... 

So, instead, @St4rdust, on behalf of all the forum members who haven't posted, I welcome you to the forums, and wish you safe (but epic) explosions. ;)

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Kind of a silly question: in <insert long highly detailed and esoteric question about the deep canon lore of KSP> without invoking "A Wizard Did It" and bearing in mind I have already explained about the wig.

Kind of a more on topic question: what does the community manager do?  Cause you know... merchandizing </yiddish accent>

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On 4/19/2019 at 6:24 PM, steuben said:

Kind of a silly question: in <insert long highly detailed and esoteric question about the deep canon lore of KSP> without invoking "A Wizard Did It" and bearing in mind I have already explained about the wig.

Kind of a more on topic question: what does the community manager do?  Cause you know... merchandizing </yiddish accent>

Hello there, you can check KSP Social Media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram :)

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