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Thread to discuss negative things in a very general way, just see where it goes y'know?


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  On 4/26/2019 at 6:49 PM, Geonovast said:

That seems like an incredibly easy problem to solve..


Not if you have a doctorate in Human Resources Management. "But how do we communicate with the employee's supervisor to ensure that they are aware that the desk is the property of the college and not the employee's property? And where in the process can we positively document that this communication has taken place?"

  On 4/26/2019 at 6:58 PM, Geonovast said:

That's the bank's problem.

And, consequently, the coin-counting machine's problem.

Which will break it.

And I'll have to fix it...


Job security.

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SCP-15678 - Coin Duplicator


Item #: SCP-15678

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The object should be kept in a dry, warm room.
At least one unit of Class C personnel with a shovel and a bucket must gather the excessive coins to keep free the place around the object.
Special recomendation: a looped non-stop shanty song as a psychological support.

Description: SCP-15678 is a colony of inorganic life species duplicating and mimicking non-living objects.
SCP-15678-1 is the hive, looking similar to a "standard" coin counter.
The only known specimen of SCP-15678 produces coin-looking objects SCP-15678-2. Presumably, they mimick the most common multiple object they have found at their place.

The personnel reports describe the SCP-15678 reproduction process as "... a penny that's doubled every day for a month?"

No aggressive intentions of SCP-15678 or danger signs have been found out at the moment.

Addendum: May cause a minor depression desribed like "This thing is the bane of my existence."
As a precaution we recommend the motivational measures like a rewarding the personnel with valuable gifts (like the "Shovel Of Honour", see the standard award list).

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  On 4/26/2019 at 7:44 PM, kerbiloid said:

SCP-15678 - Coin Duplicator


Item #: SCP-15678

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The object should be kept in a dry, warm room.
At least one unit of Class C personnel with a shovel and a bucket must gather the excessive coins to keep free the place around the object.
Special recomendation: a looped non-stop shanty song as a psychological support.

Description: SCP-15678 is a colony of inorganic life species duplicating and mimicking non-living objects.
SCP-15678-1 is the hive, looking similar to a "standard" coin counter.
The only known specimen of SCP-15678 produces coin-looking objects SCP-15678-2. Presumably, they mimick the most common multiple object they have found at their place.

The personnel reports describe the SCP-15678 reproduction process as "... a penny that's doubled every day for a month?"

No aggressive intentions of SCP-15678 or danger signs have been found out at the moment.

Addendum: May cause a minor depression desribed like "This thing is the bane of my existence."
As a precaution we recommend the motivational measures like a rewarding the personnel with valuable gifts (like the "Shovel Of Honour", see the standard award list).


Is it somehow related to tribbles?

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  On 4/26/2019 at 6:38 PM, TheSaint said:

That's okay. I just sat in a meeting where grown adults with (seemingly) full control of their faculties spent ten minutes discussing how to prevent terminated employees from walking out of the building with their stand-up desks on the day they leave the organization.


A lifetime ago I worked front line phone support for retail store cash registers, talking nontechnical people through anything from a jam in the receipt printer to rudimentary DOS commands.

Anyway one day a manager called and had found out that non-manager employees could open the cash drawer without ringing a sale or using a key. He was very concerned and asked me how he was supposed to keep his employees from stealing money.

I paused the requisite number of seconds, and then slowly (and I thought helpfully) answered, "...fire them?"

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People in multiple apartments were running their AC yesterday and the day before. I chose not to and didn't sleep AT ALL 2 nights ago, because it was just too hot...

We have snow forecast for tomorrow. :huh:

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  On 4/26/2019 at 10:06 PM, richfiles said:

People in multiple apartments were running their AC yesterday and the day before. I chose not to and didn't sleep AT ALL 2 nights ago, because it was just too hot...


I turned on the air conditioning yesterday for about four hours. We had some thunderstorms moving through the area and while it did drop the temperature a few degrees, the wind started blowing the rain through the open windows.

Once the strong winds died down, I shut off the AC and reopened the windows.

Been doing some personal study on this.

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Meanwhile I turned mine on to verify it worked, which it didn't, and ended up - after 3 service visits - getting a new thermostat of all things.

This assuredly falls more in the "discuss in a general way" than "negative things" though, as the whole thing cost me $75 due to a very prescient decision to get a home warranty. And the new Thermostat was well over $200 retail so hey, there's that.

But never fear, that home warranty does not cover the drier and I basically had to learn everything there is to know about drier repair to fix it. I tell myself the nearly $300 I spent on parts (most of them unneeded) was less than I'd have paid someone to come out and do it correctly.

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  On 4/27/2019 at 12:44 AM, 5thHorseman said:

I tell myself the nearly $300 I spent on parts (most of them unneeded) was less than I'd have paid someone to come out and do it correctly.


Oh, the lies we tell ourselves - I'll get to studying for next Tuesday's differential equations test later

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  On 4/27/2019 at 12:44 AM, 5thHorseman said:

Meanwhile I turned mine on to verify it worked, which it didn't, and ended up - after 3 service visits - getting a new thermostat of all things.

This assuredly falls more in the "discuss in a general way" than "negative things" though, as the whole thing cost me $75 due to a very prescient decision to get a home warranty. And the new Thermostat was well over $200 retail so hey, there's that.

But never fear, that home warranty does not cover the drier and I basically had to learn everything there is to know about drier repair to fix it. I tell myself the nearly $300 I spent on parts (most of them unneeded) was less than I'd have paid someone to come out and do it correctly.


My fan was stuck.  Finally had to pop out the grill and force it: darn hard to budge...need to run it more often in winter.  I dread having to replace it... don't think I can lift that much weight anymore.

So what idiot started all this aircon talk anyway...oh wait. ;)

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yay! I'm super tired, feel like sleeping, and just found out that I HAVE A 1000 WORD ESSAY DUE BY TOMORROW. 

'you've had plenty of time to work on it' (first lesson of the term was on Monday, today is Wednesday). 

'we've decided to bring forward the date by two weeks' (so original due date was in week 4, but for some STUPID REASON, they decided to MAKE IT TOMORROW)

This is wonderful! School really does help you on things! No wonder I feel like I do, got no friends, 2+ hours of HW a day, mum just left on a south american holiday (so it's only me and my dad now), and a LOT of things due in the next few weeks! 

Life is great!

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So, I walk into a grocery store and the anti theft thing goes off bleeping. No security or any other employee in sight so I go about my business. I reach the cash register and tell the cashier I triggered the thing on my way in. He just shrugs and tells me I'll beep on my way out too, as if I didn't know that, I just don't want to be tackled by some overzealous security guy.

I pay for my things and, sure enough, on my way out the thing beeps. No employees in sight, but a couple behind me says "Did that guy just steal something?".


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This is the tragic and painful history of a developer that didn't checked his inputs while breaking a egg to scramble it over the pan. A rotten egg .

Developers of the World, listen to me:


(If you think that rotten eggs stink, try to fry some!)


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  On 5/2/2019 at 7:02 PM, Lisias said:

This is the tragic and painful history of a developer that didn't checked his inputs while breaking a egg to scramble it over the pan. A rotten egg .

Developers of the World, listen to me:


(If you think that rotten eggs stink, try to fry some!)



I've gotten a lot of crap from people because I don't break my eggs into whatever I happen to be making at the time....

Next time I should just feed them scramble eggs & shells..

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  On 5/2/2019 at 8:02 PM, Geonovast said:

I've gotten a lot of crap from people because I don't break my eggs into whatever I happen to be making at the time....

Next time I should just feed them scramble eggs & shells..


I always break my eggs into a small bowl first. That way, in case there is a bad one, I do not contaminate the rest of the recipe. Don't listen to the nay-sayers, @Geonovast.

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