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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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3 hours ago, zakkpaz said:

I’m willing to try collaborating depending on your plans for this.

ICYMI there's another config for Scatterer 0.08+  https://github.com/coldrifting/JNSQ_ScattererPatch

Of course I hope you continue working on your own it but it may help to reference it. That one also does not have arouras or lightning so I really hope someone can figure that out. BTW for the stock JNSQ config I changed the aroura height to 70 km... it was 20 km before and I could fly above them which wasn't realistic. Arouras video1 video 2

On 6/5/2024 at 12:14 PM, Constel4cion said:

Sorry bud, can you please tell me what folder name needs  a rename?

It's in the github bug reports. Also my last post: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/184880-1121-jnsq-0100-23-sept-2021/?do=findComment&comment=4390556

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@zakkpaz, @MOPC

You guys are certainly free to make your own configs to change JNSQ anyway you want to.  You're obviously trying to bring your own vision to life, and I can appreciate that.  However, for anything that I may want to consider incorporating into JNSQ in a future release, it must remain true to JNSQ's original vision.  For instance, updated scatterer configs should just make JNSQ compatible with the current version without really changing JNSQ in any appreciable way.  Same with volumetirc clouds - JNSQ should keep its current clouds as much as possible, they should just become, well, volumetric.

I'm not implying it's your plan to have your work incorporated into JNSQ.  For your own personal use, or as a independent release, do whatever you want, provided it doesn't violate the JNSQ license.  But if it is your goal to create something that may be added to JNSQ in the future, you know now what will be considered acceptable and what won't.

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This may be subjective, but stock KSP running the latest version of scatterer has a far more realistic atmosphere then JNSQ running 0.772 or similar.

Is this a result of upgrades or changes to scatterer in the latest versions, some issue inherent with scaled solar systems, or just that myself and the JNSQ devs will agree to disagree on how an atmosphere should look?

When I play with my son on his less modded save I am always struck by how much better stuff looks, which is unfortunate since I find little challenge in stock scale myself.

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17 hours ago, shifty803 said:

This may be subjective, but stock KSP running the latest version of scatterer has a far more realistic atmosphere then JNSQ running 0.772 or similar.

Is this a result of upgrades or changes to scatterer in the latest versions, some issue inherent with scaled solar systems, or just that myself and the JNSQ devs will agree to disagree on how an atmosphere should look?

When I play with my son on his less modded save I am always struck by how much better stuff looks, which is unfortunate since I find little challenge in stock scale myself.

I don't know what the latest versions of scatterer looks like, I've never played past 0.772.

When I say I don't want to change JNSQ in any appreciable way, I mean I don't want to do stuff like change sky color.  If the new scatterer can make the atmospheres look more realistic while retaining the same basic characteristics of the old atmospheres, then that's certainly something I'd like to do.

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Another reason I was hesitant to work with someone on a EVE patch is that I’m easily distracted (the Paper Mario remake is absolutely worth the money BTW.)  Anyway I’m back to KSP and have playing with Kerbal Konstructs, @OhioBob I’m wondering if I could have permission to post my edited launch sites. I added Tundra's Space Center, Kerbin Side Remastered, and Ordinary Konstruction Co. as dependencies. In some cases only the locations are the same, the air bases are probably the most recognizable, but I tried to make them unique and I've renamed most of rocket launch sites to try to make their features more obvious, also to add bad wordplay.


I removed a few bases like Welcome Island, Gagarin Space Center and the North Observatory since I felt they were redundant, and I've added a few more air bases to fill in the gaps. My main goal was to have enough runways so spaceplanes can reenter and land easily, and to only have as many launch pads as needed for diversity in latitude and type.

I'd say it’s about 90% done. I still need to a finish the watercraft spawns, add working fuel depo's, figure out how KK's ILS works, and get rid of this one group of trees by the KSC runway’s taxiway. I’ll also probably add in rover spawns, I never use them so I didn’t bother with them.

Also i need to find out if any ever came up with a fix for Tundra’s launchpads not saving changes to their terrain color.

Edited by zakkpaz
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18 minutes ago, Aussie Toad Stool said:

Does anyone know if there is a config for Blackracks Clouds for JNSQ? I know that this has its own volumetric clouds in dev by the sounds of things.  But it would be nice to use blackrack in the meantime

JNSQ has the old EVE clouds, it predates the volumetric ones by quite a significant period.

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1 hour ago, Aussie Toad Stool said:

I know, that's why im asking if there's a config patch out there to use Blackrack's with JNSQ

I'm working on one on and off, and so is @MOPC

Really the stock configs work fine if you just increase the altitude of the clouds

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There's something very off about Scatterer as implemented on Kerbin in JNSQ, though. I am going to throw out terminology, perhaps inaccurately, but stock KSP with latest Scatterer has a very nice ambient occlusion effect with altitude or distance. Sunsets and sunrises also look quite interesting. The atmosphere has a presence and really changes the whole look of Kerbin from the ground and air.

None of this happen in JNSQ; however, which I am struggling to figure out. I have not had as much time to play with it as I would like.

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11 hours ago, shifty803 said:

There's something very off about Scatterer as implemented on Kerbin in JNSQ, though. I am going to throw out terminology, perhaps inaccurately, but stock KSP with latest Scatterer has a very nice ambient occlusion effect with altitude or distance. Sunsets and sunrises also look quite interesting. The atmosphere has a presence and really changes the whole look of Kerbin from the ground and air.

None of this happen in JNSQ; however, which I am struggling to figure out. I have not had as much time to play with it as I would like.

Maybe it's due to the old Scatterer version? I do know that JNSQ has been stuck on 0.7xx because no one's been around to migrate the Scatterer configs to 0.8xx.

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On 6/12/2024 at 1:30 AM, zakkpaz said:

@OhioBob I’m wondering if I could have permission to post my edited launch sites.

As long as it's your own original work and doesn't violate the JNSQ license, then you really don't need permission.

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So what version of Scatterer should I use with JNSQ? 0.07X?

It seems I could use the latest version Scatterer 0.8X+ with this patch



Also Parallax has a patch too but would i need it? Confused.



I know for a fact running JNSQ Scatterer 0.8X and that patch  with 100% scatter yielded  very few trees near KSC compared to stock non-JNSQ install. I'm unsure if that means its not working or it is and scatterer just scatters less on the larger than stock size 2.5x.

Edited by supercid87
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18 hours ago, supercid87 said:

So what version of Scatterer should I use with JNSQ? 0.07X?

It seems I could use the latest version Scatterer 0.8X+ with this patch


Correct. 0.077 will work as is, anything above only with the patch.

18 hours ago, supercid87 said:

Also Parallax has a patch too but would i need it? Confused.


Yes, you will need it for Parallax to work, as there are no configs provided with JNSQ

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