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How did you Mod List grow?

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How did you expand your mod list, mine currently looks like this.

B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.16.0)
Better SR Bs (BetterSRBs 1.2.1)
BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont
Blast Awesomeness Modifier (BAM) (BAMCont
Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker
Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack
Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.1)
Custom Pre Lauch Checks (CustomPreLaunchChecks 1.8.1)
Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 2:
Environmental Visual Enhancements (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 2:EVE-1.8.0-2)
Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR 2:EVE-1.2.2-1)
HullcamVDS Continued (HullcamVDSContinued 0.2.0)
Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
Kerbal Reusability Expansion (SpaceXLegs 2.8.5)
Kerbal-Konstructs (KerbalKonstructs
MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.3)
Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 1.1.1)
Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 1.1.1)
Near Future Exploration (NearFutureExploration 1.0.6)
Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.6.2)
Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 1.2.1)
Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 1.2.1)
Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 1.3.1)
Phoenix Industries EVA Survival Suit (PhoenixIndustriesEVASuit 1)
Procedural Fairings (ProceduralFairings 1:v1.8.2)
Reentry Particle Effect Renewed (ReentryParticleEffect
ReStock (ReStock 1.1.1)
ReStock Extra - Rigid Legs (RestockRigidLegs 1.1.1)
ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.1.1)
Smart Parts (SmartParts 1.9.16)
TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v4.1.3)
Toolbar (Toolbar 1:
Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
Trajectories (Trajectories v2.3.1)
WindowShine (WindowShineTR 1:2.0)
Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:

But at the beginning, it was just MechJeb2, because I was concerned all the mods would melt my computer. But as I became more and more accustomed to the game, I became more ambitous and downloaded more. And more. Until I had 40 mods on my computer! I'm sure these look like noob numbers, but I would like to hear of how your modlists expanded.

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Im not going to lie here I have a serius issue when it comes to modding.

I spend more time adding mods/figureing out issues with said mods than I do actually playing.

This goes for ANY game I play I truly think its an issue I cant play the game till I am happy I aint missing out on some thing.

I was talking to my bro the other day and I said to him about it.He said im not the only one there is people who spend ages making mod packs for other games thats all they do so I feel a bit better LOL.


Any way you see it here first I have legit gave this condition a name I call it




Mod Obsession Dissorder tm

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I started with the visual mods and such. Discovered spacedock, downloaded like half of the most popular mods. Then I started looking back at like page 50 of the releases. It's a problem. I have M.O.D., 14 gb RAM usage, 10 fps on a good day, and 192 mods.

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OMG! If you put all of your mods into a folder and take it out of the KSP folder, and try the game, you will see instant improvements in performance, but there won't be much of our favorite parts. Still amazing to see how much we "pollute" our GameData Folders.

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  On 5/25/2020 at 10:15 PM, GuessingEveryDay said:

OMG! If you put all of your mods into a folder and take it out of the KSP folder, and try the game, you will see instant improvements in performance, but there won't be much of our favorite parts. Still amazing to see how much we "pollute" our GameData Folders.


I literally cannot play without at least some mods, like mechjeb and KER. Those go into my "stock" install (2 mods). Next is stuff like contract packs and tech tree overhauls, as well as restock+. Those fit into the "lightly modded" gane (40). Last is all the part mods and planet packs, into the heavy modded save (200). That's the one I play most, except for lately when I literally ran out of RAM.

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i first started with tons of mods and my game got corrupted. then i got around 15 mods. now my current game has maybe 50 mods and still works well. 

i find that once you get 15 mods the game does not take longer to load and runs at around the same fps even if you installed another 30 mods.

Edited by epicfailure2020
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm at 96 and counting. Started with Mechjeb to use as a learning tool and for some of it's REALLY helpful information windows, expanded to trying out some life support mods (I eventually settled on USI-LS), which swiftly lead to playing with mods adding colonisation functionality with Scansat and KIS/KAS backing it up, all the while picking up parts mods that looked interesting and helped get creations that with all the life support stuff were getting increasingly large into space. These days, it tends to be stuff adding useful tweaks and functions, stuff that I see and go "Oh THAT looks useful", like The Janitors Closet, RCS build aid (the dry CoM marker is SO handy), Kerbal Space Transport System (you mean I DON'T have to personally fly every resupply mission?) and Ship Manifest. Although a shiny new parts mod that fills niches I lack will always turn my head.

And yeah, linuxgurugamer and Nertea feature heavily in my modlist as well, as does Roverdude with all the USI stuff. I used to deal with it all manually, downloads and zip files everywhere, but these days CKAN is a blessing. Just too many mods to handle without something to keep track of it all. 

Edited by Dep_Opt
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Hello my name is FireStriker and I have M.O.D.

My mod list started with stockalike mods and as more stockalike mods came out my mod list grew and grew and grew.

But I'm on the road to recovery, I saw a SLS pack and resisted the urges to install it.

Once my pack is finished and working I will share the full list. Currently 20min load times are not fun but I can't get rid of the parts I have installed lol

Edited by xD-FireStriker
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