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[1.8.x - 1.11.x] Smart Docking Aid - New SAS functionality (v1.1.0) [14th November]


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for KSP 1.8.x - 1.11.x (v1.1.0)


Smart Docking Aid adds two new SAS modes to level 3 probe cores and level 3 pilots. Most KSP-players know the issue with aligning two docking ports correctly while docking two ships or station parts together. Smart Docking Aid's new mode aligns the player controlled ship's docking port to the target docking port. So you only have to translate your ship in front of the target docking port and move forward until it docks. There is no more weird camara movement necessary to see if you will dock properly or ram your target out of orbit.


Smart Docking Aid introduces two new SAS modes: Parallel- & Parallel+. Both modes can help you align parallel to a desired target (i.e. orient towards the normal direction of the targeted part/docking port)



v1.1.0. QoL Improvements
* Obey "All SAS Modes on all probes" in difficulty settings
* Replace stock SAS module readout
* Unset SDA mode on SAS disable
* Change MM pass to LAST

v1.0.0. Initial Release
* Implements new SAS functionality 
 - Parallel - 
 - Parallel +

Source Code

Known Issues

  • Part Upgrades resets the module readout to the stock one.
  • If you find any issues, please report them to this thread or open a GitHub issue.

Special Thanks

  • As usual thanks to @woeller for creating icons, testing & feedback.
  • @Jacky_Rabbit, iron_thomas, Multyino for feedback & testing. 

This work is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license 

Edited by ValiZockt
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Along side the "All SAS Modes" settings, beware that when playing default Sandbox or Science mode (and in general when deactivating the "Kerbal XP" setting), all kerbals have full SAS capabilities, confer link below. 


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  On 9/27/2020 at 5:25 PM, Goufalite said:


Along side the "All SAS Modes" settings, beware that when playing default Sandbox or Science mode (and in general when deactivating the "Kerbal XP" setting), all kerbals have full SAS capabilities, confer link below. 


This should already be taken care of. Sounds like when you enable that setting all kerbals already have their maxed out level (5). As soon as this number is equal or higher than the value specified in the config file the checker for an experienced enough pilot will pass.

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  On 9/29/2020 at 2:55 PM, woeller said:

OK here you go @HebaruSan
Off course the crafts will chase each other forever :D


That's hilarious, love it!

  On 9/29/2020 at 3:08 PM, RealKerbal3x said:

@ValiZockt Wow, this looks super useful, it's definitely going in my GameData :D

Does it have a navball icon? That'd be the only extra thing I need for this to replace the Navball Docking Alignment Indicator entirely.


Thanks, sadly it doesn't have a navball icon. I didn't wanted to completely copy DPAI, not sure on how either mic_e or @linuxgurugamer would feel about that, tho it would be very cool. Im definitely see what's possible in this regard. 

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  On 9/29/2020 at 4:14 PM, ValiZockt said:

That's hilarious, love it!

Thanks, sadly it doesn't have a navball icon. I didn't wanted to completely copy DPAI, not sure on how either mic_e or @linuxgurugamer would feel about that, tho it would be very cool. Im definitely see what's possible in this regard. 


As long as you stay within the license, I don't have a problem.  Go for it.

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