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[1.8 - 1.12] KSPCommunityFixes - Bugfixes and QoL tweaks


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I was having a problem with some of my modded engines showing a TWR but they would have no delta V, specifically the Wildblueindustries engines. Removing KSPCommunityFixes and 000_Harmony fixed the issue. A strange thing to note is that if you test the issue in sandbox mode, everything will work fine. In career mode is where things broke idk about science mode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every time I change the position of the altimeter, it resets the next revert and I have to fix it again. The actual slider within the settings doesn't change, as moving it even a little bit causes the altimeter to snap back to its original position. This doesn't seem to happen after a new game session, as manually changing the altimeter position within the cfg file causes it to be at the correct position for that one launch. (but as stated previously, every launch after that will be at a bugged position) For now, I'm just going to disable this patch in the settings so it isn't bugging out every single time.

Fixed position on launch 1:



Bugged position on launch 2:


KSP version : 1.12.5



I've opened an issue relating to this bug on the github as well


Edited by Clayel
changed post to have full info on bug instead of just a link to github
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  On 3/5/2023 at 2:40 PM, Ancient1der said:

I was having a problem with some of my modded engines showing a TWR but they would have no delta V, specifically the Wildblueindustries engines. Removing KSPCommunityFixes and 000_Harmony fixed the issue. A strange thing to note is that if you test the issue in sandbox mode, everything will work fine. In career mode is where things broke idk about science mode.


I'm having the same issue. It's definitely tied to the upgrade system that WBI takes advantage of. It's like the new key array is being multiplied on the old instead of replacing it. It affected all the engines with upgrade ability, and I have a feeling it messed with the MOLE and other upgrades, too. I deleted just KSPCF and now all the numbers look correct.

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  On 3/5/2023 at 2:40 PM, Ancient1der said:

with some of my modded engines showing a TWR but they would have no delta V, specifically the Wildblueindustries engines.

  On 3/21/2023 at 3:50 PM, Krakatoa said:

I'm having the same issue. It's definitely tied to the upgrade system that WBI takes advantage of. It affected all the engines with upgrade ability, and I have a feeling it messed with the MOLE and other upgrades, too.


KSPCF fixes multiple major bugs in the stock upgrade system.
Unfortunately, the whole stock upgrade system has a major design oversight, and long story short, showing upgraded part/module info in the editors part tooltips just isn't possible.

I'm not sure if what you two are talking about is this 100% cosmetic change, or if you are actually experiencing an issue where some modded upgraded parts don't work as expected.

Could you :
- Describe exactly what isn't working as expected when KSPCF is installed ?
- Tell me exactly which parts from which mods are involved (there are tons of WBI mods...)
- Post your KSP.log file

In the meantime, you can disable the specific KSPCF patch involved (UpgradeBugs) by copying the KSPCF_UserSettings.cfg.extra file from the KSPCF "Extras" folder to your GameData folder.
Note that if disabling that specific patch doesn't fix your issues, then this is probably caused by another patch.

  On 3/13/2023 at 8:38 PM, Clayel said:

Every time I change the position of the altimeter, it resets the next revert and I have to fix it again.


Thanks for the report, will try to take a look.

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On further poking, I think it may be a deeper issue that KSPCF just made more visual. The numbers for consumption, thrust, and ISP were right for the WBI Fulcrum, Corvette, and Hemi Cuda, but actually attempting to attach one to the craft started throwing NRE's and warnings, and that was without KSPCF. I'll need to work on a minimum problem install. I just tend not to find problems till I'm a bit further along since I play career and some things don't show up in Sandbox. Sorry for the goose chase.

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  On 3/24/2023 at 1:46 AM, Spike88 said:

Attached is a picture of the icons and my log.


A cookie for anyone who figures out what that 3rd icon down is ... the green tilted clipboard. That icon isn't a mod icon, and is the "red flag" for my install. Whenever that specific icon shows up on  the toolbar (which it doesn't normally) that signals a) other icons are getting duplicated (and it's often that exact one), and/or b) a crash/general corruption is imminent - i.e. if I keep running the game, things start degrade - PAWs don't appear any more, parts misbehave, etc. 

So whenever I see that green clipboard icon show up, it's time to restart KSP.

Can you confirm that if you restart, that issue goes away? For me it's some sort of runtime corruption. 

And - I do not have KSPCF or Tweakscale - so personally I think you're seeing something unrelated to both of these mods.

Edited by OrbitalManeuvers
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  On 3/24/2023 at 12:24 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

A cookie for anyone who figures out what that 3rd icon down is ... the green tilted clipboard. That icon isn't a mod icon, and is the "red flag" for my install. Whenever that specific icon shows up on  the toolbar (which it doesn't normally) that signals a) other icons are getting duplicated (and it's often that exact one), and/or b) a crash/general corruption is imminent - i.e. if I keep running the game, things start degrade - PAWs don't appear any more, parts misbehave, etc. 

So whenever I see that green clipboard icon show up, it's time to restart KSP.

Can you confirm that if you restart, that issue goes away? For me it's some sort of runtime corruption. 

And - I do not have KSPCF or Tweakscale - so personally I think you're seeing something unrelated to both of these mods.


So I ended up fixing whatever the issue was by completely deleting Tweakscale companion and re-installing the latest release and it fixed the issue.

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  On 3/24/2023 at 1:09 PM, Kwebib said:

I really want to know what the green clipboard thing is. :o


Now I do too.  The way you described the circumstances under which it appears is quite bizarre.


Maybe it's the Kraken's personal notepad.

Edited by R-T-B
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  On 3/24/2023 at 12:24 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

A cookie for anyone who figures out what that 3rd icon down is ... the green tilted clipboard.


I've seen it several times.... and had a crash to desktop some time after. Or to the black screen of death with a built-in  speaker screaming. Mostly it happened after massive memory leaks or GPU running out of VRAM and getting deeper and deeper into RAM. Mostly it was caused by trying to run Parallax2 on GTX1050 while keeping graphical settings high.

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  On 3/24/2023 at 9:48 PM, Manul said:

Mostly it was caused by trying to run Parallax2 on GTX1050 while keeping graphical settings high.


I have a measly gtx980, and no parallax. But, I dig the memory-related theories and I think that's a good candidate for what would cause [what looks like] progressive corruption of game internals.  

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> *three GCoD

I did, and it didn't seem to return.

However, I noticed then and later that my engines are silent. I removed the bugfix mod and they returned.

Shame, I'm going to miss having the PAW menu collapsed. I might roll back to .1 it didn't seem to have these problems.

Edited by tg626
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  On 3/24/2023 at 1:03 PM, Spike88 said:

So I ended up fixing whatever the issue was by completely deleting Tweakscale companion and re-installing the latest release and it fixed the issue.

  On 3/25/2023 at 9:40 AM, tg626 said:

I removed the bugfix mod and they returned.


Well, don't take it wrong, but I don't want to waste time investigating issues that aren't caused by KSPCF in the first place.
So do you both confirm that you saw that issue happening when KSP Community Fixes *isn't* installed ?

And please provide your KSP.log when reporting an issue.

Spike88 : Hard to say what exactly is causing the app launcher issue from your log, as your log is showing errors coming from tons of different stuff, but nothing obviously related to KSPCF.

Edited by Gotmachine
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  On 3/25/2023 at 5:18 PM, flart said:



Neither do I, don't know why you think I do.

  On 3/25/2023 at 1:22 PM, Gotmachine said:

So do you both confirm that you saw that issue happening when KSP Community Fixes *isn't* installed ?


KSPCF installed, no rocket motor sounds

KSRPC uninstalled, normal sound

The toolbar issue however is more cercumstantial, so I'm not "reporting" that at this time. Only noting to the public at large that I saw thw "Green Clipboard of Doom " for the first time ever - and KSRPC happened to be installed at the time. Perhaps this isn't the place for that, sorry.

In the event it proves useful, know that I was launching from Tundra Space Center (a Kerbal Konstructs addon) and not KSC - as this means I was in places that KSP wasn't made for, it may be of importance. Maybe the code makes some assumptions about spawn location when launching?

Having slept on it, I think I'll do some more checks to make sure I installed correctly and maybe see if I can turn off you sound fix as I suspect it may be what muted my rockets.

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  On 3/24/2023 at 1:03 PM, Spike88 said:

So I ended up fixing whatever the issue was by completely deleting Tweakscale companion and re-installing the latest release and it fixed the issue.


None of the TSCo adds anything to the Toolbar, only the TweakScale itself does it - on Editor, never on Flight.

So I think you found a bug on the KSPCF code that tries to fix the Assembly Loader/Resolver! Some of the TSCo (very few) ends up tied to a specific TS's dll that if changes too much, borks. It's the reason I'm delay some releases on CurseForge and SpaceDock - so when I do it, everything is updated.

It's the only thing I can think may be influencing your problem - a dependency loading problem.


  On 3/25/2023 at 1:22 PM, Gotmachine said:

Well, don't take it wrong, but I don't want to waste time investigating issues that aren't caused by KSPCF in the first place.


Since you mangled the Assembly Loader/Resolver, it makes it a problem caused by KSPCF. The TSCo was the trigger for the problem, but the problem itself is that your interventions on Assembly Loader/Resolver are not working as expected.

So, it's a problem being caused by KSPCF now.

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  On 3/25/2023 at 5:41 PM, tg626 said:

KSPCF installed, no rocket motor sounds

KSRPC uninstalled, normal sound


Ok, that's weird. Try to disable the "LostSoundAfterSceneSwitch" KSPCF patch, but I'm a bit skeptical the issue is directly caused by KSPCF. Please provide your KSP.log, that would be a starting point.

  On 3/25/2023 at 5:18 PM, flart said:

I was having this bug, and I don't have tweakscale.

I think it was about bettertimewarp mod  (by LGG). I switch to another timewarp mod, and the bug have disappeared.


Can you give a broad estimation of when you had that bug ? The information would at least allow me to clear out that this isn't due to something I did in the few last days KSPCF updates.

  On 3/25/2023 at 6:08 PM, Lisias said:




Problem preemptively solved !

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  On 3/25/2023 at 7:28 PM, JonnyOThan said:

That wasn’t a bug report. It was speculation and assumptions.


And I complemented your the speculations using my own knowledge from some support I'm doing not only on TweakScale, but from users that also don't have it and had similars problems.

Now it's a bug report.

Edited by Lisias
apparently, I'm being a trigger happy idiot in need to cool down. Well, taking an ice cream may help.
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  On 3/25/2023 at 6:37 PM, Gotmachine said:

Ok, that's weird. Try to disable the "LostSoundAfterSceneSwitch" KSPCF patch, but I'm a bit skeptical the issue is directly caused by KSPCF.


Your skepticism may be appropriate?

Heres how I solved it (I think):

TL:DR; Doing the KSP equivlent of a factory reset and reinstall of all Apps seems to have fixed it.

I use a bespoke bulk file mover called "Generic Mod Enabler" to manage my mods. So, I saved a profile of my currently installed ones. Then I uninstalled all of them.

This of course left some folders in which various mods had saved files - settings and such.

I bulk deleted them all, except Squad, Squad Expansion, and my own TG626 folder that holds a few flags and minor part tweaks. I also deleted all ModuleManager cache files.

I then reinstalled everything using Generic Mod Enabler, including the latest .3 release of KSPCF.

After passing thru the gauntlet of intro screens for various mods, I loaded up a craft and launched it. At which point I found my toolbar was normal, and my sounds were working.

I'll be back if the problems return.

Edited by tg626
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