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[KSP 1.8+] Kerbal Konstructs (Continued)


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Hi !
Does anyone had that problem where you place a universal spawn point, make it a launchsite and when you try to launch to it, the game just send you back to the KSC (where you choose in which building you wanna go) ?
It's happening to me and everytime I try to launch it also adds in my stock toolbar a KSPedia and the green mission list (even if I'm in sandbox)
Thanks in advance for the help :D

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  On 6/13/2024 at 6:39 PM, BlackDinoShadows said:

It's happening to me and everytime I try to launch it also adds in my stock toolbar a KSPedia and the green mission list (even if I'm in sandbox)


I'm not gonna be terribly helpful but ... yes, this has happened to me before. I don't know a fix or even the exact cause. My observations have been that it happens when there's something wrong with the launch site. Since I don't know a fix, I've always just deleted the static and placed a new one. And every time I've done this I've wondered "was this a Z problem?" like if the static was too low does KSP freak out? Honestly don't know but deleting and replacing the spawn static and re-enabling the launch site has always "fixed" it for me.

One thing I do know for sure: if you ever see this green clipboard icon on your toolbar, it's time to restart KSP asap. Only worse behavior and eventually a crash lie ahead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,

@NathanKell has given me his blessing to do some improvements to the Kerbal Konstructs UI. My aim is to renovate the UI so that it works more like the VAB/SPH parts editor. That's a tall order and a long road, but I've managed to take the first step. Below is a demo reel showcasing the changes I made to the Move gizmo. I'm hoping that these changes will relive some of the headaches associated with using the KK editors of today.

This is definitely a WIP; I need to synchronize the UI with the keyboard controls, among other things.

You can now tap "F" to switch between Local and Absolute movement modes- just like you do in the VAB/SPH. In fact, it uses the same keyboard mappings as the VAB/SPH!

Additionally, you now use the Translation controls (RCS controls) to move the gizmo by keyboard. This frees up the WASD keys, which are used by the VAB/SPH to rotate parts. In the future they'll be used to rotate statics.

Right now this only works for the Group Center placement, but I'll be revising the Static editor and Decal editor as well. Once that's done, I'll post a pre-release on my forked copy of Kerbal Konstructs. Once NathanKell approves my PRs, they'll become part of the main KK branch.

Savvy users can check out my forked branch here. Note that I don't have any releases created as yet, and this branch is subjected to bugs.

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  On 6/23/2024 at 7:54 PM, Nightside said:

@Angelo Kerman amazing work! 


Thanks! :) KK needs some help and I'm happy to do the work. I'm sad that we most likely won't get colonies in KSP 2, which prompted me to take another look at KK and how to improve it. To that end, I'm starting to learn how the rotate gizmo works...


It currently has a weird tendency to instantly rotate to wherever you click on the wheel with your mouse. I'll have to work that one out...

Right now I'm focusing on basic functionality and replicating the VAB/SPH keyboard commands. I plan to replace the current GUI with something fancier, but that's a ways off.

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  On 6/27/2024 at 6:56 AM, Villain Vibe said:

There seems to be a issue with adding and removing statics 
When you do, all the bought bases with funds closes up again after saving.
So you only have the start over, even some addons like hafCo  and the outpost that are open by default are closed to.


Has always been a problem. Only add or remove in a sandbox game. Make sure to save in both the adding window and the main window. Go back into the SPH, open the KK bases menu, go through and open them all again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I have a problem with some KK configs and I'm trying to find the cause. I have a bunch of open pads that I can't launch from.

KK offers 2 methods to select a pad from the VAB. 1) Click the KK button to open a Launchsite Selector window. 2) Hover beneath the launch button to get a dropdown list of sites.

What might cause a site to be in list #1 but not list #2? (All sites have been opened and allow launching rockets, so it's not a filtering issue) If there's a known issue that causes this please let me know where to focus my debug efforts. When I try to launch from one of those sites my my rocket spawns at the default KSC pad.

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  On 7/17/2024 at 1:57 AM, DeadJohn said:

What might cause a site to be in list #1 but not list #2? (All sites have been opened and allow launching rockets, so it's not a filtering issue) If there's a known issue that causes this please let me know where to focus my debug efforts. When I try to launch from one of those sites my my rocket spawns at the default KSC pad.


Sometimes when the site config file is left inside the Kerbal Konstructs folder it resets. Never had an explanation as to why. But generally if you move the site config file out of the KK folder and in to any other folder that is within the GameData folder it usually stabilizes . Then just go into a sandbox game and make sure you have every base in the KK menu in SPH set to open and cross fingers. Anything opened in the sandbox game should be now open in a career game.

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  On 7/17/2024 at 4:40 AM, ColdJ said:

Sometimes when the site config file is left inside the Kerbal Konstructs folder it resets. Never had an explanation as to why. But generally if you move the site config file out of the KK folder and in to any other folder that is within the GameData folder it usually stabilizes . Then just go into a sandbox game and make sure you have every base in the KK menu in SPH set to open and cross fingers. Anything opened in the sandbox game should be now open in a career game.


Thanks, but that's not my causing my problem because all of my sites are already in other folders outside KK. The only cfgs in my KK folder are listed in the spoiler below.

Another data point: I just noticed that "Close Base for 0 funds" in the Base manager window from VAB seems to do nothing. I tried it on the non-operating bases in case reopening would get them to work. Even the pads that are currently working can't be closed."

I'll wait a few days then completely reinstall KK and Dreamliners Site Expansion.

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With Deferred it has recently become possible to have a lot of lights in a scene with very little impact to performance. Because of that I'd like to play around with runway lighting made up of actual scene lights instead of just emissive textures. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to get a light loaded by KK, or at least how to turn it on.

I've managed to load the stock DomeLight into KK and play it's animation on sunset, but that only turns on the emissive texture of the dome light, it does not turn on the actual scene light. How do I actually turn on a scene light in a KK static?

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  On 7/19/2024 at 9:55 PM, HB Stratos said:

I've managed to load the stock DomeLight into KK and play it's animation on sunset, but that only turns on the emissive texture of the dome light, it does not turn on the actual scene light. How do I actually turn on a scene light in a KK static?


Download and look at how this mod does it in both it's config and .mu model and you will have what you need.

https://spacedock.info/mod/3238/KSC Floodlights Mk2 #info

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone,
I made a Post in which I list all Static Packs for KK, would love you could check if I am missing some mods.
I hope this Post can help people who want an overview of what available for KK, so they can build whatever Outposts they desire.


Edited by NoSTs
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  • 4 weeks later...

Out of curiosity, would it be possible to expose the Space Center Swapper to a Widget in the Space Center View? It would be rather useful to be able to swap space centers on the fly without having to launch a craft from each one I would like to change to.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone, I'm having an issue with the statics not showing (I saw the same issue on GitHub). They only appear after I press the Landing Guide System.  I'm I doing something wrong?

Here is my log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sj5h0wlcy35xdn32vgciy/KSP.log?rlkey=ftygqjl9dbxfelv5x727ckney&st=lipb1cle&dl=0

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  On 12/17/2024 at 1:25 PM, SPEKTRE said:

Here is my log:


One thing you'll for sure want to do is get rid of MiniAVC. I confess that I don't know what -V2 of that mod is/does, but I suggest checking out the ZerMiniAVC mod for a description of the problems with this mod. You have two copies and both need to be nuked afaik:



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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/17/2024 at 1:25 PM, SPEKTRE said:

Hey everyone, I'm having an issue with the statics not showing (I saw the same issue on GitHub). They only appear after I press the Landing Guide System.  I'm I doing something wrong?


I have a similar issue, where anywhere from a few to a lot of the statics in a group are missing until I open up the Kerbal Konstructs menu and click on them. Resets each time I restart the game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hopefully someone is still around here.
Does KK work for setting a map decal in places like the area of the KSC with Parallax 2 installed?  When I set a decal to suppress the scatters, all it does is raise the height of the scatters.  I've read the primer that @Caerfinon did but KK is not behaving as expected with the Parallax 2 scatters.

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That is more of a question for Parallax 2

At a guess it is designed to appear on ground of all different heights and so when you change the ground using a decal it just conforms to the ground you have created.

Probably need to compensate by using Statics in KK that sit above the ground scatter.

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  On 11/20/2024 at 8:59 PM, ItsUrsus said:

can anybody put a download link for CountryDoggo's Random KK Bits ?


@ItsUrsus You can find a copy of it at my GitHub site  https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredTLA/releases 

In version 2.0.0 of my  KerbinSideRemasteredTLA mod I included a file called Extras.zip which contains CountryDoggo's Random KK Bits under the MIT license. It was a required mod for some of the underwater static KK sites I created for my mod.    

@ColdJ @Ooglak Kerman My guide only reflects the Parallax version at the time of its writing. I suspect there have been a few changes since then and my trick of elevating the KK site by a few meters may not be as valuable as it once was.  

Edited by Caerfinon
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