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The Skyhawk Science System - a new, realistic tech tree for KSP, now including Kerbalism support - [v1.1.1 - "For Science!" 8/11/22)]


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  On 6/6/2022 at 3:14 PM, DeadJohn said:

@CessnaSkyhawk I don't see Stage Recovery in the list of SSS supported mods. Is that because it just hasn't been tested, or is there a known incompatibility?

If untested I'm willing to help out by adding SR to my existing Skyhawk+BDB+KSRSS playthrough.


Should be fully compatible. There's nothing in how SSS modifies parts that should interfere with it.

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  On 6/6/2022 at 3:14 PM, DeadJohn said:

@CessnaSkyhawk I don't see Stage Recovery in the list of SSS supported mods. Is that because it just hasn't been tested, or is there a known incompatibility?

If untested I'm willing to help out by adding SR to my existing Skyhawk+BDB+KSRSS playthrough.


It works, 100%.

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  On 6/6/2022 at 3:14 PM, DeadJohn said:

@CessnaSkyhawk I don't see Stage Recovery in the list of SSS supported mods. Is that because it just hasn't been tested, or is there a known incompatibility?

If untested I'm willing to help out by adding SR to my existing Skyhawk+BDB+KSRSS playthrough.



  On 6/6/2022 at 6:09 PM, Aelfhe1m said:

Should be fully compatible. There's nothing in how SSS modifies parts that should interfere with it.


That's correct, SSS really only has issues with other part mods and maybe some B9PartSwitch tankage. Aside from that it doesn't touch much else.

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I really feel like this is one of the best tech tree mods I've seen so far. The fact that all of the nodes have descriptions and custom icons is amazing and really adds to the experience. The balancing is also great, though there is a bit of weirdness with the cryogenic engine nodes. I feel like the CryoEngines engines should be moved further down the tech tree into Modern Rocketry and Near-Future rocketry, due to most of them being based on modern engines as well as boasting more futuristic designs, with the BDB and Tantares cryogenics being moved further back into the earlier nodes to replace them. The cryogenic engines nodes also get really crowded further down the tree, with Modern Cryogenic Engines having a whopping 15 engines in it (Assuming Tantares and CryoEngines are installed). Perhaps methalox engines could be moved to their own line to remedy this, splitting off from the hydrolox line at Heavy-Lift Cryogenic Engines?

Edited by coyotesfrontier
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Correction for GameData\SkyhawkScienceSystem\Patches\Science\ScienceSupport.cfg, to eleminate 2 Module manager warnings


#122 @PART[bluedog_POPPY1|bluedog_POPPY2|bluedog_SOLRAD]:NEEDS[Bluedog_DB,!FeatureScience]:AFTER[zzzSkyhawkScienceSystem]

#177 @PART[bluedog_cameraLowTech]:NEEDS[Bluedog_DB,!FeatureScience]:AFTER[zzzSkyhawkScienceSystem]


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I've been looking for something to use in place of RP-0; something that organizes the realism overhaul engines across the tech tree but doesn't touch so many other details.

Would this tech tree work as something to install on top of realism overhaul?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Skyhawk Science System Version 1.1.0 - "For Science" & Skyhawk Kerbalism V1.0.0 - "A Long Journey's End

With this release finally adding Kerbalism support, I am now, nearly 9 months after I first started this mod, I am finally considering it effectively feature-complete. I will still do small updates to fix bugs, and to add features/things I need for my own saves, but I do not plan on doing anymore large-scale support patches anymore. Thanks to everyone who's helped me on this journey, and I hope you all enjoy the end result

Skyhawk Science System - Mod Support and Enhancements

  • Multiple Implemented PRs which I can't remember
  • Full Support for Skyhawk Kerbalism, and by extension, Kerbalism as a whole
  • The addition of a automatic patching system to allow for unsupported mods to have their parts still show up properly in the tree
  • Updated the Localization Files

Skyhawk Kerbalism - First Full Release

  • A full custom Kerbalism LS profile with semi-realistic mass rates and resource ratios (eg, one kerbal eats one unit of food and two of water a day) designed to make it easy to plan 
  • A full breadth of science experiments balanced around the Skyhawk Science System, including support for BDB
  • Many experiments which give you reasons to continue putting early-game science parts on late probes, and to encourage realistic "extended-missions"
  • Multiple "drip-feed" experiments which reward you for maintaining satellites, infrastructure, and bases for long periods of time.
  • A fully-remade ISRU system with realistic rates to force interesting decisions about propulsion choices, and with support for the SSS resource suite
  • Multiple profiles to allow for solar systems with different day lengths (currently only stock 6hr days/426 day years and JNSQ 12hr/365 day years, but more may be added)
Edited by CessnaSkyhawk
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@CessnaSkyhawkA small but very annoying bug I've found: with SSS installed, you are unable to use AutoStruts in Career and Science mode, as the node required to unlock them in stock (General Construction) is removed in SSS. This makes assembling anything more mobile then a space station in orbit impossible, as the lack of autostruts means the vessel will wobble itself apart upon even the slightest engine thrust.

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  On 6/30/2022 at 12:09 AM, coyotesfrontier said:

@CessnaSkyhawkA small but very annoying bug I've found: with SSS installed, you are unable to use AutoStruts in Career and Science mode, as the node required to unlock them in stock (General Construction) is removed in SSS. This makes assembling anything more mobile then a space station in orbit impossible, as the lack of autostruts means the vessel will wobble itself apart upon even the slightest engine thrust.


Have you updated to the latest version? That bug has been fixed in it

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Firespitter isn't on the supported mods list so I'm just going to remove it and look for something else for airplane stuff, but in case this is of interest anyways, there's an MM patch in Skyhawk which is adding a B9PartSwitch module to Firespitter's fuel-switchable parts without removing the FSfuelswitch module, which causes B9partswitch to pop up a warning if you use the aforementioned firespitter parts. I noticed this while attempting to build a biplane in a new game. From my module manager log:


[LOG 09:39:29.941] Applying update SkyhawkScienceSystem/Patches/TankSwitch/TankSwitch/@PART[*]:HAS[~SSS_NoSwitch[True],@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel],!RESOURCE[Oxidizer],!MODULE[ModuleEngines*],!MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[fuelSwitch]]]:FOR[zzzSkyhawkScienceSystem] to Firespitter/Parts/Fuselage/FS_oblongMultiTank/part.cfg/PART[FSoblongMultiTank]


Apparently the #moduleID[fuelSwitch] is matching on FSfuelSwitch modules?

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  On 6/28/2022 at 2:55 PM, CessnaSkyhawk said:

Skyhawk Science System Version 1.1.0 - "For Science" & Skyhawk Kerbalism V1.0.0 - "A Long Journey's End

With this release finally adding Kerbalism support, I am now, nearly 9 months after I first started this mod, I am finally considering it effectively feature-complete. I will still do small updates to fix bugs, and to add features/things I need for my own saves, but I do not plan on doing anymore large-scale support patches anymore. Thanks to everyone who's helped me on this journey, and I hope you all enjoy the end result


Overall, I'm impressed with the tech tree so far, but I've noticed that some of the science experiments in Skyhawk-Kerbalism can't be done anywhere, and Kerbalism complains about invalid or unknown situations and/or conditions. Also, there are some typos in ImagingExperiments.cfg which it doesn't complain about ("Situaton" instead of "Situation"). I've opened an issue on github for these. (https://github.com/CessnaSkyhawk/SkyhawkKerbalism/issues/26)

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I'm having an issue where there is no SAS control from any probes. I stack on several probes with electric charge and antennas but I'm always met with the message that there are no "operational SAS modules onboard" even though there are multiple SAS-capable probes. I know there is an SAS upgrade system but this isn't correct behaviour, is it?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

EDIT: I should mention that this install only has SSS & it's hard requirements so I don't think it can be a mod conflict issue.

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  On 7/5/2022 at 12:59 AM, ttikkoo said:

...message that there are no "operational SAS modules onboard"...


Did you open a save started before Skyhawk, or try to play in Sandbox mode?

I ask because I saw that same message yesterday. Mine was a special case where, while checking something else, I accidentally opened a very old Sandbox that was started with a different set of mods. I don't consider my case a Skyhawk error.

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  On 7/5/2022 at 2:16 AM, DeadJohn said:

Did you open a save started before Skyhawk, or try to play in Sandbox mode?

I ask because I saw that same message yesterday. Mine was a special case where, while checking something else, I accidentally opened a very old Sandbox that was started with a different set of mods. I don't consider my case a Skyhawk error.


I wasn't 100% certain so I created a completely fresh install with only SSS and it's dependencies - still got the same issue. I can't figure out why this is happening unfortunately...

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I've recently started playing, but I notice that the viking fuel tanks use standard kerolox when the JA10 uses hypergols, and there are no options to switch the fuel type. I tried reinstalling b9 part switch since an error originated from that but it hasn't fixed the issue.

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Seems like the automated patching system has trouble with adding Kerbalism storage space to certain probe cores. I've only tested the ones  from Taerobee so far, but there may be others,

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  On 7/1/2022 at 4:37 PM, JebTheDestroyer said:

@CessnaSkyhawkLoving the new Kerbalism support so far, but I noticed that in the 12h days version, the Kerbalism resource containers aren't there. I looked through the files and they seem to be there, but they're not showing up in game.


Finally took a look and identified the issue - it's a pretty dumb mistake on my part. The SkyhawkKerbalism folder is named SkyhawkKerbalism12HoursDays in the 12 Hour day version, which messes up the file paths to the textures, which expect just "SkyhawkKerbalism". If you rename the file they'll be there. I'll release an offical version once I idenfitfy the other major issues, but for now renaming the file should do the trick.

  On 7/5/2022 at 12:59 AM, ttikkoo said:


I'm having an issue where there is no SAS control from any probes. I stack on several probes with electric charge and antennas but I'm always met with the message that there are no "operational SAS modules onboard" even though there are multiple SAS-capable probes. I know there is an SAS upgrade system but this isn't correct behaviour, is it?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

EDIT: I should mention that this install only has SSS & it's hard requirements so I don't think it can be a mod conflict issue.


Do you have part upgrades enabled? The SAS upgrade system relies on part upgrades, so you need them enabled, even in sandbox mode.

  On 7/4/2022 at 9:14 PM, AmanitaVerna said:

Overall, I'm impressed with the tech tree so far, but I've noticed that some of the science experiments in Skyhawk-Kerbalism can't be done anywhere, and Kerbalism complains about invalid or unknown situations and/or conditions. Also, there are some typos in ImagingExperiments.cfg which it doesn't complain about ("Situaton" instead of "Situation"). I've opened an issue on github for these. (https://github.com/CessnaSkyhawk/SkyhawkKerbalism/issues/26)


I'll check out those typos - by chance could you give me the names of some of the experiments which are causing issues so I can troubleshoot them. Also, are you on the 12hr or normal length days version? EDIT: I just saw your issue and will be investigating it later today or tommorow

  On 7/11/2022 at 11:05 PM, MoeKitsune said:

Seems like the automated patching system has trouble with adding Kerbalism storage space to certain probe cores. I've only tested the ones  from Taerobee so far, but there may be others,


As long as they aren't throwing errors that may be intentional - by default, only probe cores in the "probes" or "science" branches of the tech tree should have storage space. Others don't - this is supposed to help differentiate true probe cores and buses from control/drone core types things (like all the various BDB control blocks) 

Edited by CessnaSkyhawk
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