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What did you do in KSP2 today?


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I'm really enjoying this game. It's possible that I really am a raging fanatic with too much optimism, but I like to think I'm more nuanced than that. I really do feel as if enjoying this game is a choice at this point- and the choice for me is easy, even if the game is bugged to hell.

That's my $0.02

Here's an extra penny if you want it:


My favorite way to play KSP was to make an SSTO with mining equipment and see how far I could get it to travel with an interplanetary buddy. The process was always: 1) Make the Interstellar Buddy, 2) Launch the Buddy, 3) Launch the SSTO, 4) Rendevous and Dock, 5) Refuel at Minimus, 6) Travel to a new planet, 7) This part was almost always new, since the buddy was the only thing I would change. I had an SSTO that I loved that I call "Away Team"- It began my love of biplanes.

KSP2 is in no way able to perform the way I used to play KSP1. Or is it?

When I developed my favored SSTO I failed over and over and over again. Once I got better at designing the plane, using all of the inspiration from all of the other crafts I had made for career missions, I finally had something that I could optimize- Like, it was just barely cool. It was an SST0 but fit nothing in it- So then I added all of the things I wanted in it, and suddenly I was back to the drawing board- It was as if I had never made any progress at all...

What does that have to do with anything? You may ask... well... KSP2 is like that SSTO. It's just barely cool- it works, but it's missing the features I want. And it feels like when one thing gets fixed, another thing falls apart or stops working. But the updates keep coming. I can tell the Dev team is continuously doing reverts back to their own VAB for the next iteration of the good ship "Kapybara"... or "Dragon"... or whatever doesn't require docking yet, because rockets are still too noodley... or spinny... or spontaneously self destructive... or decayed in orbit... 

My point  is that I have faith that the big wrinkly brains are working hard to make this game just as good as that SSTO I never quit sandboxing with. And I'm excited to see the buddy updates like colonies and interstellar, even if it seems like, to some, those updates might not arrive. I never even got to fully realize KSP1 because it's just that awesome. My brain melted the first time I scrolled out and saw celestials beyond Minimus. KSP2 will eventually melt brains. The proof is in the frustration- if folks didn't want it so bad they wouldn't be grouchin' so much.

While they work out the next iteration of KSP2, I'm experimenting with procedural wing tech, miniaturization, and mid-mission problem solving. I've developed techniques and methods for payload delivery, DV conservation, and pilot training...

I'm talking about none other than the "OneOscar" Interplanetary Flight Program and its companion "OneOscar" Fan Club- of which you can be part of on these forums.

Don't misconstrue my optimisim- I too am frustrated by the current state of the game- but I simply can't let myself dwell on negativity when all I have is thankfulness for its existence at all, and great hope that the game gets the support it needs to become a favorite PC game for entertainment and educational purposes alike.

Today I published the second in a series of videos intended to help players pilot crafts- hopefully mine, but if I inspire anyone to try flying anything so be it. Goal accomplished. On a side note- I make these tutorials with as little mention of Bugs as possible for 2 reasons.

  1. When I fly and develop "OneOscar" planes I encounter fewer bugs than in any other mission I've tried
  2. I want to show  others that the game is playable- maybe not like your favorite KSP1 playstye, but playable. New is working for me. Low part counts are working for many. Cute little planes are fun and can go to space for longer missions later... So I'm trying something different and encouraging others to do the same.

Here it is, in all of its Glory, unqualified and without peer-review (perfectly suited for distribution to dozens of subscribers):

Next up: Conquering Kerbin and Beyond with the "OneOscar" Launch Vehicle

If we get multiplayer I'm going to run a stock category for "OneOscar" FGs ("R2-Redo"). As it is, Look forward to an Interplanetary Oscar Challenge and an update to all my Fan Club Coins.

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On 4/28/2023 at 11:34 PM, ShadowZone said:

I have to say, I had a similar feeling this week.

I laid down KSP2 for almost two weeks to get into a fresh mindset. The bugs hit harder and the wonkyness was more annoying (especially noodle rockets, good grief...)

And of course I couldn't take it easy, I attempted an Eve return mission. Will talk about more on that soon on my channel, because in my opinion the game really makes it unnecessarily hard at the moment. I did land though. Or rather, splash down.

The fact that you and other popular KSP YouTubers let off the gas pedal on new content for KSP2 is unfortunately very telling of current state and current outlook of KSP2.

I, like many others here, hope for a miraculous recovery but currently I can't see it coming.

Edited by GGG-GoodGuyGreg
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On 5/2/2023 at 4:49 AM, Socraticat said:

I'm really enjoying this game. It's possible that I really am a raging fanatic with too much optimism, but I like to think I'm more nuanced than that. I really do feel as if enjoying this game is a choice at this point- and the choice for me is easy, even if the game is bugged to hell.

I have the same feeling. I enjoy the game so far, for sure he feel a little empty and it is bugged, but he still have enought content to occupy me until future update.  I look forward for every feature, update or fix, but sure i already want to have fun, it's probably better to just explore and don't do too much complex mission until more fix.

Today i've made a crew vehicle


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2 hours ago, Socraticat said:

I made this


Been struggling with the very same bugs on those wheels so much with my past rover mission to the other planets and I really hope they pick up on this one soon! Especially when driving on limited EC far from the sun, the constant "wheel sneezing" ends up sapping all your momentum. Also interferes with my plans to make a plane using (some) rover wheels...

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Today i've try to reproduce a French Dassault Ouragan, flying arround KSC, didn't find anything really interesting so far. Finally landed at a lake with a beach ?





I miss the possibility of remove the helmet. But i've enjoy the graphics so far

The Last flight ended badly (Really Bad FPS on the mountain btw)


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I haven't had much time at all for KSP2 since the snow melted but I managed to find the time during the rainy weekend to submit an entry in the weekly challenge.

I sent this probe to visit Jool and all five of its moons.


If you look closely, you can see that all three inner moons are visible here.

Happy landings!

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Hey Kerbals!

I've been trying to Hype up KSP2 lately, but I want you all to know I have a deep passion for all things KSP1 as well. I learned the ropes on console, moved to PC in anticipation of KSP2, and am finally in a position to share my "work".

The procedural wing system is amazing for customizing the crafts at this size, and I really enjoy changing the colors! But what I really hope for is folks to share in my love for silly crafts and whimsical challenge. I've been engaging with the community and trying all sorts of new things. I would like to offer some challenges in return.

Look forward to some content in the KSP1 Challenges for the KSP1 "OneOscar" ZeroG Club. I'll have a stock vehicle ready to go with a set of challenges to accomplish for entry into the club. [For anyone ambitious enough to try these challenges before I upload a tutorial and craft files, they will include, but are not limited to: Flying under the RD bridge; Fly through Both Island Airfield Hangars (and return)]

As for other places you can find me- Check out the KSP2 "OneOscar" Fan Club here:



And soon I will be posting an archive of my KSP experiences, Including craft files from my early KSP shenanigans.

I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Fly Safe!

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Someone got me. I uploaded a nice comparison vid earlier, but failed to do a proper frame rate comparison. Well, this still isn't proper, but it's better- Raw capture speed for both, FPS overlay for KSP2.

I run a 3080 and a Ryzen 5 3600, I have two 1080 monitors (one is a projector) and I use OBS to capture. I can say, with certainty, that I have had less luck recording KSP2 with a 2060 (the card KSP was recorded with). I intentionally play with smaller crafts so that the game is more enjoyable, and I'm happy to see my gameplay evolve with the stability of upcoming releases.

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There was a poll recently asking about Morale. I voted positively and found learned that I'm the only one that voted "Love it, can't wait to play more." Poll is closed now. Feeling kinda lonely on the hype train lately...


Here's another launch:


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Today I looked at my space stations, and failed to build a launch assembly to get as many things as possible to the station orbiting the Mun. 

Yes, my rocket was noodly, but I attached the payload, a 35 metre long solar array, with the second stage through a docking port. Launching 35 metre long stuff attached to noodly docking ports is asking for noodliness. 

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