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After 50 hours played, I've decided the game is currently unplayable


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I have spent 50 hours playing KSP 2. Most of that time has been spent banging my head against a wall. While I appreciate this opportunity, I have decided that I cant play the game any more in this state. Looking forward to the next update. 

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50 hours. You way more patience than me.

I'm less than 10 hours in on KSP2, but I'm already done and will leave the game unplayed until there is an update that fixes a lot of the bugs. Possibly I'll spend some time in parts I've not looked at yet, with the aim of adding bug reports, but I'm not feeling very motivated to do that currently. After all, I can spend time hunting down bugs in my day job.

It's not as if I'm expecting a perfect experience in order to play the game. Back in the day, when I started playing KSP (2014), it was normal practice to have to go into game save files and edit them, to free kerbals that had got stuck in bind pose and we unmoveable, or to free vehicles from docking ports that wouldn't undock. KSP2 however is different in that it's not just a number of known issues that have to be worked around, but a near constant stream of issues, many which are terminal for your vehicle and have no workarounds.

The worst thing for me are not the large number of now known issues, but the seemingly endless (and frequent) steam of random issue that crop up. So far I've tried to get to the moon surface twice and both time I've been thwarted by weird and serious bugs with no workarounds. That's not to mention the myriad little issues that came up along the way, that weren't catastrophic.

I just hope that enough of these issues can be fixed, before the publisher starts to get cold feet and consisders pulling the plug, at the prospect of the actual cost of getting the game into a respectable shape (which given the current state will be considerable). That would be a risky move for Take Two to make, given how high profile the project is and how large and vocal the fanbase, but stranger things have happened.

Keeping fingers and toes crossed here though.

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Most games that come out are designed for about 20 hours of play time. You've spent 50 hours with an unfinished alpha full of bugs. I think that proves the game is very much playable. It's unfinished, yeah, but if people are putting in 50h now, what's that going to be like when all the features are enabled and the bugs are fixed?

It's everyone's right to feel displeased, of course, but the kind of thinking that went into the thesis of this thread perplexes me greatly. And that's not to make fun of the OP, or anything, I hope I don't come off this way. I genuinely hope that people who put in dozens of hours before giving up now will be back to put in hundreds of hours more. I just don't understand this logic, is all.

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  On 2/28/2023 at 7:33 PM, twich22 said:

I have spent 50 hours playing KSP 2. Most of that time has been spent banging my head against a wall. While I appreciate this opportunity, I have decided that I cant play the game any more in this state. Looking forward to the next update. 


I'm very curious what you did and how you played the game. Please share.
For example, I created the simplest craft I could and set on exploring the planets. I'm close to 40 hours and have encountered few bugs, most of them with workarounds. For me the experience has been pleasant, fsp around 20-40 with 1440p high settings on laptop with RTX 3060 (with campaign resets so I don't have craft all over the solar system which slow down performance). I can't wait for the terrain improvements!

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Ugh this is so hard for me because I do deeply and truly appreciate the devs and all of the incredibly beautiful and clever design thats gone into it and I do believe in the relatively short term a lot of this can get cleaned up and optimized but given my machine and the limitations of running windows virtually I just can’t really play yet and judge properly or give meaningful feedback.  Im very much hoping in the next several months the situation improves and I can really dive in and appreciate whats been produced here. 

Im not refunding obviously. This has been my favorite game for a decade and I can’t wait for science and colonies and the rest. Its just gonna be a little bit I think before I can come back and be active and knowledgeable enough to contribute as a community member. 

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  On 3/1/2023 at 1:09 AM, K^2 said:

You've spent 50 hours with an unfinished alpha full of bugs. I think that proves the game is very much playable.


Or, he could be just dedicated to trying his best to make it work due his attachment to the original game.  His own attestation is that it was a bad experience, so it's a bit uncharitable to assume he was actually getting any kind of value-return on the time he committed.

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  On 3/1/2023 at 1:09 AM, K^2 said:

Most games that come out are designed for about 20 hours of play time. You've spent 50 hours with an unfinished alpha full of bugs. I think that proves the game is very much playable. It's unfinished, yeah, but if people are putting in 50h now, what's that going to be like when all the features are enabled and the bugs are fixed?

It's everyone's right to feel displeased, of course, but the kind of thinking that went into the thesis of this thread perplexes me greatly. And that's not to make fun of the OP, or anything, I hope I don't come off this way. I genuinely hope that people who put in dozens of hours before giving up now will be back to put in hundreds of hours more. I just don't understand this logic, is all.


That is like saying someone must've enjoyed a movie because the doors to the theater were locked and they couldn't leave for hours.

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  On 3/1/2023 at 12:29 AM, Izny said:

if you can't deal with rapid unplanned disassembly and try until you succeed, you are not cut out to be a kerbal engineer.





Yeah, because it's real kerbal engineering fun when my rocket was draining fuel from the wrong stage because of... landing legs.

Because it's real kerbal engineering fun when my rocket just explodes 8 times in a row dropping out of time warp

Because it's real kerbal engineering fun when my rocket that used to be full of fuel is just empty after a quick load.

Because it's real kerbal engineering fun when going on EVA or simply undocking detonates the ship.

Because it's real kerbal engineering fun when my save just up and corrupts itself and I lose everything I had, twice.


All in the space of 10 hours, mind you.


Give me a break.  I get enough of that kind of real engineering fun at my regular job, I don't need more in a game I use to relax.  Other than just regular jet planes once in a while (you know, as in a tiny fraction of the game and the only fraction that stopped me from just outright refunding it), I'm shelving it until it's fixed and recommending others I know to avoid buying it until then.

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you're merely reinforcing my point. you're better off playing ksp1 for now, as you're not cut out to be a ksp2 engineer right now. you're looking to relax, not to explore the unknown. and yes, those bugs you mention, are part of the unknown, part of the early access, part of the bugreports, part of the improving, part of the adventure.

go relax, come back for 1.0.

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  On 3/1/2023 at 12:29 AM, Izny said:

you are not cut out to be a kerbal engineer.



  On 3/1/2023 at 2:52 AM, Izny said:

you're not cut out to be a ksp2 engineer right now. you're looking to relax, not to explore the unknown



Just a little piece of advice. 

If you're talking to someone who's a bit irritated or frustrated, don't demean them or insinuate that they're lesser.

It really,


doesn't help the situation.


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  On 3/1/2023 at 1:09 AM, K^2 said:

Most games that come out are designed for about 20 hours of play time. You've spent 50 hours with an unfinished alpha full of bugs. I think that proves the game is very much playable. It's unfinished, yeah, but if people are putting in 50h now, what's that going to be like when all the features are enabled and the bugs are fixed?

  On 3/1/2023 at 1:25 AM, Vl3d said:

I'm very curious what you did and how you played the game. Please share.

  On 3/1/2023 at 12:29 AM, Izny said:

if you can't deal with rapid unplanned disassembly and try until you succeed, you are not cut out to be a kerbal engineer.



The first day I did the basics. Built an orbital craft. Went to the Jool system. Took a look at the moons of jool. Crash landed on jool.

Then I spent the next day or day and a half building an orbital fuel station, then a commslink satelite, and finally a moon lander. This is where things started to get bad. The moon seems totally bugged. Landing on it is a death trap. Eventually I gave up on getting off the moon. But It bugged out my whole game and I had to do a clean install just to get the game to start up again. There was a save file in my folder that was 1.5 gigs in size! 

The next 3 days were spent trying to build a 1st stage workhorse. This is where I was banging my head against a wall. Back during the KSP1 early release I used to do this all the time. There were always bugs, but with enough patience and perseverance you could figure out how to avoid all the bugs or otherwise fix them when they happen to still be able to progress on whatever mission you had set for yourself. 

All day sunday was spent trying to make this 1st stage vessel able to load onto the launch pad without immediately exploding. Eventually I worked out all the bugs and figured out how to make it load in stably. 

The next day I spent trying to make it launch. Again, it took all day working out all the bugs and tricks but eventually I got it launching. 

The final day I spent trying to get it into orbit. But I kept running into bug after bug after bug. I would fix one and another would pop up. In the end I decided that the systems were just not ready to handle more complex vehicles. If I cant get a vessel to fly after 3 days of endless working, circumventing hundreds of bugs in the process, then its honestly too much to ask at this point. I will wait until its a bit more playable then that. 

Overall, I made well over 100 iterations of the vehicle, with at least 7 different completely clean builds and a diverse selection of building methods and strategies. I tried out all sorts of crazy stuff. And after all of this game testing, understanding all the intricacies of the game mechanics as well as the bugs, I came to the conclusion that the game is simply not ready to be enjoyed as I would like. There are a million people out there more willing than I am to report their bugs. I reported a few but theres way too many for me to be able to report and I know someone else will do it. So the only thing left for me to do is step back and wait. Which is what I will do. 

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  On 3/1/2023 at 2:27 AM, Razor235 said:

Give me a break.  I get enough of that kind of real engineering fun at my regular job


I'm sorry,  maybe I've had a few too many cold, fosty drinks, but I'm an engineer and exactly that happens everyday. So why wouldn't a dev team experience the same! haha

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  On 3/1/2023 at 3:13 AM, twich22 said:


The first day I did the basics. Built an orbital craft. Went to the Jool system. Took a look at the moons of jool. Crash landed on jool.

Then I spent the next day or day and a half building an orbital fuel station, then a commslink satelite, and finally a moon lander. This is where things started to get bad. The moon seems totally bugged. Landing on it is a death trap. Eventually I gave up on getting off the moon. But It bugged out my whole game and I had to do a clean install just to get the game to start up again. There was a save file in my folder that was 1.5 gigs in size! 

The next 3 days were spent trying to build a 1st stage workhorse. This is where I was banging my head against a wall. Back during the KSP1 early release I used to do this all the time. There were always bugs, but with enough patience and perseverance you could figure out how to avoid all the bugs or otherwise fix them when they happen to still be able to progress on whatever mission you had set for yourself. 

All day sunday was spent trying to make this 1st stage vessel able to load onto the launch pad without immediately exploding. Eventually I worked out all the bugs and figured out how to make it load in stably. 

The next day I spent trying to make it launch. Again, it took all day working out all the bugs and tricks but eventually I got it launching. 

The final day I spent trying to get it into orbit. But I kept running into bug after bug after bug. I would fix one and another would pop up. In the end I decided that the systems were just not ready to handle more complex vehicles. If I cant get a vessel to fly after 3 days of endless working, circumventing hundreds of bugs in the process, then its honestly too much to ask at this point. I will wait until its a bit more playable then that. 

Overall, I made well over 100 iterations of the vehicle, with at least 7 different completely clean builds and a diverse selection of building methods and strategies. I tried out all sorts of crazy stuff. And after all of this game testing, understanding all the intricacies of the game mechanics as well as the bugs, I came to the conclusion that the game is simply not ready to be enjoyed as I would like. There are a million people out there more willing than I am to report their bugs. I reported a few but theres way too many for me to be able to report and I know someone else will do it. So the only thing left for me to do is step back and wait. Which is what I will do. 


aight, fair play. 

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  On 2/28/2023 at 7:33 PM, twich22 said:

I have spent 50 hours playing KSP 2. Most of that time has been spent banging my head against a wall. While I appreciate this opportunity, I have decided that I cant play the game any more in this state. Looking forward to the next update. 


Well I can not confirm this. Yes,  bugs, but I have a rocket in stable orbit around Kerbin with an awesome animated little green Kerbal doing an EVA with magnetic boots on the surface of his rocket looking deeply impressed by the beauty of the blinkng stars of the galaxy... no, I can really not understand what you mean.

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  On 3/1/2023 at 1:53 AM, frozenbacon said:

That is like saying someone must've enjoyed a movie because the doors to the theater were locked and they couldn't leave for hours.


That's not even a strawman. That's a crayon drawing of a strawman. Obviously, if someone forced @twich22to play the game, that's bad, and we should call somebody to go rescue them. But I'm pretty sure the implication is that they played voluntarily. They might have been misguided by something that led them to think that it's worth investing more time, but that still implies some sort of a "light in the distance," that the game provided. Nobody would spend more than fifteen minutes on a game if it was actually, literally unplayable as the title suggests.

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I feel for the OP, the game right now really is in a beautifully rage-inducing state, like Elden Ring but with bugs instead of bosses. I get a perverse kick out of that frustration-reward cycle here too.

But yeah, what others said. If it sucked you in for 50 hours now, it’s bound to be good for five hundred once they get it to a state where the challenges are about building a super villain’s lair on Rusk than not making the lander stage’s fuel drain. Put it down for a bit, it’ll get there.

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After 50 hours played, I've decided the game is... unplayable


After eating 50 eggs, I've decided eggs are inedible.


On the other hand, I've decided that after 5 hours playing, the game is unenjoyable.

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From what I’ve seen in this thread, most everybody is trying to be helpful and encouraging, but maybe in a unconventional manner.    Before anybody reacts negatively to a post, try to imagine them writing it in a non confrontational manner, and perhaps some sarcasm or some other such unwritten visual communication technique got lost in the internet.    

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lets see, tried to land on minms... nope, fuel missing.
tried again to land on minmus... worked but i got stuck and my ship fell through the planet. 
tried to launch a big nuclear rocket... too floppy.
tried to build a big nuclear rocket in orbit... docking very buggy. kraken kept eating things.
tried to build an ion cruiser... ion engines kept falling off before i could launch. 


you know what the problem is? gpus are really good at fp32 but terrible at fp64 unless you have a workstation card. so you just cant use doubles and the math gets questionable as a result. i had this problem when playing around with photogrammetry, id get good results on the cpu, but when i tried to offload to gpu, the math got glitchy and the results weren't as good. 

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I'm sad my hardware is so old I can't run KSP2 (and I can't afford new hardware at this time).  Because I'd find a swamp and build a castle.  Sure, I'd expect it to fall over and sink, but I'd build another castle.  That one would likely sink too, and the one after that, and so on, then one would catch fire, fall over, and sink.  But eventually, one castle would stay up! :)

From what I've seen and read, there's a lot of variable bugginess and poor performance.  Much defensive play is needed (save early, save often, hope the game actually saves...).  Some KSP2 players are lucky and some persevere.  But others are tired and others decided they going to get a refund.

KSP2 shouldn't have been released in this shape.  It is ruining the experience for everyone.  Hopefully, we'll see these bugs addressed soon by Intercept Games as well as improvements in things like the maneuver node and other parts of the UI.  Because although modding has already started and is addressing some of these issues, modding can only do so much.

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  On 3/1/2023 at 12:29 AM, Izny said:

if you can't deal with rapid unplanned disassembly and try until you succeed, you are not cut out to be a kerbal engineer.


I love running into problems I can engineer my way around. Moar boosters? Sure. Noodles? Moar struts! ... which need moar boosters to lift, but such is life.

Game glitches are not something I can engineer my way around.

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  On 3/1/2023 at 1:09 AM, K^2 said:

Most games that come out are designed for about 20 hours of play time. You've spent 50 hours with an unfinished alpha full of bugs. I think that proves the game is very much playable. It's unfinished, yeah, but if people are putting in 50h now, what's that going to be like when all the features are enabled and the bugs are fixed?

It's everyone's right to feel displeased, of course, but the kind of thinking that went into the thesis of this thread perplexes me greatly. And that's not to make fun of the OP, or anything, I hope I don't come off this way. I genuinely hope that people who put in dozens of hours before giving up now will be back to put in hundreds of hours more. I just don't understand this logic, is all.


Com on,     KSp is obviously not  a kind of game designed to be played for 20 hours :P 


btw on a side note, my patience with KSP 2 was of 7 hours only, from witch most of it was raging ... :(


on other hand I bought Juno New origins  saturday after KSP 2 release and I already have 23 h on it.. and it is a blast!

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At the moment I'm sitting at probably about 30 or so launch attempts and it's just... I do feel the want to play it more, especially seeing what people are managing with it, but the fact that if someone breathes on my CPU too hard my rocket might just be glitched out of existence is very disheartening.

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