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Console release?

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Is KSP 2 still coming to console and if so when is it expected to release. I've been searching the net and I only found articles with 2022 as a release date. Came here for a bit of a look and to see what info is available and only found 2yo threads discussing if it should or shouldn't be developed for consoles.  I'm on Xbox and am constantly checking the store to see if it's available, I hope a console release is still on the cards and not too far away. TBH though I'll just be happy if it's still coming to console.


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The early access will only be available on PC. Console release is still planned for gen 9 consoles, but there is no specific date. Given the current state of the game, and what we know of the roadmap, I wouldn't expect it for at least a few months.

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24 minutes ago, K^2 said:

The early access will only be available on PC. Console release is still planned for gen 9 consoles, but there is no specific date. Given the current state of the game, and what we know of the roadmap, I wouldn't expect it for at least a few months years.


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I think it's being realistic.  Science, the first step in their roadmap, and the least technically challenging, is going to be at least 5 months post launch, at the earliest, due to their new release cadence and science clearly not coming to the next release. More reasonably it'll be 6 or 7.

6 months per roadmap update puts them at 2.5 years from 1.0.   2.5 years is within the ballpark of calling it a 'few' though if you want to quibble over it being also 'a couple' you can argue that. (I won't bother to reply)

Pessimistic would be saying 'never' since the odds of it failing to get to 1.0 are not trivial - but I think there's a chance they'll do a console port even if it never gets to 1.0, due to $$$$.  Maybe they'll call it console EA lol.

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On 5/5/2023 at 1:07 PM, DANGEROUS JEZZA said:

TBH though I'll just be happy if it's still coming to console.


I hope it goes to console too, since I come from first experiencing KSP on Xbox. Until KSP, my Xbox was my strongest processor, then I needed 200+ part ships on the regular so I decided to become a "PC gamer" in anticipation for KSP2. 

Yeah, I totally know about that 2022 release date. Didn't realize PC gaming was so much better all around and ended up with a large library on both Steam and Epic, waiting tirelessly of news that the real release date would drop soon... did you know Epic gives away free games every week? Sometimes pretty good ones.

I wouldn't even try to put a date on console release as of this time. And when I got the first iteration on console... whew... there were bugs, bit not like KSP2. I wonder how much fun QA is going to have troubleshooting issues on console vs PC for KSP2. Maybe they've learned their lesson and are... what is it they say? "Concurrently developing" these features?

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I don't know if there are early access games on consoles? If not, then you need to wait for the console version at least six months after the release of 1.0. Is a console version being developed at all, or is it planned to be done in a third-party studio?

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4 hours ago, Alexoff said:

I don't know if there are early access games on consoles? If not, then you need to wait for the console version at least six months after the release of 1.0. Is a console version being developed at all, or is it planned to be done in a third-party studio?

No early access on consoles that I know of.

Over there it is a much tighter ship with games released, no one would accept on their platform even a game with half the issues at launch that KSP2 had, look at how Cyberpunk was pulled from the store after people realized it was rushed.

To be fair KSP was launched as EA, so yeah, until it’s done you can’t expect it on consoles.

So yeah, to answer to OP, best case a console version would be launched with version 1.0.

But realistically, I would only expect it after a while once 1.0 is done, similar to KSP Enhanced Edition.

So we just have to wait and see, it could be a while ;)


Edited by GGG-GoodGuyGreg
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15 hours ago, GGG-GoodGuyGreg said:

No early access on consoles that I know of.

Over there it is a much tighter ship with games released, no one would accept on their platform even a game with half the issues at launch that KSP2 had, look at how Cyberpunk was pulled from the store after people realized it was rushed.

To be fair KSP was launched as EA, so yeah, until it’s done you can’t expect it on consoles.

So yeah, to answer to OP, best case a console version would be launched with version 1.0.

But realistically, I would only expect it after a while once 1.0 is done, similar to KSP Enhanced Edition.

So we just have to wait and see, it could be a while ;)

One issue with consoles is that its harder to push out patches because they has to be verified. 
This makes early access much harder. 


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2 hours ago, magnemoe said:

One issue with consoles is that its harder to push out patches because they has to be verified. 
This makes early access much harder. 


Even if they would speed up  patches, the key strength of consoles is stability.

They would never allow WIP games on their platform that may or may not be finished.

PC gamers are much more into that risk. 

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4 hours ago, GGG-GoodGuyGreg said:

They would never allow WIP games on their platform that may or may not be finished.

That's not entirely true. There are specific requirements that your game, or any given patch for it, has to pass in order to be allowed a console release, but they have very little to do with how playable the game is. You can have a very rough, very WIP game, so long as certain requirements are met. You can't hard-lock the console, the game has to keep responding to the controller, you have to be able to get to relevant menus, certain accessibility requirements must be met, and I think there are some limits on how often it crashes, but I'm not even sure about that. You just have to consistently make it from startup to the main menu without crashing. You'll note that none of it even indirectly says, "Should be able to play the game." The state that the KSP2 early access is in would probably pass console review. Yeah, there are severe bugs with rockets deconstructing, being unable to launch until you restart the game, and other corruption of the game state, but you can still get into the escape menu from anywhere, and the game doesn't lock up. As far as the console certification goes, that's good to go.

Would it make sense to release the game on consoles in this state? No. The initial release was followed up by two patches. It'd be an absolute pain to try to get these through the cert along with everything else that the Intercept was doing. But even if the Intercept had some spare time to get patch 2 out for the consoles, and assuming it worked at least as well as the PC version, requiring no further patching, while the Sony and MS would technically allow it, I don't think the player base would accept it. I mean, we see how poorly it's going on the PC side. And it's bound to be a lot worse for consoles, where, yeah, the console gamers are just far more used to playing finished games. Or at least, much closer to being finished.

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Honestly, I'm not hopeful. Private Division hasn't set a good precedent for this situation with their horrid treatment of the community with KSP 1 EE. Despite years of comlaining about game breaking bugs...

On 5/7/2023 at 6:41 PM, TomKerbal said:

Then, after about 200h of gameplay, this ugly (sorry!) game braking save game error appears

... and even the next-gen console versions of KSP STILL BEING ON 1.10!, 

... We get absolutley NOTHING. I mean, if you want an example, 1.11 and 1.12 have both been promised to come out on console! However, that announcement was made in September of 2021. In April of the following year, Community Manager @Ghostii_Space made the announcement that both updates would come before the end of 2022. Guess what didn't happen? There was no update. No biggie, after all game devs get delayed all the time. Here's the thing; not only was there no update, there was no delay announcement, no new ETA, noo devellopment update. NOTHING. It's been over a YEAR since KSP teams communicated publicly about the updates in any fashion. In fact, they won't even answer questions when interrogated directly through social media, the forums, or even through their customer service lines. Let me insist; over an entire year of complete radio silence, even when the latest possible release date completley passed.  

Private Division (yes, private division, not squad)  has set a precedent that has completley destroyed my faith in them. They have shown that they place no value in the console community. As such, I don't expect too see KSP 2 on console for at least another few years. I half expect the console version to release well after the 1.0 release, though thats just my expectation. Even when it does release, it very well might be lackluster, like when KSP 2 EA first launched on PC. To say the least, I'm pessimistic. This is normally something I avoid, but with how KSP on console has been treated, who could blame me.

There is one element to this that inspires a little bit of hope, however. One of the main reasons that KSP EE has been abandoned is due to the studio history of the project. Enhanced Edition was not made by Squad, rather it was develloped by BlitWorks. They ported the game to both supprted console generations, and they were respnsible for keeping the game  up to date. However, their contract was terminated before they got to finish the game. They were let go once they had gotten it up to 1.10, and before all of the game-breaking issues had been patched. This was in september 2021. At that moment, PD announced their intentions to update EE to 1.12, along with announcing that they were hiring new internal positions to help this effort. Please note how we are still on 1.10, and many players still have their games destroyed by bugs. It is now May of 2023, and PD "started work" in SEPTEMBER OF 2021

This can be a good sign for KSP 2, simply because unless something goes horribly, horribly wrong (like what happened with KSP EE), then it might be fine. After all, KSP 2 on console is being develloped by the same studio that's making the PC version, Intercept Games. So, for the situation to go as poorly as it did with KSP EE, something would have to go truely, horribly, catastrophically wrong. 

I want to have hope for KSP 2. I  really do. But, it's hard. Being a console KSP fan, I've seen KSP 2 on console go from "It'll be out before I'm done with middle school!", now all the way to "It won't be out unitl I'm well into college, and even then it may not meet basic standards". (Also, that college thing is assuming only two years, two and a half years for console release. Seems like the reasonable earliest possible time to expect the console release. Might be more, only time will tell). I don't know. The early access announcement was a punch in the gut to the console community, because it's basically an announcment of a two year minimum delay. It sucked, and I know it did for PC players as well. Maybe KSP 2 on console will be awesome, who knows. But, I can't possibly be optimistic about it until I can trust PD - Which I cetainly will not be able to do until they fix the situation with KSP 1 on console. The lack of transparency kills any faith I might have in them. It sucks.

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8 hours ago, Turtlegirl1209 said:

Private Division hasn't set a good precedent for this situation with their horrid treatment of the community with KSP 1 EE.

I don't think KSP2 release is a matter of trust in what PD promised to deliver. They would be letting a lot of money go if they don't release at least on gen 9 consoles. The timing of it and the quality could vary, but I don't think there's a world where PD doesn't push for a release of KSP2 on consoles as soon as at all possible.

Now, the quality of support once the game's out, that's much more of a subject to trust, and I can't blame anyone for low expectations based on how the KSP1 on consoles has been treated.

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On 5/7/2023 at 7:02 PM, GGG-GoodGuyGreg said:


Over there it is a much tighter ship with games released, no one would accept on their platform even a game with half the issues at launch that KSP2 had, look at how Cyberpunk was pulled from the store after people realized it was rushed.

You don't have to look that far, console KSP got pulled as well, I think from Sony's store after the botched launch to return after KSP got re-ported to Enhanced Edition by another company.

I'd be very carefull going in head first when KSP² hits consoles.

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10 hours ago, Turtlegirl1209 said:


I want to have hope for KSP 2. I  really do. But, it's hard. Being a console KSP fan, I've seen KSP 2 on console go from "It'll be out before I'm done with middle school!", now all the way to "It won't be out unitl I'm well into college, and even then it may not meet basic standards". (Also, that college thing is assuming only two years, two and a half years for console release. Seems like the reasonable earliest possible time to expect the console release. Might be more, only time will tell). I don't know. The early access announcement was a punch in the gut to the console community, because it's basically an announcment of a two year minimum delay. It sucked, and I know it did for PC players as well. Maybe KSP 2 on console will be awesome, who knows. But, I can't possibly be optimistic about it until I can trust PD - Which I cetainly will not be able to do until they fix the situation with KSP 1 on console. The lack of transparency kills any faith I might have in them. It sucks.

Sorry, I couldn't help it...




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