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KSP2 EA now on sale for 20% off?!....


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So...Is everyone that bought into EA at full price getting a refund for the difference? or what?.....

Because if not I definitely feel like I'm getting scammed with this. I've been a staunch supporter of the EA process so far and have been playing and providing feedback as much as possible. I've been defending the devs hand over foot up until now.  But I'm not sure I can do that anymore if the game hasn't even released yet and they are having sales. What about the people that have been helping development for the past 4 months?...



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€40 for a hot mess that should never have seen the light of day is still €40 too much. Why were you defending this company at all with what they pulled? €50 AAA pricing for a pre-alpha that wasn't even fit for internal testing and now the customer can do their testing for them? And the kicker is now you complain about it being on sale.

This thing is DOA and will go on 80% sale by christmas in a last ditch attempt to save them from going belly up.



What about the people that have been helping development for the past 4 months?...

Squad thanks you for paying them money to test their software for them.

Edited by Jimbodiah
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47 minutes ago, DrDrizzyT said:

I definitely feel like I'm getting scammed with this.

I bet you're a Factorio fan, they never go on sale.

43 minutes ago, DrDrizzyT said:

the game hasn't even released yet and they are having sales.

Most of the early access games I bought were on sale. Your point? It's normal.

44 minutes ago, DrDrizzyT said:

What about the people that have been helping development for the past 4 months?...

They got an early access of 4 months. So far.

14 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Squad thanks you for paying them money to test their software for them.

Yep that's all I needed to know.

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This is offensive. So now you’ve insulted the few that were  willing  to put up with this mess for months. I’m very displeased with this decision to punish early adopters with a [anti]discount /before any new features have been added/

I don’t think I have any good will remaining for these devs. I wonder if I can get a refund this late.

The sales pitch was “buy now it will get more expensive later.” 

The truth was it would get cheaper before any discernible difference in gameplay outside of some bug fixes and optimization.

edit for clarity missing word

Edited by moeggz
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I wonder if a lawyer that specializes in class action litigation would listen to the community pro bono?

I'm actually pretty disgusted at the results of this patch, then the sale on Steam and the 40% off all merchandise at the KSP store.  Looks to me like it's quitting time for the publisher. 

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  • KSP2 Alumni

Just a few notes:

- This sale was initially slated to be in line with the Steam Summer Sale but we decided to start it early since the patch was coming out.

- This price is not permanent and will only be available through the Steam Summer Sale.

- The EA price will continue to be the same, and then rise once 1.0 is released - as we've confirmed before.

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3 minutes ago, Dakota said:

Just a few notes:

- This sale was initially slated to be in line with the Steam Summer Sale but we decided to start it early since the patch was coming out.

- This price is not permanent and will only be available through the Steam Summer Sale.

- The EA price will continue to be the same, and then rise once 1.0 is released - as we've confirmed before.

I don’t mean this personally but what the sale says to me is 

“yeah so everyone who returned the game waiting for it to be good gets it for cheaper. Those of you stuck with us are not appreciated and have to pay 20% more.”

A sale eventually is fine, I know at some point people would buy the game for less than I did. But this early in the roadmap it seems like I just got taken advantage of. I was going to return it because of the bugs but didn’t want to hurt the funding of my most anticipated game. 


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Top comment on Twitter currently, 

"Feels bad to have paid for it opening day and now those who didn't have faith can pick it up cheaper than those who held on to it and believed. Such is life I suppose..." - Craig

Legit sentiment. But here's another take- if you wanted a chance to critique the game at, you had to pay to see how garbage it was. Same up til now. 

Consider who you want to show your "work in progress"... do you want to show someone willing to invest? Or do you want to show someone who gives their opinion regardless of their willingness to put in constructive (invested critique)?

I see this as the game fitting a state that is ready to be critiqued by a wider audience- and moving towards a state of greater scrutiny.

The higher price tag is equal to a backstage VIP ticket now... I'm not saying everyone enjoyed the sound check, but they are now seating general admission for the warm up set...

We're all still wondering if the show will be worth the standing around while the band tunes and tweaks their gear...

Will this end in a Mic drop 1.0? or a good ol fashioned stage salad?

Edited by Socraticat
Semantics- please don't take this personally, I just want to share a perspective.
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4 minutes ago, Dakota said:

Just a few notes:

- This sale was initially slated to be in line with the Steam Summer Sale but we decided to start it early since the patch was coming out.

- This price is not permanent and will only be available through the Steam Summer Sale.

- The EA price will continue to be the same, and then rise once 1.0 is released - as we've confirmed before.

But I don't understand how it's fair to have a sale AT ALL until the game is fully released. This isn't a finished product, and we were sold on the idea of paying full price NOW to help test the game and be involved in development. The game content is essentially the exact same as when EA launched. The primary focus on patches have been 'fixing game breaking bugs', by Nates own words.  And the sale is basically telling me that if I wouldn't have been enthusiastic enough to support the game from the get-go, and waited for the summer sale, I could have saved 20$ and NOT had to deal with the frustration of trying to play through the bugs. You get what I'm saying? Can you understand how someone might take offense to that?   

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23 minutes ago, Dakota said:

Just a few notes:

- This sale was initially slated to be in line with the Steam Summer Sale but we decided to start it early since the patch was coming out.

- This price is not permanent and will only be available through the Steam Summer Sale.

- The EA price will continue to be the same, and then rise once 1.0 is released - as we've confirmed before.

Upon EA release I was pretty positive about the state of things.  I was one who tried to convince the naysayers that, "Things can only get better".    But now, I think the writing is on the wall. 

Dakota, I would like to say I believe you, or whomever is feeding you this dribble to feed to the community, but I don't.  I think your dev team is in panic mode and I think the Publisher is seriously thinking about canning the project.  It doesn't appear to me that your coding team has a handle on the code tbh and it shows.

I can deal with giving T2 my $50 USD at EA Release for almost nothing in return, but I'm really disappointed with the damage that has been done to the KSP franchise....    Just sell the KSP Franchise off to some smart and talented independent game studio that can salvage this mess before it  gets "Unfixable".  Or figure out a  way to allow the KSP Mod community to unilaterally develop the game moving forward as an open source project.  It is painfully obvious that if things continue to move in the direction they are moving that KSP2 will not survive.  

Edited by Buzz313th
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Gladly... It's still more than I paid for it.

The writing is on the wall as far as I'm concerned, science will make or break this game but there's too far to go before we even get there... I don't care about it now, I'll have forgotten by that point and that's only the first stop on the roadmap! 

Say what you will but I don't see a full release ever appearing.

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26 minutes ago, Dakota said:

- This sale was initially slated to be in line with the Steam Summer Sale but we decided to start it early since the patch was coming out.

You guys are actually doing a Summer Sale for your early access title? hahaha

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6 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

Jesus, people seriously can't be pleased. Or don't know what a sale is. Or never heard of EA games going on sale.
Or all of the above.

4 months in is a little early for a full release game to go on sale.

I have bought other EA games. None of them went on sale before 1.0. I know some do but I think it is in bad taste.

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This is an insult.

I came close to refunding in February but decided to give the devs the benefit of the doubt. 4 months later the game is still unplayable, there has been zero progress on the roadmap, and now you're offering discounts.

I regret buying the game. I regret putting trust in the developers. I regret not refunding. I regret all the time I've spent researching and submitting bug reports.

Now I just feel like a mug.

I'm done.

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12 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

Jesus, people seriously can't be pleased. Or don't know what a sale is. Or never heard of EA games going on sale.
Or all of the above.

Nah, I just think it's funny. And maybe a little cringe. But I've already got the game and I don't regret spending that money, so there's that.

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8 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

Jesus, people seriously can't be pleased. Or don't know what a sale is. Or never heard of EA games going on sale.
Or all of the above.

But the timing..  LOL.  

Ever notice that the movies that have the most aggressive marketing campaigns usually really stink?  You know why?  Because the distribution company watched the screening before it was released in theaters and they realized the film sucked, so they spent more in marketing pre release to hopefully make the money back before word of mouth kills the revenue potential.   The same marketing formula is happening right here.  Big marketing pre-release, intermediate promotions and then liquidation of merchandise that will not continue to be stocked in the future.

Not a single effort being made by the Devs or the Publishing company has had a positive impact on the reputation of the product, as a matter of fact, each effort (Patches, press releases etc..) has had a negative effect.  This can only go on for so long.

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53 minutes ago, Dakota said:

Just a few notes:

- This sale was initially slated to be in line with the Steam Summer Sale but we decided to start it early since the patch was coming out.

- This price is not permanent and will only be available through the Steam Summer Sale.

- The EA price will continue to be the same, and then rise once 1.0 is released - as we've confirmed before.

This is a slap in the face to anyone who didn't refund.  We've spent months submitting bug reports, discussing what we think about the game, trying to support the devs/company (even if we don't agree with the state of the game or where it's headed).  And now, after we've been told that the project is financed and the lights won't turn off and that the devs are working on the bugs - which everyone already knows I seriously doubt considering the major ones that have been reported since launch that aren't fixed yet - you want us to believe that this sale is a good thing?  And that third statement is nearly a lie.  The EA price will continue to be the same, and then rise once 1.0 is released - as we've confirmed before.  Yeah, but then you made the decision that some people get EA at a different price, lower than what people who bought it up to this point paid.  So there are actually at least 2 prices, and one of them hoses a section of the community who tried to stick with it the whole time.

The number of players through Steam - and yes, I am aware that we don't get counts of people who play through Epic or who bypass the launcher altogether - has been dwindling steady since launch.  With the patch today, we actually hit 700+ contiguous players...but I fully expect that number to drop once people realize the game is still buggy as all get-out.  This sale screams that the project is in trouble, the company is attempting to make an easy/quick buck, and that the devs need to show upper management that player numbers are rising instead of falling lest they get shown the door and KSP2 falls to the wayside like so many other EA games before it.

This isn't an issue of whether or not I feel like the $50 I spent at the time was worth what I got.  It isn't; $50 was way overpriced for what we got.  And it's not an issue of whether or not the sale price is worth it.  It's not; $40 is still way overpriced for this title.  No, the issue here is that you basically looked at all the people who paid and didn't refund and laughed in their faces.  "Ha ha, you paid $50, and now we're putting it on sale."

You can go back to Nate and Chris and Shana and all the others at TT/PD/IG and tell them I said thanks for nothing.  What a joke.  What a ripoff.  What a waste.

Edited by Scarecrow71
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7 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

 And that third statement is nearly a lie.  The EA price will continue to be the same, and then rise once 1.0 is released - as we've confirmed before.  Yeah, but then you made the decision that some people get EA at a different price, lower than what people who bought it up to this point paid.  So there are actually at least 2 prices, and one of them hoses a section of the community who tried to stick with it the whole time.


Good catch. So now that this lie has been caught, if the funding really is solid and there is no problem, surely as a thank you to the early adopters that 20% discount can be prorated to us who didn’t refund. Or was that a lie too?

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My gods!  $10 off a game!

I have never been so insulted in my entire life!  This is the worst thing that could ever possibly have happened!  It's not right and fair and moral and nice and whatever else that other people are getting to have no fun playing this broken game for a lower price than I paid!  This is worse than that time I stubbed my toe!

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1 minute ago, razark said:

My gods!  $10 off a game!

I have never been so insulted in my entire life!  This is the worst thing that could ever possibly have happened!  It's not right and fair and moral and nice and whatever else that other people are getting to have no fun playing this broken game for a lower price than I paid!  This is worse than that time I stubbed my toe!

You are allowed to your opinion and to discussing why you think this is acceptable. I and others are offended and are explaining why we feel so. Please do not hyperbolize our arguments. Players who refunded were rewarded, those who were loyal were penalized. That is upsetting and the rush to give a sale for the game may indicate the game is in financial trouble. 

That is my argument.  No where did I say it was the worst thing that ever happened. 

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4 minutes ago, razark said:

My gods!  $10 off a game!

I have never been so insulted in my entire life!  This is the worst thing that could ever possibly have happened!  It's not right and fair and moral and nice and whatever else that other people are getting to have no fun playing this broken game for a lower price than I paid!  This is worse than that time I stubbed my toe!

I am in agreement with @moeggz here.  We are entitled to our opinion, just like you are entitled to yours.  And a lot of us are actually responding to this post in a pretty darned civilized manner.  If you want to discuss your feelings on this, I'm all ears.  I'm happy to have a conversation as opposed to the sarcasm and condescension.  And, like moeggz, nowhere did I state this was the worst thing ever.  It's not good, but it isn't the end of the world.

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