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KSP2 EA Grand Discussion Thread.

James Kerman

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  On 2/24/2023 at 5:08 PM, minerbat said:

i also wonder whether the mohole is still there


In his stream this morning, Scott Manley sent a lander down the Mohole, passed through the terrain at the bottom, descended to the singularity at the core of Moho, and was flung out of the planet at 140 km/s.

(This was after sending another craft to within a few km of the surface of the sun, which suddenly vanished with no warning or after-the-fact indication of what happened.)

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  On 2/24/2023 at 4:56 PM, Majorjim! said:

Sorry but 40FPS with a 4000 series card is not ‘running well’…


For a fully released game I'd agree. But I set my expectations to the experience I had with KSP1 early access. My experience with KSP2 so far is that it's playable with what I'm doing with it. Yes it's full of bugs and performance has a long way to go. But I was expecting that. 

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Pretty happy that I could run it OK-ish with my 6 years old rig (i7-8700K, GTX1080, 32GB), with some optimizations I expect it to run well enough.

I was right at home with something very similar to KSP1 at its debut, I'm very interested to see where this will be going.
What I wish to see is more science progression to force going through steps and challenges with low tech (my source of fun with KSP is overcoming difficult exploration with the bare minimum), and an easier way to plan mission (e.g. a way to figure out if I put enough chutes for an atmospheric entry, or if I have enough TWR and dV, that kind of stuff).

Few things I noted, some of them existed in KSP1, that I expect will be improved:
- When an engine stage follows a decoupler stage I still don't know if I'm going to fire up the engine or decouple , b/c the engine UI is the same and no clear indication which stage is next.
- Attaching sub assemblies to a decoupler is still a PITA. I'd like a modifier to select a whole subassembly anywhere and not just on the bottom part, and also have a clear indication that I'm attaching on the decoupler and not the main part.
- Clicking on an already active SAS mode could disable it and go back to "Lock". Otherwise this makes a lot of mouse travel when trying to activate a mode briefly or when a mistake is made. YMMV on this one I guess
- While looking like jelly, my 80 parts un-strutted onion-shaped ship kept it straight and did not disintegrate at any step :)
- There's a destroy menu option on the map but no recover option (must go to tracking station for that)

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  On 2/24/2023 at 5:28 PM, Sequence said:

For a fully released game I'd agree. But I set my expectations to the experience I had with KSP1 early access. My experience with KSP2 so far is that it's playable with what I'm doing with it. Yes it's full of bugs and performance has a long way to go. But I was expecting that. 


Yeah I don't even bother displaying FPS until there is an issue playing and how it feels. the number is a distraction, better to play without it and see if it feels good display way. I will bring up the actual FPS if I ever feel like it is an actual issue, which so far for me it has not been anyway.

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  On 2/24/2023 at 3:45 PM, Alexoff said:



No way tell me it isnt so! Who could have imagined KSP2 would turn out like this?!


  On 2/24/2023 at 5:36 PM, DwightLee said:

Yeah I don't even bother displaying FPS until there is an issue playing and how it feels. the number is a distraction, better to play without it and see if it feels good display way. I will bring up the actual FPS if I ever feel like it is an actual issue, which so far for me it has not been anyway.


This is some dellusional levels of cope. Its not about the specific FPS, its about does the game perform at the appropriate level considering its fidelity and your hardware. Its very indicative of overall quality of programming of the game and to ignore is simply idiotic.

Edited by p331083
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I am fairly happy w/ all of the improvements, user experience, graphics, load times, etc. However...

1) The notification system is pretty aggrivating, and if there's a way to disable the constant notifications (both the bright yellow ones during timewarps and the window ones announcing things like, "electrical systems not in sunlight"
2) The parts are WAY too jello-like. Even simply hitting throttle w/ a Mainsail Engine caused the rocket to compress and bounce back like a slinky. I'm no developer, so idk how easy/difficult this is to remedy, but without autostruts, the noodley-nature of the parts is borderline crippling at times.
3) Fairings - Points for creativity, but you took an unbroken system and made it 2-3x more cumbersome to build. The hover-over effect to look inside is also unstable.
4) Undocking and uncoupling is insanely overpowered imo - and not in the good way. Undocking over the Mun caused my periapsis to go from 10,000 down to -6,000. 

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Hey , I'm not sure if the darkness of the interiors of VAB/SPH  can be lightend  /  altered , as they seem to look pretty dark to me  and I  think, but don't know (yet) if that will be as issue for me ,  anyone else ? ...

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On the "Trip Planner" it would be nice if we could edit it. For example if I select the Mun it assumes I am going to land.

Not on this trip, it would be nice to be able to let the trip planner know I just plan to orbit.


Not a show stopper, just a "it would be nice"  :)


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I wish there was an option to REMOVE completely all the useless stuff rendered at KSC, all trees, all but your launchpad, all  details of buildings, all clouds etc... to make it playable. The content being rendered at KSC is not worth to tax   even a LOW END CARD!  KSP  has worse performance than DSC in the middle of a massive  combat with  a dozen  helicopters fighting over a city... that is no where even remotely starting to look as acceptable

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15 FPS flying through the Space Center in my two engine jet. No water physics, no reentry physics, the same pause/unpause bug the youtubers at the ESA event discovered more than a week (two?) ago ... Random errors when in space, the action list thing is doing its own thing, I can't scroll up or down alongside my rockets to see what I'm trying to add to the bottom no matter what modifier I press.

And then the whole click on the part then find it in a separate menu to control it thing. I hate it.

Nope, this whole concept sucks, and even if i did like it this version is still way too alpha to call early access. I'll stick to KSP 1 for a year or so and check the sequel again then. But with this senseless GUI I doubt I'll ever return. Not until someone mods it anyway.

And yeah, my rig is up to spec. If I somehow doubled my computer's performance with a i9 12700, a 4080ti and 128 GB memory (or whatever it would take), I'd still only make 30 FPS in my scrappy little jet.

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  On 2/24/2023 at 5:12 PM, Minmus Taster said:

Ignore? I don't ignore the games (many) issues and hope they get fixed. But I also think that this game is fun and is a good continuation of the first games ideas assuming that it becomes stable by final release. I just wanted to highlight what was good about about what's there and not comment on the technical aspects, because frankly I wouldn't know what I was talking about. I understand the frustration and I am a little let down that the game is in this state myself but all I can do is have fun with what I have and hope it gets better. And I'm not saying this as an owner of a NASA supercomputer. I run KSP2 on an 8GB laptop and I'm just happy I get to experiment with it while it develops.


I like the cut of your jib, mate.

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So i tried playing KSP 2, made a basic rocket, boosters, disposable fuel tanks, 2 stage engines, in order to reach a simple orbit for the first time.

So first flight, failed to control the rocket into space and crashed into the ocean (the controls had changed this much).
Second try, i get into space, dispose of the launch engine, run the VAC engine for less than a minute and then "POOF" entire ship falls into pieces instantly with my camera view getting scuffed.
Third try, same result as second.

Maybe i only have 900 hours playing this, but traveling from Kerbal to the Mun orbiting both and then come back is routine for me.
There is no reason to why a basic ship like this should fail to work!
KSP1 was more stable than this on initial release with 40 parts whobbling around.

In addition it took me 5 min to figure out how to check how much fuel is still remaining in a tank, this fairly proves that the entire interface has been changed to the point where it has nothing in common with KSP1 any more.

It's plain as daylight that this game is not even remotely close to completed, i question this having even been Alpha tested...
And i only see a few specklike details that can even be considered "improvements" compared to KSP1, the rest of it is utterly sub-par and just makes me wana not recomend KSP2 at all and just tell people to ignore it and play/buy KSP1 instead as KSP2 is currently a downgrade for sure.

What the heck happened, was the entire staff sacked, replaced and asked to remake it all with no source code from KSP1 available?
I am utterly dissapointed, i am a programmer, i know it aint easy, but this is not a early release, this is clearly a skipped early Beta test that we paying money for, at least make it possible for people to try enjoy it instead of forcing them to ask for  a refund...

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Gah.   It's early development.   Those whining it's not as good as KSP1 that's been around for a decade just need to go away.

It's buggy, it's lacking content, parts, mods, career mode etc.    

Go back to KSP 1 if that's what works for you  and stop flaming an early release game still under development.

Plays just fine for me.    Don't regret the purchase at all.    

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  On 2/24/2023 at 6:02 PM, Hitori said:

So i tried playing KSP 2, made a basic rocket, boosters, disposable fuel tanks, 2 stage engines, in order to reach a simple orbit for the first time.

So first flight, failed to control the rocket into space and crashed into the ocean (the controls had changed this much).
Second try, i get into space, dispose of the launch engine, run the VAC engine for less than a minute and then "POOF" entire ship falls into pieces instantly with my camera view getting scuffed.
Third try, same result as second.


Did you report the bug? 

  On 2/24/2023 at 6:02 PM, Hitori said:

In addition it took me 5 min to figure out how to check how much fuel is still remaining in a tank, this fairly proves that the entire interface has been changed to the point where it has nothing in common with KSP1 any more.


Have you tried the tutorials? 

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I don't like the "parts manager"... how could I keep a window open for two specific parts at the same time (really good visible) to be able to quickly click on an option or function of this part?

oh and... everything is waaaay to big... almost nothing fits onto the screen... and the design... well... I don't say something about it... really not...

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