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Threads of the month: September 2023


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The KSP forum moderator’s team presents the
Threads of the Month

September 2023 Edition



For those of us in the central United States, there's an Internet Service Provider (ISP) whom I will not name, whose customer service sucks. For the last two weeks, I have had to deal with signal interruptions, and when I'd call their customer service number, of course, it couldn't be anything on their end. After pressing 1, 2,7,4,7, and 2, I'd finally speak to a person who would insist that it was either my router, my cable modem, or my equipment, but certainly not their line or their service. Well, I saw one of their repair technicians in the neighborhood yesterday and asked him to take a look. After getting the "I'm not really supposed to do this without a work order," speech from him, he finally relented after I told him of fighting with their customer service people for two weeks. He came into my house, checked my equipment setup (ha, no problems there), then took out his device to check the wall connection, and guess what? Yeah, barely any signal was coming into the cable modem. Turns out it was their issue after all.

He was there for about six hours yesterday, repairing the damage done by a previous technician. I live in a townhouse with a box on the far end of the building. Somehow, when the fiber optic cables were being replaced for two of the units in our building (there are six townhouses), there were three lines of fiber optic cable that were damaged in the process. Mine is one of them. The damage was to the outer insulative covering and was just enough where condensation was able to work its way into the cable.

So, now that you know why this TOTM is so late, let's get on with sharing the most enjoyable part (at least for me) of being a member of the team of moderators - getting to do the thread of the month!

Instructions on using the TOTM images: If your thread has been selected as a TOTM, you can copy the image’s link above, go to the area of the forum where you want to place it, and then paste the link. Press the <CONTROL> button when the image appears and right-click on your mouse. A menu will drop down and allow you to edit the picture. You can resize it - the first number can be changed as large or small as you want. Eventually, I will add these images to the thread I’ve created as a repository.

For those out there who like the nerdy parts of the TOTM:

To continue what I started in May 2021, I have kept some forum statistics to respond to those claiming the forum was dying or interest in Kerbal Space Program was declining. There were 391 new forum accounts (a decrease of 39, or down 9.06% from August). Out of the new forum members who joined last month, there were 22/24 who transitioned from new accounts to being active and participating in the forum. This conversion means 5.62% of the new users who registered their accounts last month are now contributing members of our community! (This is an increase from August; 5.58% of the new members became active and contributing members). If you’re interested in seeing the new members of our forum, you can click here!

Now, without further delay, I present to you the threads of the month for September:

Fan-fiction, Mission Reports, and Kerbal Space Program-inspired Creative Works:

This category features a thread (or threads) that, while not directly Kerbal Space Program related, this work may be creative, fan-fiction, or other presentation related to the game.

Zeirn1i.pngI enjoy mission reports because we can get an insight into how other players play the game. It’s also fun to see how others choose their favorite crews, design their craft, and their visions for how their Kerbiverse develops. This mission report by @TwoCalories delivers an interesting take on the voyages of our favorite, brave (sometimes), and daring Kerbalnauts as they dare to enter the final frontier and explore the great unknown! This fan-fic is based on the U.S. and U.S.S.R’s space race and is described on the OP as:


The Sky is Not the Limit will show the development of the Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration (KASA) from a small United States space program striving to beat the Soviet Union to the Mun to (if all goes planned) a large organization, settling the final frontier and pushing the limits of Kerbalkind.

This save will be mostly normal difficulty, but with Kerbal G limits, plasma blackout, and no Kerbal respawn. I also have a bunch of mods, but the most important ones are Kerbalism, Outer Planets Mod and Exploration Plus.


If you’re looking for a fun and exciting read, here’s the link:

If you are looking for inspiration for a fan-fiction thread, why not try this one?

Forum Member Created Challenges and Missions:

This category contains missions and challenges created by you, the members of our gaming community. Many excellent missions and challenges threads are created that expand our fun with the game and press our skills, creativity, and sometimes, luck beyond what we get accustomed to. Let’s face it: we all have our go-to design basics and our go-to vehicles we like to use. Sometimes, a good challenge can cause us to think of another way to achieve our goals.

No thread was nominated for this category.

Game Support/Game Mod of the Month:

This category features either help with the game (stock or modded) or mods that add quality-of-life game play improvements to Kerbal Space Program.

No thread was nominated for this category.

General community threads of the month:

This category features a thread that adds to the community and doesn’t fit the game support/game mod categories.

 No thread was nominated for this category.

Cinematic-based Fan-fiction, Mission Reports, and Kerbal Space Program-inspired Creative Works:

This category features a video or other form of cinematic of a Kerbal mission report using in-game video recorded gameplay. Note: This has changed. Instead of awarding this to a thread, this is a *post of the month* since most new cinematic works are posted in a single thread. We have a lot of great content creators, but because they’ve been posting their mission reports as videos in a single thread, most of their work goes unnoticed by the general forum audience. Hopefully, this change in the category to a Post of the Month (POTM) will highlight the great work done by these deserving content creators. Other threads containing cinematic posts will also be featured in this category.

uDNHirR.pngYes, folks, that’s right. An overhauled image just for the cinematic posts! There are a lot of great content creators who are deserving of this recognition since we were made aware of the thread, Post Your Cinematics Here! (Cinematic Enthusiasts) by @HatBat. Although the thread did receive TOTM previously, it was felt that it wasn’t enough for those who have shared your great creations featuring our favorite Kerbalnauts. Instead of being a TOTM, I’ve changed it into a CPOTM - a Cinematic Post of the Month.

For this month’s CPOTM, we’d like to recognize the work of @kurgut in their cinematic, “Kerbal Subnautic Program,” found here:

Sometimes, the forum software will get glitchy, and an exact post may be a little hard to find, especially when it is buried in a long thread. In case this happens, here’s @kurgut's cinematic presentation:

If you encounter other cinematics you feel are worthy of being recognized as this category’s post of the month; please nominate them! You can use the exact instructions to nominate a post containing a video as you would use to nominate a thread.

Honorable mentions:

All the nominations were used for this month. There are no honorable mentions.

Sometimes, choosing which threads will be selected as the Thread of the Month for our five categories is challenging. We get many good nominations each month but limit it to one for each type. Threads nominated but not selected as a thread of the month become honorable mentions. The honorable mention for this month is:

The honorable mention for this month may not have made the Thread of The Month, but if you think it might be worth another opportunity, please renominate it!

Congratulations to all the winners of the Thread of the Month! We want to thank our forum members, @AlamoVampire, @dsplaisted, @EchoLima, @Kerbalsaurus, @ShadowDev, and the members of the moderation team and staff who nominate this month’s contenders. Thank you so much for helping us identify noteworthy threads and bringing their awareness to our forum community. We’d appreciate your continued help in the future.

Odds and ends:

TO NOMINATE  A THREAD FOR CONSIDERATION: If you find a thread you feel should be considered for next month’s thread of the month, use the “Report a comment” feature (the three dots on the upper right corner of the comment box) to report the thread. Please put in the text field of the port post “Nomination for the thread of the month,” and we will do the rest! You can always nominate more than one thread, too.

IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOES INTO THE DECISION WHEN CONSIDERING THE TOTM: Wonder no more! This helpful guide is to help you understand what we use to help determine what makes a thread a really good thread and one that becomes a thread of the month/cinematic post of the month. It’s everything you did or didn’t want to know and includes helpful tips.

And the last word for this month’s post: I’d like to thank a few people who trust me enough to continue supporting and allowing me to contribute to the forum. I want to thank the Lead Moderator, @Vanamonde, for bringing me on as a moderator, a decision I’m sure he has had moments where he often wonders why he did it. I’d also like to thank  @PD_Dakota, our community manager, and @Nerdy_Mike, the KSP Franchise Community Lead, for tolerating me and allowing me to continue to serve our Kerbal Space Program forum community through the monthly Threads of the Month post. :) 

In case you missed last month’s threads of the month, you can click here.

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Thank you all so much for the TOTM nomination! I can't tell you how happy I am right now!!! :D:D:D I honestly thought that my mission report would never be very popular. I never would have imagined that I would get Thread of the Month!

The Sky is Not the Limit is not over, and a new chapter will be coming this weekend! I'm just going to announce it here because I'm so ecstatic: Volume 2 will be titled "Permanant Presence" with the goal of colonizing the Kerbin System.

Thank you all again! :D


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  On 9/12/2023 at 1:08 AM, Kerbalsaurus said:

Congratulations to both of the winners! And nice job @kurgut! Two CPOTM in a row!


thanks : )

  On 9/8/2023 at 12:21 PM, adsii1970 said:

For this month’s CPOTM, we’d like to recognize the work of @kurgut in their cinematic, “Kerbal Subnautic Program,” found here:


Hey ! Thank you for CPOTM, and grats to the others ! : D

Sorry I'm very late to all this, but was working crazy since this summer, didn't have much time to dedicate to virtual life haha

Cheers :) 

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