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K.E.R.B. Report Update

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  • KSP2 Alumni

Hi all,

When we first released the K.E.R.B. we talked a good deal about how it was to be an experimental project - wanting to iterate and improve the usefulness both to the internal team and to you all over time.

Being so focused on Colonies development, the team has decided to move K.E.R.B. reports, for now, to a monthly cadence instead of the biweekly you've been used to.

Post any release the K.E.R.B. has been incredibly useful for helping us identify top issues and steer our bug fixing priorities, while also communicating about those issues that mean so much to you all. We may return or change to a different cadence in the future, but this is what we believe is best for now.

The K.E.R.B. has acted as one source of truth for many of you and we know that this probably feels like us taking away another source of information about KSP2's future. As we move into Spring here in Seattle, we will be sharing more about Colonies' development progress, bugfixes, and potentially some other things you can look forward to.



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Are there going to be any weekly or biweekly non-KERB updates? I get that there isn't much utility in the KERBs if the focus is now on new features instead of bugfixes, but the community's biggest complaint has so far been, imho, a lack of regular communication, so this move feels super tone-deaf :/

Edited by whatsEJstandfor
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Im hoping that the Kerb moving into monthly then bi-weekly will not result in the loss of communication between the developers and the community. Im hoping that what you say about more news for colonies coming sooner then later as we will still expect similar levels of transparency.

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3 minutes ago, Dakota said:

Hi all,

When we first released the K.E.R.B. we talked a good deal about how it was to be an experimental project - wanting to iterate and improve the usefulness both to the internal team and to you all over time.

Being so focused on Colonies development, the team has decided to move K.E.R.B. reports, for now, to a monthly cadence instead of the biweekly you've been used to.

Post any release the K.E.R.B. has been incredibly useful for helping us identify top issues and steer our bug fixing priorities, while also communicating about those issues that mean so much to you all. We may return or change to a different cadence in the future, but this is what we believe is best for now.

The K.E.R.B. has acted as one source of truth for many of you and we know that this probably feels like us taking away another source of information about KSP2's future. As we move into Spring here in Seattle, we will be sharing more about Colonies' development progress, bugfixes, and potentially some other things you can look forward to.



To help us understand better.


Simply due to the shift heavily going to colonies work instead of smaller bugs (cause large bugs take forever)

with NDA's, and just information you cannot talk to the public, it will be shifted to monthly due to "there ain't nothing new in this front" due to the priority shift to colonies.


for a TLDR?

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10 minutes ago, Dakota said:

the team has decided to move K.E.R.B. reports, for now, to a monthly cadence instead of the biweekly you've been used to.

You mean, the bi-weekly cadence we were promised but has not been delivered on.  Sorry, Dakota, I'm not meaning to sound harsh.  But the largest complaint this community has is the lack of communication, and every time we get promised more you (as in the organization, not you personally) delivers less.

6 minutes ago, Spicat said:

When is the next one then?

My guess is April 12.  Last one was March 11, and if they are going monthly now, that would put the next one on April 11.  The 12th is a Friday, so I'd guess then.

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6 minutes ago, Stephensan said:

it will be shifted to monthly due to "there ain't nothing new in this front" due to the priority shift to colonies.

Honestly it was already noticeable in the last one. 17 out of 20 bugs didn't change their status compared to previous one. With monthly updates there's a higher chance that they will.

Though, I'm still gonna push my idea of simply replacing ones that didn't (visually, in KERB measures) progress, with others below top20, until there's a status change.

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  • KSP2 Alumni
24 minutes ago, Spicat said:

I hope bugs are still a massive focus.

When is the next one then?

Bugs are still a focus.

At an undecided date in April.

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25 minutes ago, ChadDude said:

Im hoping that the Kerb moving into monthly then bi-weekly will not result in the loss of communication between the developers and the community. Im hoping that what you say about more news for colonies coming sooner then later as we will still expect similar levels of transparency.

You can only lose something that is there.

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1 hour ago, Dakota said:

The K.E.R.B. has acted as one source of truth for many of you and we know that this probably feels like us taking away another source of information about KSP2's future. As we move into Spring here in Seattle, we will be sharing more about Colonies' development progress, bugfixes, and potentially some other things you can look forward to.

Honestly, the reaction of the community is going to depend on how well you live up to the "sharing more" part of this. I'm sure you've noticed the deep concerns that many here have expressed about the lack of communications from the dev team, so please, don't screw this up. 

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The plain truth is that the promise of the Bi-Weekly KERB report was not kept at all, so how do we know that the promise of a monthly version will be maintained? The lack of clear, concise, constant communication has not helped perceptions and community morale at all.

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I understand why this was done, but i just hope that something will be put in place of the KERB on a bi-weekly basis, because going up to a month without any real development communication is something that will most likely affect the community, maybe a bi-weekly colony teaser? 

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It would be nice for the lack of weekly KERB's to be supplemented by some other insight/preview/update. Even a weekly screenshot. We are picking at scraps as a community that wants to stay engaged with your game.

Edited by RileyHef
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We really need at least some sort of engagement here. My focus would be to rotate content based on ease of generation. Give us more sneak peaks, smaller more focused blogs from team leads / feature owners / devs, updates from you directly would be nice as well @Dakota just giving us TL:DR versions of , "This week the team did X and Y". We need more than a dead discord, a dead forum, and sparse content on the social media pipelines. We need more than a video from Nate that no one really knew about until it got posted by other community members. I for one had no idea nate had done a video. I don't want to attack here and I apologize If I'm coming off harsh, or disrespectful, but the communication issues have been present through the projects life so far. 

We need better please.

(Note: I am grateful for nates vid, I am, but it was a bit off putting to not have it announced in anyway.)

Edited by RayneCloud
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4 hours ago, Dakota said:

Hi all,

When we first released the K.E.R.B. we talked a good deal about how it was to be an experimental project - wanting to iterate and improve the usefulness both to the internal team and to you all over time.

Being so focused on Colonies development, the team has decided to move K.E.R.B. reports, for now, to a monthly cadence instead of the biweekly you've been used to.

Post any release the K.E.R.B. has been incredibly useful for helping us identify top issues and steer our bug fixing priorities, while also communicating about those issues that mean so much to you all. We may return or change to a different cadence in the future, but this is what we believe is best for now.

The K.E.R.B. has acted as one source of truth for many of you and we know that this probably feels like us taking away another source of information about KSP2's future. As we move into Spring here in Seattle, we will be sharing more about Colonies' development progress, bugfixes, and potentially some other things you can look forward to.



Im really not hoping this is just them being lazy, and also pray that this will only speed up development and not hide the lack of it. 

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By what metric is this game an EA launch except for the “don’t criticize us for its unfinished state?”

I’m being serious. By the monetary metric it’s a full launch title, by how secretive the next major DLC  roadmap update is it’s a full launch title as the community is not able to give any meaningful feedback or have any indication it’s being heard. The whole point of EA is not happening, every other EA I’ve been apart of at least acted like they listened to the community and let the community help shape the future of the game. Y’all (the ‘company’ as a whole including relevant parts of Take Two) aren’t even acting like that’s the case. By the pace of DLC updates it’s a full launch game with a full year before major changes, it’s not a rapidly developing EA game.

After the rough launch I understood why you stopped talking. Had to show you could deliver to gain trust totally fair. But why are we getting even less coms now then we did then?

For Science! was a big step in the right direction. A lot of us want to give the feedback you are overtly asking for. You all aren’t acting like you want it. If you want to just make the game you have in mind with no regards to community sentiment that’s fine but then it’s really duplicitous to say you launched in EA for that purpose when that’s not what was wanted, all that was wanted was to squeeze out all the cash from the loyal KSP2 fan base early. If that is the case I really wish you just launched a full 1.0 game. If it’s not, please start giving the community meaningful two way communication.

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4 hours ago, debdeb said:

I understand why this was done, but i just hope that something will be put in place of the KERB on a bi-weekly basis, because going up to a month without any real development communication is something that will most likely affect the community, maybe a bi-weekly colony teaser? 

Probably isn't happening given IG's track record with the KERBs and Dakota's status as the sole CM. I take it today's announcement means that IG simply doesn't have the resources to do much community engagement. I would love to be proven wrong.

5 hours ago, Dakota said:

Being so focused on Colonies development, the team has decided to move K.E.R.B. reports,

Hold on, what about the multiple bugfixing updates before Colonies? If the team is so focused on colony development they can't even maintain what little community engagement they've had, have those just been pushed to the back burner? Shouldn't performance and stability issues given the size and complexity of colonies and their potential impact on performance be top priority?

Edited by DunaManiac
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I dunno, looks to me like it's been monthly. 



The pinned Bug Status post on the forums is still from February, too. I know some people are worried that this is a bad sign for future development, but the hard truth is that this seems to be business as usual, and if anything is just them being more honest with us

Edited by Kerb_
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i just simply think there is to FEW CM's, even when the other one comes back i doubt it be enough for leaks and for them to not like, melt due to amount of work


there needs to be 4 cm's and 1 always working on leaks

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