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Possible Ways KSP 2 COULD Be Microtransactions In Early Access #SaveInterceptGamesDevsAndGame


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Well, its worth a shot at least, with the most recent news I have been thinking of actual realistic ways microtransactions could be implemented without directly harming the game with some suggested prices to go along with it..

Also aswell even if they say "no microtransactions" it seems that they need if it if there is rumors that the game is going to be cut, or we will lose developers... As of right now we don't know the situation for ksp 2 and the team..

"unethical" or not if stuff is "cheap" some people will find a use of some things useful while others don't if there was a unethical way to monetize it instead of just being free QOL the game might be better for income..

(problem is t2 launched the game in EA when it was a YEAR away from being anything useful, pretty much destroying the reputation of the game)..



  1. Custom Kerbal Creator / Custom Director Kerbal   -   5-10$ USD
    This is a highly requested feature for ksp 2, being able to create customer kerbals, i think if the feature was free it would allow a certain amount of cosmetics but the paid would allow all cosmetics in ksp 2.
    Custom Director Kerbal, could be a pfp a kerbal that is "the director (which is you btw)" that would be able to interact more "kerbal friendly" compared to just the characters talking to the "screen", this could also be used as PfP for saves or in multiplayer settings you could use your custom director to be the pfp instead of either a custom photo or your steam pfp. This could be a little high, but i think the amount of work that is required to get it running and then making sure it works on multiplayer/ (if) there is more cosmetics it would allow "People to create kerbals of there own imagine"
  2. Custom Flag Implementation   -   3-5$ USD
    Quite a few people request this to be a main in-game FEATURE, there is a mod that does this however the mod misbehaves a lot and does the stock flag instead of the custom one, They can be extremely high detailed flags I think they could make it a microtransaction that is cheap enough that almost anyone could buy it but it would not affect the users if they didn't have it, A Few CC's and a lot users could want such a thing in game. I think this shouldn't controlled in the sense of company censoring what photos are and are not allowed. In multiplayer it should be the owner of the server or local server that should be able to "remove" the offending flags and have an outright option to ban users from uploading and using Custom Flags.. Users can have as many as they want and can be limited on multiplayer if the owner so chooses.
    This will also include adding "parts" to add large flags that wrap around crafts in many sizes, or just straight huge flags that could be lit up by lights, and stock ksp 2 flags can use this for free.
  3. Hex Color Editor   -   3-5$ USD
    Cheap easy mod that adds Hex color fine control to the game (Unethical) in my mind and should be free, however using Spicats Suggestion if all UI updates was approved i don't see why this couldn't be a paid feature its cheap at relative cost and would make users VERY happy, while also not breaking the bank,
  4. Supporter Pack #1   -   15-25$ USD
    This would include a "Music Bouns" of 1 additional song for each situation,  planet, and ambient noise, The music is one of the key notes that i have found and have seen many others saying its "very good" for the game.
    This would include a "Banner Around PfP" or Color Change or A Speical Title.. saying that you purchased the supporter pack..
    Would include a special flag(s).
    Be able to put custom crafts in the menu screen(s)
    We do not know if multiplayer would even have pfp or titles however, i think it would be a cool thing to add.


yes this is pretty much try convince to keep intercept games with ALL of there developers with a job, is absolutely silly to think that we will sit down with people getting fired, and only getting corporate talk.


These could be microtransactions that keep small amount of income coming to the game to show people might be interested besides the absolute devestion of trust when the game got forced to be released. (perhaps don't launch a game a year to early and then try to can the developers when we are getting remotely close to an actual game cause of your mistakes cause you are down a few million dollars..)

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1 hour ago, Stephensan said:

Well, its worth a shot at least, with the most recent news I have been thinking of actual realistic ways microtransactions could be implemented without directly harming the game with some suggested prices to go along with it..

Speaking from my experience in the corporate world, its not revenue that's the issue so much as development pacing. KSP2 looks to have entered preproduction around 2017 or so, ramping up to full production around 2018-2019. Assuming preproduction was two dudes and a pizza, they have been funding a full sized team on the game for five years now, over which the team evidently got one extension via the studio shuffle, one extension when they delayed the release date, and another near indefinite extension with the Early Access program. While cost is certainly a factor, the bigger concern is when that cost stops accumulating, and when the recoup period begins and ends. Despite all the extra time given, the project is still woefully behind both community expectations and likely corporate expectations, and there is no sign to either party that things are improving. There's no evidence that giving them another one, two or three years of funding would actually get us to a stable product.

On the other side of that table, the evidence is that much of what's already been done is not fit for purpose. We're already talking about replacing major guts of the rendering and simulation pipelines, the entire UI has a developer and community sentiment of needing to be reworked, and the bug pipeline is still fighting fundamental issues from before launch, when we got that early media build event. None of this indicates "we just need more time and money" because all the prior time and money got them to barely nowhere.

Its hardly cold corporate dickishness to cut it when you look at it from that space, compared to most of their other projects and studios this has been an absolute disaster.

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1 hour ago, Stephensan said:

Well, its worth a shot at least, with the most recent news I have been thinking of actual realistic ways microtransactions could be implemented without directly harming the game with some suggested prices to go along with it..

Out of the box thinking should be cheered but I do see a few challenges with the proposal:

  • Not having micro transactions was a promised feature. I worded this awkward on purpose. Obviously there are a lot of features that were promised but never implemented, and the powers-that-be don't seem too embarrassed to under deliver on promises
  • The players hate it. That's less of an issue when you can respond with "my way or the high way" but there are alternatives like Juno, and more importantly, KSP1
  • It's not going to work. At least not as long as the game is an exercise in tolerating bugs and a significant lack of content. Who's going to pay for anything on top of that?
  • It's perilously close to mods. So either T2 will take action against mods that undermine their income—we've seen it in the past and it's nasty publicity—or it will generate only little income.

These seem desperate times that call for desperate measures but I think this is a bit too desperate.


Edited by Kerbart
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No way #1 is worth $5-10 USD.  At least, not to me.

#2 already exists as a mod:

#3 is something I've already tried messing around with as a mod.  I'm no coder, so it hasn't been as easy for me to do as someone else.

And I have no idea what you are going after with #4.  $25 to do...what, exactly?

Beyond all of the above, there is no way you'll get enough people who didn't refund to spend more money on a game that is more than likely canceled and won't ever get to the point we were promised it would get to.

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Where are you at on this list, OP?


1. Fool me once, shame on you.

2. Fool me twice, shame on me.

3. Fool me thrice, "oh baby please fool me again."

4. Fool.

Edited by TLTay
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Microtransactions would ruin the game. In addition to this, adding microtransactions after very slow development, terrible communication, and the situation going on right now would be an insult to the players.

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OP have you ever read Pet Semetary?

It's a book about a guy who refuses to let his loved ones die so he resorts to some sick black magic to bring them back. But it ends up 100x worse than if he just let them die. Interesting story.

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There's a second option. They can barricade themselves in the office, and call out Elon Musk on X to intervene. Any threat with a police response will be met by destroying a piece of equipment. GPUs are expensive, y'know

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1 hour ago, Oak7603 said:

I wont give this game another penny


1 hour ago, Icegrx said:

No, let it die before this. 

See, these guys get it. Won't catch me handing over any more money to this studio until they can figure out the communication situation and boy take 2 sure is lucky they bought out rockstar games. Can't wait until these greedy executives get their 30 million dollar bonus at the end of the year. 

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