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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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11 hours ago, Kerbal123_Furry said:

Laythe return, no maneuvers still.

Please put huge amounts of pics in spoilers, some of us don't have unlimited data or fast connections, and some are looking on mobile phones.

Just asking as one of those people.


Still some tweaking to do but one articulating Elevator Car.





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6 hours ago, Rakete said:

:D Don't let Gene Roddenberry read that... Maybe the shipyards from the mirror universe? :D


Utopia Planitia is a real area on the Martian surface, you know...

42 minutes ago, Kerbal123_Furry said:

Its much more harder challengeful than present version

That's quite true. If you're ever up for a real challenge, try getting something into orbit in v0.7...

Edited by capi3101
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With all the commercial developments going on, Jeb's Junkyard, Rockomax and OMB Demolition Enterprises on Minmus, Rokea Inc on Gilly, Sean's Cannery on Moho, and Flooyd Dynamics on their way to Duna, it was only a matter of time before Kerbodyne got involved. Last week they presented their plans during an initial pad rehearsal of their ... Ship? Station? Building with rocket engines? All of the above I suppose. As masters of Bigger Things they have a point to make of course, and boy did they make it. Let me quote you some numbers:

- 15.12 tonnes of Monoprop (3,780 units)
- 1,216.8 tonnes of Liquid Fuel (243,360 units)
- 1,487.2 tonnes of Oxygen (297,440 units)
- 25 docking ports (8 Jr, 13 Regular, 4 Sr)
- 12 four-person luxury cabins, 1 three-crew cabin
- Solar and nuclear energy sources
- Active cooling for miner assistance
- 4 Rhinos and 8 Aerospikes
- 28 shock absorbing legs to minimize landing stresses
- 14x14 meter footprint, 38 meter height

Add that all together, and with a total wet mass of 3,184.3 tonnes (2,719.12 tonnes of fuel, 465.28 tonnes of dry mass) you get this.


I'm sure you wonder the same thing as I did when first confronted with this monstrosity: Isn't it a bit overkill, all of that to put 12 luxury cabins on Minmus?? When I asked a Kerbodyne spokesperson she commented: "We wanted to put another layer of S4s on top but the KSC people convinced us to start with something that could actually fit through the VAB door." Although interesting information, it still leaves the question begging, so I asked one of my KSC sources who came up with a more plausible explanation.


Supposedly the boffins have had some trouble lately finding suitable class E asteroids to shepherd into Kerbin orbit. Although there are still a few fresh class Es parked in equatorial orbits around our planet there are some concerns that we may run out at some point. So the solution they came up with, in cooperation with Kerbodyne, is this enormous building which will be added to Minmus city, filled up with fuel, and when necessary can lift enough of it to Minmus or Kerbin orbit to fuel multiple interplanetary rockets in a single haul.


Of course landing something this size and weight on Minmus might be doable, but first you have to get it there. A few days after the unveiling we were treated to a full wet dress rehearsal of the launch configuration. This includes a small shuttle which can ferry 10 tourists and one Pilot from Minmus Station down to the building once it is landed. This shuttle will use its 4 Vernier engine configuration to dock to one of the top facing Senior docking ports and safely deliver its living cargo without the need for EVAs.


Yes you see that right, it takes no less than 4 Mammoth engine configurations and 12 Clydesdale SRBs to produce the 50 MN of thrust needed to lift this structure off the launch pad. Even then the Mammoth engines will burn pretty much all the way to an initial apoapsis of 80 km before they are discarded and the final circulization burn is performed using the more vacuum-efficient Rhino and Aerospike engines.

Kerbodyne PR also took this opportunity to reveal the name of this enormous tower. It will appropriately be named: The Kerbodyne ...

SuperKolossal adjective

su·per·ko·los·sal | \ ˌsü-pər-kə-ˈlä-səl  \
Definition of superkolossal
: extremely kolossal : of extraordinarily large or astonishing size or degree

(courtesy of merriam-webster.kom)


[Some weirdness while I was testing the landing on Minmus, after a successful landing and take-off I got this achievement... uhmm, wut? Is this thing so heavy it creates its own atmosphere? :D]




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I downloaded Airplane Plus. After a few hours of messing around with it, I present to you:


...something. I don't have a name for it yet.


Here are some screenshots of it in flight.



The CoL is in front of the CoM, it tends to get unstable sometimes, but it's not too bad. It handles relatively well, at least it doesn't flip over at take-off.



Here's some screenshots of a prop plane. It's not mine, I just pulled something off Kerbal X (this is one of Caerfinon's planes "Parvo")



Val crashed the plane during one of its test flights.


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Heading into the Jool system now.  First came the relay satellite which happily was headed for a polar orbit right from the start.  I kinda overestimated how much fuel it would need. 


Then came a science lab to Bop.  Chemical rockets all the way and it went well.  This looks like a good flat place for a base.



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Technically, some of this is what I did yesterday in KSP, but it includes some of today too.

YEAR 3, DAY 90

With Kerman Station's success and popularity among the public, Beyond has received funding from the United Kerbin Administration for a new module to be added. Called the Top Hat Observatory, a new module is going to be added that will allow Kerbals a much clearer view of their Home Planet. An Eve II rocket is fueled and rolled out to the launch pad for a night time launch. Mission control's going to need twice as much coffee as usual today.


Waiting on the launch pad for a final go.


Liftoff! Tower cleared!


Roll program intensifying at 3 km. Thank Kracken for these fins.


Orbital insertion burn.


A much better view of the module.Now you can see why it's called the Top Hat Observatory.


Hard dock with Kerman Station!

YEAR 3, DAY 100

With the observatory delivered, the space station has become a prime spot for new Kerbonauts to head too, and a new class is being taught how to preform day-to-day operations, and hopefully they will be chosen for the first Duna missions. These new Kerbonauts are not exactly ready for space travel yet, so former Munar-nauts will be on this rotation too.


Liftoff of the Eve I rocket!


Station docking achieved.



Kerbals are now able to admire the majesty of Kerbin herself.

YEAR 3, DAY 211


Aurora Base Camp Crew: RETURNED

Kerman Station Crew: RETURNED

Crews have been returned, and now Explorer 2 is being readied for it's mission to Ike, launching in just 93 days! At the KSC, everyone's very excited to see Ike up close for the very first time. All that we've seen so far is fuzzy dots in telescopes, and bright crescent on Explorer 1's mission.

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With all the breakdowns and conversation about KSP2, I haven't been back to KSP1 for a while.

So. Today's mission: My ship, the SS Waterman, named after the character in the Ben Bova books, has made a few flights to Duna and back. I was able to use her for the flight to Eve as well. But I've never gone to Moho before.

I updated the lander to something with a second seat, and a radiator, just in case (Moho is the closest I've been to the Star) and I started the task of refuelling her for her next flight.


The usual supply flights refill about half of a booster, and I was getting annoyed at the repetition, so I invested a few hours into making the biggest fuel tank I could launch into orbit.

I'm kicking myself that I didn't make one months ago. I was able to refill the whole thing in two flights.


With the Waterman ready to go, I set about calculations for Moho, and quickly discovered the problem. Purely by chance, I had 15 days until the transit window... But the plane of Moho's orbit meant I had enough fuel to get her there, but not slow down enough for orbit.

Now, historically, my ships have been mobile labs, churning out data for profit and such. So whenever I make a flight, the ship stays for a long haul. I send diggers/converters for refilling each craft for the return flight; and then leave the Diggers behind for the next flight that comes their way. I thus have Automated, Flight-Ready Ore Refineries on the Mun, Minmus, Gilly, Duna, and Ike. (Next mission, to see if my much larger 'Fuelling Station' can also be turned into a lander for Mining purposes.)

Not enough Delta-V to get back? I can do that. Not enough to brake for orbit? Time for a redesign. I've been adding docking ports to my boosters since the Mun landings, hooking them together and using them as 'Drive Sections' for larger craft. So I thought I'd have to add a few more 'nacelles' to the ship... And that was when I found out, purely by accident, that I could attach docking ports to the nozzles of engines mid-flight. (Huzzah for Engineers. Never leave home without one.)

So I improvised something I'd never done before, and gave my Drive Section its own Drive Section. Fortunately, I had just built the largest Fuel Tank I was capable of launching and manoeuvring.

It took some fiddling with struts, 'Control From Here' and 'Disabling Cross-feeds', but I got it to work.


The game is now loading slower than it ever has, which makes reloads agonising, but my 'single use Refuel tank' got me out of Kerbin's SOI entirely. When I detached the Tank, (and burned through the docking port on my regular engine's nozzle), the Waterman had enough juice to put herself in Moho orbit.


So, I can tick 'Moho Orbit' off the list. Tricky 'catch' as the planets I've reached go. Now I have to do it again with a Mining Rig, for the landing, Flag Planting, and Return Flight.

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I finally got around to trying my first ever manned Eve flyby and return mission (and first time leaving Kerbin system with kerbals in general), using BDB parts. Even though the return trip took over two years (since I suck at return trajectories, not to forget I couldn't do a burn at Eve thanks to wet workshop) and the re-entry's gravity was more forceful than the IRS handling tax evaders ("I thought 15 g's stand for 15 grams"), it nonetheless succeeded thanks to Kerbal resilience.








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