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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Likely my last mission before I start modding KSP1.

I built a fighter jet inspired by a certain plane in the KSP2 EA trailer and armored it with firework machine guns. Worked pretty well, until I realized that the fireworks are causing way too much drag.

The fireworks were removed, and canards were added. The result was a pretty good performance plane. Specs below.

Maximum speed 840m/s

Maximum range 4300km

Maximum height 23000m

Stall speed 48m/s

Weight 12.7t

Length 8m

Height 4m


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I decided to hyperfocus a bit and... well.. Bring back the original idea of having wormholes to Everoth Cluster!
I am still going to finish all four systems of the mod before moving onto the next mods.
The idea is that... you start at Kerbol, and you can use wormholes to travel between each system! Each wormhole does require you to traverse from the outermost planet to the innermost (or vice versa) to get to the next system, encouraging the exploration of whatever system you are currently in.

The distances are in kerbal light years. Every system is connected to a network of wormholes, except for Infanus, which is a proto-system. the white lines is the two way, the yellow lines are one way with the arrow indicating the direction.
Tis map is not an accurate layout of all the systems, it is flattened to lessen the crisscrossing of paths
The difficulty is based on how easy it is to navigate based on delta V requirements.
Kerbol, Estrela Dobre (and its satellite system, you have to go there to travel to the next system), Pythros, and Arcturus are connected in a line with two way wormholes. there are one way 'gates' at Arcturus that sends you back to Estrela Dobre and Kerbol.

All the other systems are in future mods. Dini is connected to the main group with a two way wormhole, however, there is an anomaly at Pythros that will send you far, far away to the Corr system.

The Corr system will be... very exotic and mysterious with physics being thrown out the window at a very high velocity.
Omorfia is a five star system... good luck finding the wormhole and getting to it
Mortuus is... well its not THAT hard with delta V, but the system is GIGANTIC.

If a kerbal gets yeeted to the Corr system... they may be stranded in that sector of space for the rest of their days... similar to how they are sometimes stranded around the Mun for years.

Yes I did forget about kerbals that were landed on Minmus for 15 ingame years one time.. and their ship was FULLY capable of returning home.. when I switched to it, I was like 'oh.. oops!', and just... piloted the craft back to Kerbin.

Edited by JcoolTheShipbuilder
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20 hours ago, Lyra said:

RCS blocks at the front would keep blowing up on ascent

I use the Place Anywhere 7 thrusters... 2600 K rating. I think that's what you're drawing in green. And put the front (rear-pointing ) one on the front of the nose gear shroud. 

I've been trying to help troubleshoot cargo bay drag problems... looks like rerooting could cause node problems, which cause parts in cargo bays to have drag.

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4 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

I use the Place Anywhere 7 thrusters... 2600 K rating. I think that's what you're drawing in green. And put the front (rear-pointing ) one on the front of the nose gear shroud. 

Yep, that's what i'm using. I'll try the nose gear trick sooner or later

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I liked the look of Some_KSP_Player's 'Kerman Station', so I split it into 4 components and then launched them each separately on a Minimus + Marvel + X200-8 tank combination[1]; the hub and 'DOM Avionics' module first.


I think it may be the very first time I've downloaded and built someone else's space station -- it was a fun build (wiping out Saturday afternoon).

I did bust it down to 1.11.2 which meant substituting the much smaller 'solarPanels4' 1x6 in place of the new 1.12 'solarPanelOX10L' 1x5.  Ptthhh.

[1] pretty much a "Wham...  Bang!  Space...?" auto-ride experience, launching on half throttle, pitching down at 30 m/s, instantly slamming the go-lever to the fore-stop...  yahoo.

ERRATUM; ahem.  well the badge in my signature says adsii1970's Sandbox Micro Challenge was the first alien station I built.  Pardon me!

Edited by Hotel26
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Today, I then actually implemented the texture and heightmap for Kindynos, the second moon of Glacios. And also fixed the intensitycurves for the binary stars, however it does light it up a bit too bright.

I then re-installed the no real up mod, which is a barely worked on branch of everoth. placed them according to the wormhole map.

The system at the top is Corr, about 1.3 real lightyears away from Kerbol. the cluster around kerbol is Pythros, Estrela Dobre, Arcturus, and Dini.

I then experimented with purple lighting

woo! negative luminousity star because physics has been yeeted out the window for the Corr system!

The cluster of stars that surround Kerbol. from Corr
(This image was taken right before I actually added the two stars of the Corr system, just had the barycenter, which produced heat for some reason)

The view from Mortuus, about 1/8th the distance
However, this is the closest you can get in the wormhole chain from Corr, the rest of the 1-2 kerbal lightyears, you need to travel with a vessel... the mod should, in theory, be possible with stock parts, but incredibly difficult.. and impossible to return home from Mortuus.

Orbiting Adventus, looking 'up' at the Corr system. the color matches Adventus surprisingly well.. (no, Adventus didnt originate from there, it originated from a different galaxy, is older than even the Mortuus system at 12 billion years vs the 9 billion years old Mortuus)

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28 minutes ago, RevanX_LSR said:

is this JNSQ?

Yes. Intent is to be able to SSTO from Laythe to another moon. Tylo is smaller in JNSQ so Laythe seems to be the big challenge. It's a little different... 

Laythe stock JNSQ
surf press, atm 0.6 0.6
atm height, km 50 75
surf gravity, G 0.8 0.58
escape vel, km/s 2.8 3.5

And I'm sure traveling between Jool moons is harder because Jool is even bigger... but I didn't specifically try to design for a dV in orbit so I just hope it will get there.

Outbound to Minmus:



landed in Mountains to get some science I missed.D87lnsG.jpg



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Playing with my cookie-cutter airport-generator again.  This is Magdalene at 23N 143E.  (Literally, one command line to create a new airport.)

Normally a 1700m runway, but I manually scaled this back to 850m, and removed all the usual artefacts (control tower, radio tower, admin building et al) and added a bare Observatory triangular base and one of my Kontrol towers.

Also removed the 4th and 5th map decals at the ends to minimalize the local terrain disruption.

"Verily, it is easier to destroy than to create."  Words to live by.

The script has a runway length parameter (unused) and it will soon be used to auto-scale the (KerbalKonstructs) airport.


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Recently created a story/mission report I've wanted to do for a while:

It will follow the exploits of MISE (Minmus Soviet Exploration) as they conquer the second moon of Kerbin! Where America beat the USSR to The Mun, but not to Minmus!

Currently, the only mission is an unmanned probe, but a test of the new Kerbal launch system will follow. A direct derivative of the Soyuz, with significant technological improvements, including a simplified and more reliable system, longer range, and comfort improvements.

Any suggestions for improvements or ways to increase historical accuracy would be much appreciated, thanks! 


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Went kerbostationary.



Simple rocket, capable to send 6t to kerbostationary transfer orbit and safely land upper stage.
Lets call it KSLV :)

Moments before satellite separation

Satellite delivered to final orbit and created laser connection between KSC and Mahi Mahi.
With proper readouts using kOS (because KER is not precise enough) it took 2 orbits to settle position.  Now it is pinpointed with minor to none drift.


Definitelly not first, nor last satellite on this orbit :)


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On 9/7/2023 at 6:18 AM, miklkit said:

I use MK3s a lot as only they have the carrying capacity and range to do anything really useful. 

This prompted me to try to get a MK2 lander to Moho. The resulting flight of Skyfly XI and Moho Excursion Module VIII was successful.
I wrote an essay on this trip and my thoughts on Mk2 landers, with lots of pictures. Please reply if you have cool Mk2 payloads!

And I did NOT use an Orion Nuclear Pulse Engine, I swear!

Edited by Duke MelTdoWn
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Since you quoted me......  :0)

  I have landed a MK2 on Moho but it looks a little different from yours.



The reason it went there was for crew transfer and to deliver some small parts to the Mobile Science lab.    As for MK3s, here is one delivering a rover to the MSL on Laythe.


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With all the talk about mk2 landers, would it be possible to use the robotic parts to incraese stability/footprint? I don't have the DLCs, but maybe it is possible for at least some extra landing legs and equipment to telescope or fold out from the fuselage

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Need ideas for a spacecraft name, see the post above.

Worked on one of my ships for Wrong Red Moon (linked in the above post) basically the N1.

On my first attempt, it was well short of the dv for a Minmus landing, but it got a flyby. Adding another, vacuum efficient stage (ironically using the Apollo CSM style engine) was more than enough. It won't be posted right away, though- I have several other missions planned, including a rover and an unkerbaled test of my N1-like rocket. (It's called the Nuetron-1)

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I made a Revan Orbiter for RSS Scale.


Revan in RSS Scale is 10,400m/s orbit velocity, 85km atmosphere (actually 106km due to a bug), and 1.38g. The ASL pressure is 2.9ATM but due to a sigma dimensions bug it's 1 ATM, and rises to 1.7ATM before dropping like normal. That's an advantage of us, since we can accelerate at a higher TWR and get past the thicker bits faster rather than crawling up. The rocket probably would barely reach orbit without that.


Separation of the booster stage.


Very quickly, the first stage rotates from being 45 degrees above the horizon to almost at the horizon. The first stage also runs out very fast, and the apoapsis of the current orbit is 160km.


The visual artefacts start popping up high above Welcome Back Lake. It's a scatterer+sigma issue, and the velocity is over 3000m/s.


Due to the low TWR of the middle stages, it took 12 minutes to reach orbit and I suffered a loss in vertical speed during the ascent, losing up to 500m/s. I decided to kill the speed immediately rather than reaching orbit as pitching 30-40 degrees up gave us 60% of the boost from the pitch while only suffering 25% from cosine losses. I managed to stabilise the orbit at 110 kilometers, and it took 6 stages.


Now in orbit.


Still had some fuel left in orbit, so I decided to use the 4500m/s to escape revan. Final orbit sends us nearly to Vera's orbit.

BONUS: Minmus SSTO in an LMP Server! No quicksaving or reverting flights.


Couldn't plant a flag due to the fairing, since I needed to return. Managed to single-aerobrake the landing after slowing down using my remaining liquid fuel. Very unstable in flight and wants to go backwards, but I landed it on water, with the craft barely surviving.

Part count is 50 and the mass is something like 40 tons. the engines alone are half the mass, I need to cut down on them (like 2 rapiers and 2 nervs rather than 4 each) to get a better range.

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