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After one month of building the ship, finally launched my caveman Jool 5



It... doesn't look too good. Putting 20 fuel tanks in a line with the weak small docking ports - and autostruts for some reason not working - will have that effect. At least they will not interfere with engine exhaust.

Those manual struts I placed will get deleted by the kraken on reloading the ship, so once I started placing them, I can't stop until I am in jool's orbit

It was horribly expensive; the ship has too low thrust, and without manuever nodes I was forced to eject into solar orbit without raising the apoapsis enough to reach Jool - and then raise apoapsis from solar orbit.


I left behind a trail of discarded tanks


Then there's eyeballing the plane change


And I missed Jool by a few million km. Which is not a bad result for burning blindly, but it still fails to accomplish its intended objective. A bit of mathematics let me know I'd hit Jool in the next orbit, though

And so there I was, 11 years later, with a Jool intercept


Of course, forget gravity capture, I can't use manuever nodes. I must capture with rockets from a high periapsis, and it's going to cost another fortune.


In the end I got this orbit around Jool. By fuel spent, I burned up some 4000 m/s to get there. which leaves me with enough fuel that I may reasonably hope to complete the planned Jool 5 if there are no more accidents, but not enough fuel to feel confident in that.


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One of my scientists expressed an interest in not passing above the Kermin line for a while due to a slight case of mind-numbing terror (being recused from a small pod, in Kerbin orbit, going round and round and round with nobody to talk to, and more importantly no snacks, will do that to you). So we found her something to do to assist the space program by doing Science from difficult to reach locations on Kerbin using an experimental vessel that uses lifting surfaces rather than thrust to keep it off the ground. The engines even use the atmosphere so the craft doesn't need to carry oxidizer, just liquid fuel. 


(One of the other research teams scoffed at this and said that they had an even better engines that didn't use oxidizer, only liquid fuel, but we've seen some of the materials they use glowing blue and being carried around using 5m long tongs, so we'd prefer that they kept themselves, and their lead lined overalls, to themselves)

She managed to fly to the far North  and collect Science from the Tundra, Northern Ice Shelf, and Ice Caps while flying, touched down and while splashed down (the R&D team did complain that she'd voided the warranty on the engine by running it underwater) . On the way back, she stopped off in the Desert to pick up a bit more (we think that she just wanted to warm up, something we don't blame her for) and even managed to get Science while splashed down (as an after thought we think, comparing that timestamps on the science with her social media posts shows that she was gloating about swimming in the desert lake for at least an hour before any science got done). She returned to the KSC with almost 360 science stored.

She might be sent on more missions to the Southern Ice Shelf and the Badlands, but it depends on how much Bob get annoyed at her.

Edited by Robin Patenall
I need a grammar checker
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23 minutes ago, Randazzo said:

It's time to go to the place where nothing ever happens (allegedly)


If you plan to land a craft there, make sure to do it all manual. The SAS thinks that is at a different spacial coordinate.

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52 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

OK good tip. Are both "orbit" and "surface" wrong? Another bug :/

I would say yes. I had to do it all by eye ball. Don't time warp when you get near as it is very easy to shoot by, but hard to get back to it. My craft basically had unlimited DeltaV, It would be a delicate operation with limited fuel.

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I started writing what I did today in this post, but I really like how this screenshot raises a lot of questions and answers none of them. Especially after I tell you I was working on an ornithopter.


1 hour ago, Echo__3 said:

I made a perpetual motion device and powered a rover with it.

I actually had no idea the liquidfuel rotors could generate electricity. That's the kind of information that I know is useful, but I have no idea what for yet

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Just now, Zacspace said:

I actually had no idea the liquidfuel rotors could generate electricity. That's the kind of information that I know is useful, but I have no idea what for yet

My only thought for their usefulness is that this is far cheaper in terms of funds and available much earlier in the tech tree. If the game had wind, it could be used to generate electricity. I think there use to be a mod that modeled wind, but I've not seen anything like that recently.

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Launched the Dres Expedition Vehicle and the expendable propulsion modules, then realized they needed some kind of extra support because they wobbled a lot more than I was hoping. Went up with an SSTO spaceplane to install some KAS/KIS pipes to do the job.




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I've been designing a mining rig for Pol the past days. I may have gone a bit overboard. It has...


... 18 drills with an edge radiator each, 3 refineries with a large radiator each, 24 fuel cell arrays, 6 NUKs, 4 Mk-2 lander cans, 6 Mk-1 Capsules, 3 Mk-2 Crew Cabins, 1 Sr, 1 Jr and 2 Regular top mounted docking ports, a lab and multiple antennas and ground scanners, and 3 medium thermal control systems for backup in case any of the edge panels shatter because of a clumsy EVA. Built around an S3 tank, the 3 pillars are supported by a large telescoping piston each, the center will be docked to a Sr docking port attached to a ground anchor.

On the launch pad it can run around 5 and a half programs at 10% ore concentration with a 3 star engineer (limited by ore availability, not electricity), I'm expecting around 12% ore at Pol and a 4 star engineer.

I'll launch it together with a custom fuel tanker:


The atmospheric stages are 4 of the biggest SRBs and 1.5 times the biggest S4 tank with 4 vectors and 4 mammoths, enough to take it to 80 km Ap. The tanker will be used as kick stage, refuel in orbit and be used as transfer stage (using the rig itself as extra tank). After arrival it will serve at Pol to carry fuel to orbit. It has a Rhino and 6 Wolfhounds, and 12 of the small orange 16kN engines mounted in reverse near the front so it can land nose down on top of the Sr dock. The small engines give it a Pol surface TWR of only 1.9 when fully filled, but that's fine, it only needs to go up a few hundred meter, flip over and hit the big engines to get to orbit.

That's the plan at this point anyway, tests are ongoing :)

I'll also have to come up with a station for Jool or Pol orbit, and a crew lander, and I have a Duna transfer window coming up only a few days after the Jool transfer. Bit of a transfer window storm atm, Dres, Moho, Jool, Duna and Eeloo all coming up in a period of around 50 days,


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Fired up an old career save (1.8.1) and picked up at the first manned Duna landing in that save.  The rover & outpost were already landed and the crew were in a station ready to land.  So of course, the landing had to be at night.



Not too bad - came down about 1.5km from the rover after a 2 year break from KSP, and another 3km from the outpost.  Apparently the rover was still being driven to the outpost by Bon Voyage when I decided to land.


Before heading off to see what else was going on, I waited for the crew's first sunrise on Duna:



Edited by Cavscout74
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Jeb spotted this silly thing in the mountains to the west of KSC during a recent awful landing flyby. Never seen it before, but sure its been there quite a long time. Didn't seem to have any special properties and Jeb didn't get super powers from climbing on it.


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14 minutes ago, bobcook said:

Jeb spotted this silly thing in the mountains to the west of KSC during a recent awful landing flyby. Never seen it before, but sure its been there quite a long time. Didn't seem to have any special properties and Jeb didn't get super powers from climbing on it.


Try to "land" a plane with one o' them fancy scanning arms near it

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Been working on rover carriers.  Came up with 3 systems with different versions.  This was the maiden voyage of system 3, version 3. 

The story starts after they landed on the Mun, deployed the rover, repaired a rover to complete the contract, and then stowed the repair rover away.


All ready to go home.

It turned out to be low on gas so an aerobrake was planned.  Of course this put them on the night side of Kerbin.  Landing at night would most likely end up on a mountainside so...........


Nose down and trying to glide to sunlight.


Made it to sunlight but ran out of ground.


That was a big ocean, but this looks familiar.


Alright, going in.


They landed softly at around 65 m/s.  They glided half way around the planet and still missed KSC by 2 continents. 

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