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[1.8.x - 1.12.x] Soviet Probes & Soviet Rockets - R7/N1/Soyuz/Proton/Zenit/Dnepr/Kosmos/Tsiklon - 7-24-21


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After a 8 or so months of being away from the forums I decided to return. I had been hearing from people I stay in contact with that there was a lot of confusion regarding my mods and whether or not I am still maintaining them. Yes, I have been actively working on them, I never stopped. I simply moved to RO and github for my releases. I have been constantly updating and adding to the packs and came back to the forums now specifically to end the confusion once and for all.

Several things have changed with this pack since my absence. First and foremost, it has been split into 2 packs. One pack for the probes and one for the rockets, for people who may only way to download the rockets. I have also added several things. The most notable of these is the Zenit-2 rocket. I have also fixed the long standing issues with luna 9 and the airbag and the molniya-1 dishes. Currently, the R7 pack is undergoing major changes in preparation for KSP 1.1, there is an experimental branch on github for anyone who wants to check that out. I also added Luna 11 and 13





Edited by raidernick
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38 minutes ago, fairy said:

Uhm, are we allowed to simply import Orbiter meshes, re-texture them and publish them as our own? That doesn't seem right.

Uhm @fairy I was working with the original guys on orbiter and have permission from them to have this here. It's been here for years, before you even joined the forums, read the credits in the op dude.

On a side note, I made Luna 11 and 13 myself from scratch, the R7's and zenit are custom and I did all the texturing and uv mapping, so maybe think before you post next time ok?

If people wonder why these threads were locked in the first place, look no further than the post right above mine.

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1 hour ago, raidernick said:

After a 8 or so months of being away from the forums I decided to return. I had been hearing from people I stay in contact with that there was a lot of confusion regarding my mods and whether or not I am still maintaining them. Yes, I have been actively working on them, I never stopped. I simply moved to RO and github for my releases. I have been constantly updating and adding to the packs and came back to the forums now specifically to end the confusion once and for all.

Several things have changed with this pack since my absence. First and foremost, it has been split into 2 packs. One pack for the probes and one for the rockets, for people who may only way to download the rockets. I have also added several things. The most notable of these is the Zenit-2 rocket. I have also fixed the long standing issues with luna 9 and the airbag and the molniya-1 dishes. Currently, the R7 pack is undergoing major changes in preparation for KSP 1.1, there is an experimental branch on github for anyone who wants to check that out. I also added Luna 11 and 13





Good to have you back

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Update Soviet Rockets v1.6.4 hotfix

-Change the zenit mbm to dds textures


I forgot to change these before I released it. It is fixed now so delete the old version before installing this or you will end up with duplicate textures. This does not include fixes from the experimental branch as Realism Overhaul is not releasing a new version yet.

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@raidernick Quick question about the RO config for the fregat upper stage. What's the unit for thrusterpower in the RCS module? The normal engines have their min and maxthrust in KN but the value of 0.3 confused me somewhat. I've been digging into Soyuz and Proton technical manuals as provided by the launch service providers and found a value of 50 N for thruster power for the fregat's orientation thrusters. Assuming the thrusterpower flag for RCS is also in KN the value should then be 0.050 I guess. Or is this a specific choice because putting lowering the thrusterpower that much would render the RCS units useless?

Source: March 2012 Soyuz Users Manual as provided by arianespace.

Edit: I figured this would be more appropriate here as opposed to posting it as a general issue in the RO github. If you'd like me to submit this as an issue there please tell me and I will do that.

Edited by KaptnKiwi
Stated reason for posting here as opposed to github
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UPDATE Soviet Rockets v1.7



* Complete redo from the ground up on the R7 rockets in preparation for KSP 1.1, combined all like models into 1 part that uses firespitter to change textures/meshes
* Added many new textures and variations of the R7, including the Semyorka
* Removed broken subassemblies
* Proton price fixes thanks to Aberro


NOTE: All part names have changed to to made more uniform, I had avoided this until now to not break in progress flights but it's become a problem now so I wanted to fix all my part naming conventions to avoid conflicts with other mods. All like parts are now shared as 1 model file and use firespitter to change textures and alternate meshes like the testing apparatus on the Semyorka.

Edited by raidernick
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I'm having a problem with the Soyuz U/R-7 rocket. I'm pretty sure I assembled it correctly, yet when I fire all four boosters (and I also tried firing the main at the same time) it will not get off the ground at all. I have no idea what I've done wrong. Also, when you say you can right-click to change the part texture, I get no such thing, because when I right click, it just gives me specs of the part. I hope you can help me with these issues.



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22 hours ago, FuturzMinion said:


I'm having a problem with the Soyuz U/R-7 rocket. I'm pretty sure I assembled it correctly, yet when I fire all four boosters (and I also tried firing the main at the same time) it will not get off the ground at all. I have no idea what I've done wrong. Also, when you say you can right-click to change the part texture, I get no such thing, because when I right click, it just gives me specs of the part. I hope you can help me with these issues.



I have no idea what you mean it doesn't take off because it does. But the fact texture switching doesn't work means you installed firespitter incorrectly or not at all. If that is the case it's likely you installed the entire mod incorrectly as well and that would explain your issues. As @BakerNator said it does work.

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First and foremost, I love the Soviet mods. They look phenomenal, however, the main issue I have, is they all tumble or cartwheel out of control. I have tried many different angles of inclination, throttle settings, flight angles, mechjeb, manual, etc. The R7 does this after booster separation and the Proton does it upon gravity turn. This makes them unusable. Any ideas? Launch setting recommendations? Also, they Soyuz descent module starts flipping during reentry, despite the descent mode being toggled and/or SAS settings. These started about two updates ago I'm guessing. I had skipped a few updates and wish I had kept skipping. Any ideas?

ps, I have created RealPlume config files for these rockets...

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Someone else is already working on Angara, so no I will not be doing that. I don't like undermining others work like some people here do. There are too many people doing the same things over and over. I will likely not be adding any more soviet rocket parts at all, and if I do it most certainly won't be something well known that several other people are working on.

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2 minutes ago, raidernick said:

Someone else is already working on Angara, so no I will not be doing that. I don't like undermining others work like some people here do.


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@MajorLeaugeRocketScience There really is no need for a separate angara pack considering how easy it is to make an angara 1, 3, or 5 using bobcat's soviet engine pack,procedural tanks, procedural fairings for interstages and the engine skirts. You can use @raidernick's fregat or @InsaneDruid's Briz-M for the third stage. It's pretty straight forward and they tend to fly well.

Edited by KaptnKiwi
corrected author of fregat, linked in insanedruid
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On 3/6/2016 at 10:07 PM, raidernick said:

I have no idea what you mean it doesn't take off because it does. But the fact texture switching doesn't work means you installed firespitter incorrectly or not at all. If that is the case it's likely you installed the entire mod incorrectly as well and that would explain your issues. As @BakerNator said it does work.

I installed it using CKAN this time, and it works. It takes a second to lift off, and the textures work fine. Where can I get craft files for the Soyuz and R-7, though?

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4 hours ago, FuturzMinion said:

I installed it using CKAN this time, and it works. It takes a second to lift off, and the textures work fine. Where can I get craft files for the Soyuz and R-7, though?

I deleted them because they were out of date and broken and haven't felt like remaking them yet as it takes a long time.

Edited by raidernick
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