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[1.4] SpaceY Heavy-Lifter Parts Pack v1.17.1 (2018-04-02)


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  • 1 month later...
  On 9/11/2021 at 11:38 PM, Brainpop14 said:

Anyone tried this in 1.12.2 yet?


Somewhat. I'm on a Career mode playthrough and haven't reached the endgame rocket parts yet, but those I've used so far seem to work well.

EDIT: This was my thousandth post, huh? Milestone achieved, I suppose.

Edited by Codraroll
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It's funny that @NecroBones hasn't done a major update (or even a mior one to this mod, since 1.4.x and I've hardly seen him comment about any plans for updating this to our final release (1.12.2), and in fact I was wondering if anyone has tried to contact him in order to extend the "Shelf life' of this mode and the Spacey Heavy Lifter add-on. I mean it's kind of odd to have a mod last for so long, nad not needing an update due to some update of KSP "Breaking" the mod" so to speak. So has anyone tried to talk to him in order to extend the "Shelf" life of the SpaceY series? Anyone?



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  On 9/16/2021 at 5:19 AM, Space_Coyote said:

It's funny that @NecroBones hasn't done a major update (or even a mior one to this mod, since 1.4.x and I've hardly seen him comment about any plans for updating this to our final release (1.12.2), and in fact I was wondering if anyone has tried to contact him in order to extend the "Shelf life' of this mode and the Spacey Heavy Lifter add-on. I mean it's kind of odd to have a mod last for so long, nad not needing an update due to some update of KSP "Breaking" the mod" so to speak. So has anyone tried to talk to him in order to extend the "Shelf" life of the SpaceY series? Anyone?




I guess that the fundamental way rocket engines and fuel tanks work in the game haven't changed in forever, so the old code still works. It is kinda strange indeed, but also a testament to how robust the mod is.

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  On 9/16/2021 at 5:19 AM, Space_Coyote said:

It's funny that @NecroBones hasn't done a major update (or even a mior one to this mod, since 1.4.x and I've hardly seen him comment about any plans for updating this to our final release (1.12.2), and in fact I was wondering if anyone has tried to contact him in order to extend the "Shelf life' of this mode and the Spacey Heavy Lifter add-on. I mean it's kind of odd to have a mod last for so long, nad not needing an update due to some update of KSP "Breaking" the mod" so to speak. So has anyone tried to talk to him in order to extend the "Shelf" life of the SpaceY series? Anyone?





  On 9/16/2021 at 11:02 AM, Codraroll said:

I guess that the fundamental way rocket engines and fuel tanks work in the game haven't changed in forever, so the old code still works. It is kinda strange indeed, but also a testament to how robust the mod is.


 @NecroBoneshasnt been on the forums for 3 years, seems like he left KSP.

There is at least one patch needed, which I posted in the thread a while ago, fixes the vernier.

‘Just an FYI, I’m using this in my 1.12.2 career, works fine

  On 9/11/2021 at 11:38 PM, Brainpop14 said:

Anyone tried this in 1.12.2 yet?



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  On 9/16/2021 at 11:02 AM, Codraroll said:

I guess that the fundamental way rocket engines and fuel tanks work in the game haven't changed in forever, so the old code still works. It is kinda strange indeed, but also a testament to how robust the mod is.


Yeah. It has been a must-have on my mods list since forever and it never caused me problems. In  I set my CKAN compatibility to very old versions of KSP because of it and some other usual suspects. But indeed as someone else said above, stock KSP changed a lot of things over the years but tanks + engines seems to have waltzed through that with unscratched. 

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  On 9/16/2021 at 12:59 PM, Daniel Prates said:

Yeah. It has been a must-have on my mods list since forever and it never caused me problems. In  I set my CKAN compatibility to very old versions of KSP because of it and some other usual suspects. But indeed as someone else said above, stock KSP changed a lot of things over the years but tanks + engines seems to have waltzed through that with unscratched. 


I tend to agree wit the observation given and in fact it would be back to lose a lot of "Probe Cores" of different sizes  from 3.5 to 7.5 meters wide (I use a 3.5 one to do a controlled re-entry of the 2nd stage of an old rocket I still am upgrading constantly , so losing those cores because of the fact that someone just left, would be a real heart break.. which then brings up an intersting question for the upcoming KSP 2 and the modding community. And that is of ocurse, are some of these modders going to continue or give up and let their mods die? There's plenty of good mods out there, the only issue is that some go back as far as 1.3.x and some could be re-instated. But I guess to each modder his own. that's what makes KSP great.. the ability to go in and improve on a product.. and in the case of SpaceY Lifters and it's add-on, it is worth the effort.



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  On 9/16/2021 at 1:12 PM, Space_Coyote said:

And that is of ocurse, are some of these modders going to continue or give up and let their mods die?


My hope is that 1.12 will be the last major release of KSP (as promised), and consequently the great mods will finally have a chance to catch up with what has been a moving target, so bug fixes and enhancements will be practical for modders. Modded KSP is a great game, and I don't see it becoming any less great regardless of what happens or doesn't happen with KSP 2.

Edited by jefferyharrell
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone! Sorry for my extremely long absence. I've moved on to a variety of other things, and as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm not maintaining these mods anymore. Zer0Kerbal has requested taking over maintenance of my mods, and so I've added him to the list of authors on Spacedock and Curseforge, so that these can continue to be updated to work on current versions of KSP. Thank you everyone for all of the love and support over the years. All of this has changed my life in ways I can't begin to describe, and has been some of the best online experience I've had to date. So I'm quite glad that others are willing to pick up the mantle and allow these mods to continue to be used.

Thanks everyone!



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Extremely gentle from you to come here and keep us updated, us the poor fellows hanging on the hope :)

Farewell then, and I wish you all the best to whatever you're pointing to now !

Bye NecroBones, and who knows, maybe one day... you'll be back!


That being said....

...... ....

/looking at @zer0Kerbal :D


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  • 1 month later...

Hi @zer0Kerbal thanks for offering to take over.

I'm on 1.12.2 using both this base SpaceY mod and the SpaceY Expanded mod and there are a couple issues (in addition to the Vernier engine issue linuxgamerguru mentioned before).

1. The docking ports seem to have too low bending stiffness. Here's a pair of 7.5m SpaceY ports TweakScaled up to 10m size that caused hilarity and eventual explosions until I got lucky on one launch attempt. It seems like it scaled the strength but not the bending stiffness, if that's possible. They didn't pull apart, just bent. I don't know how the game mechanics work - just my impression. I didn't try these without size scaling however.  Pics:

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2.  This is apparently not just a part mod. It seems to have added itself to the pool of available agencies for contracts but doesn't do it correctly. I accepted one of these contracts, and now get an annoying wall of orange errors on screen every time the games saves or I change KSC buildings.  The log error is: Input is null for field 'agent' in config node 'CONTRACT' 

Indeed it is missing the agent: 

  Reveal hidden contents

Of course the core game should ignore this instead of painting the screen with orange text ... but it doesn't. I'll try to edit my save file and report back if I can fix it. 

KSP log file

Update: Here's the SpaceY .SFS contract excerpt: 

  Reveal hidden contents

Stock contract example: 

  Reveal hidden contents

Why did Squad even have duplicated parameters?! :/ Solution seems obvious.

Update 2: Well, simply setting:  "agent = SpaceY Technologies Corporation" Doesn't work. It's being overwritten and keeps giving the orange text error. 

UPDATE 3 (12/12):

The error message from #2 above is happening even if I don't accept a SpaceY contract - it merely needs to be offered in Mission Control. 

Issue #3: the fairings seem to destroy anything they touch. If it happens to nick your payload when deploying, or part of the booster beside it... or the launch pad!  VIDEO

Edited by Krazy1
Update 3
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  • 2 months later...

@Krazy1 this is being worked on in my spare time (the adoption)

I will post the link to the related GitHub repo's when they are ready for public use. Am currently adding previous releases and there are allot of them - and it isn't a straight forward process.

  On 2/22/2022 at 10:27 PM, strider3 said:

Will it work with KSP 1.11? Anybody using it in 1.11?


read one post above

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  • 1 month later...

I am so glad you have someone picking up your wonderful mods! 

Anyhow, provided you can work out a proper permissive license, I do know that @linuxgurugameris ALWAYS looking for projects to contribute to.  I can help a little too, although I'm nowhere near as skilled as they are.

I'm mostly good at tweaking settings to correct for changes in the game and such. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/12/2022 at 1:16 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

@Ruedii had to develop a streamlined approach to building the historical archive - attempting to use that process now on another with 50+ archives to process. It puts me one step closer to having this glorious mod updated.


You could do this with a script, but I think it might be more work to create the script.

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  On 5/3/2022 at 10:06 AM, Ruedii said:

You could do this with a script, but I think it might be more work to create the script.


@Ruediiyes, and no. Already use scripting for part of this - however I do not trust scripts to do things right, and catch the inevitable issues that crop in. Moreso, 々one first has to strictly define the process to be scripted. Also 々scripts are best for repeating tasks that are often done; like a `cup all -t followed by choco-cleaner` during boot. This 々 particular process is done at most once per repo - and only would need a script if there are more than an handful of previous releases; and the addon was not already on GitHub.


Now that I am officially working on 々- which isn't on GitHub and has a couple of releases, I will be able to streamline the process, and maybe even write it down. then I can use cli to automate some more of it. Complicating this is the scripts should really be written in Python, which I am still learning.

So as time permits, and as the fates zypher whims direct, I will work on this and possibly scripting, which I do in an 々fashion.

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  • 2 years later...

Sorry to necro a two year old thread, but this seemed the most appropriate place.  I'm getting back into KSP1 after KSP2 has apparently tanked, and I'm experiencing the texture z-fighting glitch on the SpaceY 7.5 meter and 10 meter fuel tanks, as well as some adapters.  

I've taken all the troubleshootinhg steps described in the OP, in the section titled Problem: Fuel tanks or SRBs flash different colors, with glitchy "z-fighting".  I went so far as to completely delete and re-install KSP1, then install only the latest versions of SpaceY Lifters & Extended, and Firespitter, from ckan.

So right now, the only things installed are:

KSP1  v1.12.5
ModuleManager  v4.2.3
SpaceY Heavy Lifters  v1.9.99.3-prerelease
SpaceY Extended  v1.4.99.3-prerelease
SpaceY Corp  v1.0.4.0
Firespitter  v7.17
Firespitter Core  v7.17
Firespitter Resources Config  v7.17

and the glitch is still there.

Referring to the troubleshooting steps, I can confirm that:
1.  Everything is installed correctly.  Deleting the MM cache does not help.
2.  The lastest version of Module Manager is installed.
3.  SpaceY Lifters and Extended both appear to be installed correctly, as far as I can tell.  They are the latest versions from Spacedock via ckan.
4.  Firespitter is installed and functioning, and is the latest version.  I can change the appearance of SpaceY 3m tanks, for instance, no problem.  Note that the option to change appearance of the 7.5m and 10m tanks does not even show.
5. There are  no other mods with parts to confuse Module Manager.
6.  Again, there are  no other mods with parts, so I don't think this applies.

Fingers crossed someone is still around as I 'yop' into the void.  Thanks in advance for any and all help.

Edit: upgraded Lifters, Extended and Corp to latest release from curseforge (ugh), no improvement

Edited by wreckreation
upgraded versions of some files
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 6/5/2024 at 9:46 AM, wreckreation said:

Sorry to necro a two year old thread, but this seemed the most appropriate place.  I'm getting back into KSP1 after KSP2 has apparently tanked, and I'm experiencing the texture z-fighting glitch on the SpaceY 7.5 meter and 10 meter fuel tanks, as well as some adapters.  

I've taken all the troubleshootinhg steps described in the OP, in the section titled Problem: Fuel tanks or SRBs flash different colors, with glitchy "z-fighting".  I went so far as to completely delete and re-install KSP1, then install only the latest versions of SpaceY Lifters & Extended, and Firespitter, from ckan.

So right now, the only things installed are:

KSP1  v1.12.5
ModuleManager  v4.2.3
SpaceY Heavy Lifters  v1.9.99.3-prerelease
SpaceY Extended  v1.4.99.3-prerelease
SpaceY Corp  v1.0.4.0
Firespitter  v7.17
Firespitter Core  v7.17
Firespitter Resources Config  v7.17

and the glitch is still there.

Referring to the troubleshooting steps, I can confirm that:
1.  Everything is installed correctly.  Deleting the MM cache does not help.
2.  The lastest version of Module Manager is installed.
3.  SpaceY Lifters and Extended both appear to be installed correctly, as far as I can tell.  They are the latest versions from Spacedock via ckan.
4.  Firespitter is installed and functioning, and is the latest version.  I can change the appearance of SpaceY 3m tanks, for instance, no problem.  Note that the option to change appearance of the 7.5m and 10m tanks does not even show.
5. There are  no other mods with parts to confuse Module Manager.
6.  Again, there are  no other mods with parts, so I don't think this applies.

Fingers crossed someone is still around as I 'yop' into the void.  Thanks in advance for any and all help.

Edit: upgraded Lifters, Extended and Corp to latest release from curseforge (ugh), no improvement


I'm having the exact same issue with the same 7.5m and 10m fuel tanks.

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My ultimate solution to this was to downgrade from the latest versions.  I'm currently using SpaceY Heavy Lifters v1.17.2 and SpaceY Extended v1.4, and so far they seem to work just fine in KSP v1.12.5, with no z-fighting.

I'm totally guessing here, but in the newest versions (v1.9.99 and v1.4.99 ) it looks like the author(s) were trying a new way of allowing users to choose the appearance of the tanks, but hadn't really finished implementing or testing it.  Life probably got in the way, and in fairness, the latest versions are marked as '-pre-release'.  They probably shouldn't be listed in ckan, but that's another issue entirely.  

Hope this helps!

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