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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. It is locked in a forcefield that is unbreakable with current technology. Your eyes have access to the sight of it anytime you want.


I wish the russet and the vitelotte wars of 2143 had ended with a decisive victory.


Edited by Dientus
ewn agep
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Granted. The decisive victory of the Russet potatoroid *)  completely destroys the Vite & Lotte twin potatoroid gravitationally bound system and makes their habitants run away.

*)@Dman979 will anyway demand it again and revive, so let it be so.


I wish the former Vite & Lotte dwellers will have grown a cantalouperoid like Triton.

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Granted. They grow it so large that they destroy the solar system and grow into a gravity mass so dense they become a black hole.

I wish for a yam.

Edited by ColdJ
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Granted. Upon seeing the yam friends and family mistake it for being the holidays and after they eat all that is left is turkey bones but no wishbone.


I wish Jiminy Cricket made a corrupted wish upon a star.


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Granted, but as a result of the wish everything is now made of cheese. Including accesible fresh, peaceful, apolitical, non-venerated, and non-transmgrifying russet potatoes.


I wish for an accessible fresh, peaceful, apolitical, non-venerated, and non-transmgrifying russet potato made of cheese.

Edited by The Dressian Exploder
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Granted.It is released into a secret land fill site, just like the Atari cartridges. Maybe someone will find it in 50 years.

I wish people just put in the effort to like and perfect what they already have.

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Granted. I have already wished for access to a fresh, peaceful, apolitical, non-venerated and non-transmogrifying Russet potato, but my wishes keep getting corrupted. I'll have to keep perfecting them.

I wish to have a fresh, peaceful, apolitical, non-venerated and non-transmogrifying Russet potato.

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Granted. He gets a fresh, peaceful, apolitical, non-venerated and non-transmogrifying Russet potato but because it is a wish it can not suddenly pop in front of him due to the non-transmorgrifying clause, it is instead delivered in a very mundane way to the grocery store near him. However at the same time his house turns into an inescapable cage that he can not leave from which somehow also results in all modes of transportation within a 3 km radius in the form of a bubble to suddenly stop working. Note that this includes all forms of locomotion including, but not limited to, natural, fantastical and man-made.


Now I wish he would have simply grabbed the potatoes he had in his pantry jnstead of wishing for one.

Edited by Dientus
oh and coldJ gets a headache from reading the granted wish
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Granted. But you realise they have already moved on to the R continuum.

I wish that a certain puppy had been good and not broken the spirit of the rules. No not the one with a cigar, nor the one driving a jeep, or the one who is chasing Sarah Conner or the one who is digging on the moon. They know who they are.

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