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  2. @GoldForest is referring to KSP's internal screenshot system, not Steam. You're absolutely right that Steam's screenshot system can be kind of "meh", but KSP has it's own system.
  3. Sony, Nintendo and Blizzard all sue the crap put of everyone they *want*. Regardless of merit of individual cases. The online culture promoted among these groups is often toxic. Of course these people generating money by destributing aim bots and other cheats to the public got in trouble. Whether it was direct points of sale or ad based revenue... they "profited" off of making derivate works from a protected product. It matters little that many contribute to a kSP1 mod with OSI distribution/ use rights when the body of end result is for use with a well protected piece of property. If someone from Take2 got a giant hard on you may be covered under some statutes of limitation.. You did eventually answer the question though.. the developers were "welcoming". I am glad that welcoming developers mitigates some of the risk to potential copyright suits in the future. so the meat of the answer is trust not in the owner of the IP. What makes people develope third party software (aka derivate works) from protected bodies of code... or even risk potential fallout even though a mod may not require binary source to be decompiler. Frontloaders injecting things still modify the client end of a protected work.. So trust is the answer as to "why someone may engage in this activity" despite current trends & the traditionally overly litigious corporate worlds. Trusting those that currently hold power over the IP to be trustworthy and accountable. Since mere passion for a product is obviously not enough of reason (when tranlated) for some to make *potentially* poor decisions regarding their own futures. As these lawsuits in create more attention, that internal diaologue may start to go over various cost / gain subroutines when deciding to write a mod.. but probably not. Instead they see a game they love and want to make it better
  4. Weren't several threads of interesting discussions on "Will be/is/was KSP-2 more alive than dead?" enough interesting to worth the puny 50 USD? It's kinda a ticket to an immersive stand-up quest. Or a fruit machine.
  5. Calling 911 because you sneezed and then you cat sneezed and wanna share 062305292024
  6. Glad you want to help, so for those 2 scale factor and star factor variables those are just because when I started this I was new to c# and for the atmosphere code that is commented out that was my old system and I just haven’t bothered to delete it.
  7. Did someone say doom? I am just going to drop this link here given the title of the thread, as I noticed a Eurogamer article dated 28 May 2024. Dont know if it is referenced anywhere else? https://www.eurogamer.net/kerbal-space-program-2-team-will-be-laid-off-in-june-says-senior-team-member Comments are interesting. Honestly, feels like this is it, time to say so long and thanks for all the spaceships and expect KSP2 to fall into IP limbo. I really don't care about the money. It only matters to me as a legal means to exact revenge as it is an undeniable injustice to fail to deliver a product purchased in good faith. Legally speaking the consequences seem too slight for PD and TTI who are definitely on Santa's naughty list. Ironic that this is exactly what Private Division was set up to try to avoid and TTI managers ended up screwing their company, customers and shareholders over with short-termism anyway. Lets hope whoever is firing all these people, gets fired.
  8. Yeah, but YouTube is where a lot of people will be looking. That makes them prime targets for scammers. I'm gonna bet that the stream Gargamel watched included a lot of talk about cryptocurrency investment and not a whole lot about rockets.
  9. FreeIVA support for most mods in k FreeIva itself, but BDB and KCHS are exceptions. And it sounds like it’s this issue which was just fixed (though not released) https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/issues/1407
  10. Today
  11. I asked a refund. I will never get.
  12. Haven't had any issues that I didn't have before (like the inability to research scatters, might be a mod incompat, haven't had much luck with it).
  13. I'm going to stop cluttering your thread with this stuff @JadeOfMaar. If and when my part(s) get to a workable state I'll post it here. I've got a lot of stuff to learn & this is not the correct thread to put it in. Thanks for the clarification @Manul
  14. A few questions - How old was your download of BDB? Do you have FAR and or RealChute? And do you have KSPCF installed? Game freezes in general were only an issue on the very first uploads of the x15 parts a few weeks ago, and only if you didn’t have KSPCF. I’ll have a look into JNSQ with tweakchutes too, but there shouldn’t really be a case where it can break now with the latest dev version of BDB. And re screenshots, I *wish* I could use windows snipping tool in KSP, for some reason its broken on my system, only in KSP, where it instantly closes after I open it via keyboard shortcut! I have to have some other app focused for it to work, and take the screenshot of KSP while it’s in the background. Anyone else had this and maybe has a fix? lol
  15. Here is the instruction from Vulcan. Though I found that stock Translucent Additive shader works just fine for me to make nightvision effect
  16. I've got one more for ya: Also I think probably scratch what I mentioned about my Eve ideas; I was wondering if I could glitch a propeller boat underground using bendy-tech timewarp shenanigans, and do a completely aquatic eve circumnavigation instead of doing part of the trip on land. I made a boat design that could hit like 70m/s, so we'd be talking about like <18 hours for the circumnavigation potentially. But for some reason, propellers stay in place and don't stay connected to the ship when it straightens itself out when activating time warp??? So I just can't find a way to get propellers underground, which makes the whole plan kinda not work at all. My only other thought is trying to construct the propellers on the boat in EVA after getting underground, which already sounds super janky and hard to keep balanced, but the kerbals also just explode when they get out of the crew cabin underground. Idk, I'll probably look into it some more but I'm not feeling optimistic at this point. And it might be for the best anyway, 'cause it feels like it might run aground of the "breaking the spirit of the challenge" rule-
  17. To keep things simple, the transform is an axle, when it rotates, everything that is parented to this transform rotates with it. For example every red line is an axis of rotation for parts of my landing gear. Of course I could use meshes as transforms and rotate them around their center instead but getting the "center" of a mesh into the right place of a mesh might be tricky, a plain axis is more easy to deal with Using plain axis instead of rotating meshes is especially useful when things become FUBAR and everything is pointed in the wrong direction so you have to reorient everything once again like in THIS case:
  18. The lunar sea level is the average of the lunar ebb and the lunar flow, caused in the lunar seas by the Earth tides.
  19. The sad thing IMO is that I would have totally paid $50 for KSP1, but it has multiplayer, upgraded textures, and it's semi-stable. Cuz the KSP1 multiplayer mod is a huge pain in the ass to get working, and having a better starting point for textures and models is always nice. At this point, I think the best bet is hoping Paradox will pull a City Skylines and release "Nerdal Space Project" that is legally distinct form KSP, while doing everything KSP does better in a modern game engine. Other than that, it's been a hell of a ride boys. Wish all of you the best in your future space adventures. And for the love of god do not back any "revive KSP2" kickstarters.
  20. Naturally, you are referring to the fact that in most jurisdictions, spouses are subject to Fermi-Dirac statistics by law.
  21. Yes, if you include the L1 and L2, can not imagine Web uses it. And then I talked about communication lasers in space they would be in earth orbit.
  22. I was thinking about that comic then writing the above
  23. This is looking really nice! Though I wonder if the 'Gabbro' and 'Basalt' motors could have an option to fire each individual rocket separately...
  24. So it's brighter than it was! HYPE (yes I know why this is different)
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