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  1. I love that you're able to save multiple vehicles per workshop area. However, one thing I find very...messy and even amateurish-looking, the way that the game simply does a random screencap of the actual viewscreen at the moment of saving a craft file/workshop area. This leads to many unflattering angles and frankly extremely messy UI screengrabs that can make it nearly impossible to discern exactly what vehicle(s) are being saved. Instead, I'd like if the game could pull the craft file(s) and arrange them in some standardized fashion and create an image of the craft file in that standardized fashion, ideally I imagine from a dorsal (top-down) view of an aircraft, or a silhouette view of a rocket, not unlike how it all was in the original KSP. As it stands I can barely tell my craft files apart by appearance alone when half of the screen is taken up by the parts-picker and/or part-manager or similar, to say nothing of random unflattering angles you often get of the craft itself with this technique even when you have a relatively "clean" workshop space. As an example this is the kind of clutter I'm seeing in my craft files with every save. The way things are just looks messy and entirely unprofessional.
  2. Adding a structural tube on a horizontal part, then adjusting its fairing length will also move the tube from side to side. Issue not present if parent part is vertical.
  3. There is a weird bug when sliding amount of consumable materials when in VAB. For example, fuel tank FL-T400, you cannot adjust slider to get 0.06 t of methane. The marker always jumped either to 0.0800001 or 0.04 t. This also happened with 0.23 t which always jumped to 0.2 or 0.24 t. It also happened with others e.g. oxidizers, ablator, but at different amount. One thing I observed is that it occurred around the 6th, 11th, and 18th marking in the slider (the dash line that represent amount in the slider).
  4. I wanted to return to VAB because I had not electricity. But when I wanted to launce I saw that pad 1 was oculied so I recoved the vessel. Then after that I was unable to launce again. I had this happen multiple times. Here a video of the first time it happend: Cant launce after recover
  5. Right now the size and shape parameters of the procedural wings are controlled through sliders in the Part Manager. It would be great to be able to control them directly using gizmos that pop up when selecting the wing. Just like we have for position and orientation (which by the way.. I think the color coding should be different for rotation and position).
  6. Hi guys, Forgive me if this question has been posted already, but I cannot seem to find the correct search terms to find my answer online, and I can't find it anywhere in the key bindings documents. Problem: I am pretty sure there's a way to place parts and move them a tad inwards. I know the buttons for rotation, but I can't find the button combination for pushing the part inside of the part I want to attach it to. I know it should be possible, because I've seen people do it on YouTube, and some of the stock space planes have their landing gear pushed into their adjacent parts. Can anyone tell me what button to press? Thanks a bunch! (Perhaps relevant: I play stock KSP on a Windows PC.)
  7. This one is very straight to the point: in science and adventure mode allow for upgrades to runway / launch pad to improve maximum supported vessel weight and height (keep using weight / height as a progression limit), but please remove the VAB / SPH limitations regarding the maximum number of parts. It is an outdated KSP1 idea for slowing progression and mostly applies to fuel tanks and wings. It does not make sense to artificially limit craft complexity even at lower tech levels and also consider that with the introduction of procedural wings and hopefully length-step-wise procedural tanks, most part duplicates are removed from design anyway. Also, vessel weight overlaps with the parts count if we consider number of boosters. Progression is also slowed down by the tech tree, by the wobbly rocket mechanic (lack of struts), by the craft diameter, by the need to discover celestial bodies, by the lack of a comms relay network and by the amount of resources available etc. The parts count limitation is no longer needed and could be replaced with a system of progression regarding number of assemblies in a workspace or number of stages (or whatever else, it's not my aim to propose an alternative). PS: And I don't like the fact that we have to modify our first stage / booster subassemblies when we unlock longer fuel tanks just to get the part count down because previously we used 12 short tanks instead of just 3. Fuel tanks should really be procedural length-step-wise and all lengths for a certain diameter should unlock on the same tech tree node. Please streamline this, we have enough to worry about in the game!
  8. In the KSP you have constant value of different types of radial simmetry (radial n-symmetry, where n = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8). I suggest that it is possible to make unlimited number, so you use all numbers, for example 5, 7, 9, 10, 13 and others (imagine 28 or 33-symmetry!) I think this feature could be implemented as a line (e.g. in the bottom left corner as usual) that shows the number of symmetry and circle, divided into n parts. This parameter can be changed by entering another number from the keyboard to the line I belive that realisation of this function will be very easy (just attach each part through the corner 360 / n automatically), except problem with big numbers, where details can cross each other. The most important that it is of course obviously make construction much more comfortable and you don't need to use several times one n-symmetry mode and level parts by eye (I think you can also level details in new scheme mode?). It would be nice to see this feature in ksp2, which would make the constructor even closer to the ideal;)
  9. One thing I've been curious about is a possible multiplayer feature that would allow multiple players to design vessels (stages) at the same time in the VAB. For everyone one person would work on the rocket while another world build the payload - at the same time, in the same VAB room. This feature would also allow more experienced players to teach beginners how to design and build correctly. Has anyone seen any clue about this feature?
  10. I recently updated to 1.12.3 and have a modlist which previously never was an issue. When I go into the VAB or SPH make a flight and revert back then from that point on the game plays construction sound noises, like jackhammering, spooling of engines, hammering and so on The noise is loud and no audio slider in the menu affects it at all. It only plays in these two buildings but I have no idea why Its really hard to play and build when you basically live next to a construction zone.
  11. I usually use mods, but I've removed them all when this problem arose. Therefore I've put this into the unmodded section. No matter what part combo or fuel type, I cannot get any info in the editor or in-flight. it simply says 0 meters/s and when I click on it to get the more detailed info like TWR, it simply does not display any data within the box. Please help with this as it is making the game almost unplayable for me.
  12. After building a ship in the VAB, I hit launch but it doesn't work, the upper buttons just darken and it stays stuck on the VAB screen. I can't move, add, or remove parts on the craft. Please help.
  13. Hello! I tried to annotate each element so we can easily discuss it. Anyone dares to start? Image source:
  14. Simplifies vessel design by adding a visual "laser" grid and an automatic alignment tool to SPH and VAB License: GPLv3 Source code: GitHub Description Citation: "You should make your drawings with a ruler and a pencil, not with your leg and a marker pen." -- A maths teacher Have you ever been annoyed by ending up with misaligned engines or clubfooted landing gear after spending half-an-hour trying just to guess where to rotate to get them right? This mod adds a grid to SPH and VAB and "laser" guides for an active part to let you clearly see where the things are wrong and align them in one click. Download from SpaceDock Here's a video on why do you need it and how to use it Installation Extract contents of the released archive into your KSP/GameData folder. Usage While in SPH or VAB press the button to enable the grid. Once there's a root part you'll see the grid with origin bound to the part. If you try to add or edit another one you'll see the red "laser" guides representing all the three axes for it and all of its symmetry counterparts. Now you have all the planes and axes visualized and it's the matter of several clicks to align the things. The guides have distinct colors for each direction. You can easily remember them in the following way: Red for Rechts (Right) Violet for Vorwarts (Forward) Pink for Up (almost the same as the thrust vector) Once you have rotated a part to approximately face the desired side, use the following hotkeys for autoalign the desired part's axis to be parallel to the closest grid line (regardless of direction): Period ( [.] ) - toggles the grid on and off L - aligns the part by a guide at the mouse pointer to the closest grid line J - aligns the part's up (pink guide) to the closest grid line N - aligns the part's forward (violet guide) to the closest grid line M - aligns the part's right (red guide) to the closest grid line G - select a part under mouse pointer as the grid's origin K - toggles guides for symmetry (deKlutter). May be useful when working with many radially symmetrical parts creating a bunch of guides which makes them complex to use. This button let's you see the ones for the original part only. When using the separate keys for alignment (J, N, M), if you are in the part's editing mode (rotation or offset) it is sufficient to just press a key. Otherwise you'll need to move the mouse pointer over the desired part and then press. You can change the keys by editing HangarGrid.cfg in the mod's folder. Valid values are listed inside the file. Know issues Autoalignment of a part desynchronizes it's rotation and position to the current rotation gizmo. So if you press an alignment key while in rotation mode, it is recommended to re-enable the mode by pressing "1" - "3", for example. Otherwise once you touch the gizmo again the part jumps to the gizmo's present position and rotation. Planned features * A GUI for grid customization that let's you change the look and declutter the view abit.
  15. How do I turn off the 'elevator music' in the VAB? It's driving me (more) nuts! TIA, Frank
  16. I'm in sandbox mode, I go into the VAB, switch buildings (from inside of the VAB) and now all the buildings are level one. on the outside, it shows all level 3, but the requirements for launch are level one
  17. Hey I have installed RSS/RO/RP1 in KSP Version 1.11.1 and everything is working fine unless every time i test my vehicles with "KRASH" (mod) and I return then to the VAB the game crashes what is really annoying especially when you have to test a lot of stuff. I just want once a working Modpack that I can use then for a very long period and I am so close to it please help me with my issue. Here are some Log files in a Zip-file . https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dqvor74vhnwwzzp/AAD37R5px2gePgPIJnjKmfiya?dl=0 Best Regards, Christian
  18. Fresh install, unmodded, new sandbox game, version (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us / 1.6.0 Breaking Ground. Game crashes instantly after the following occurs while within either the VAB or the SPH: - New vehicle. - Select Mk1 Command Pod to place it as origin component. - Attach a TD-12 Decoupler to the bottom node of the pod. - Attach a C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m fuel tank in default orientation to the bottom node of the decoupler. - Click on the placed fuel tank to "hold" it. - Press Ctrl-Z to replace the fuel tank. - Flip the held fuel tank upside down by tapping the W key twice. - Place the held fuel tank on the bottom node of the replaced fuel tank. This has also occured with the Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 fuel tank. I have not tried every fuel tank, nor every game mode besides sandbox.
  19. As the title implies, your goal is to land on the roof of the KSC, however, this is not your every day land on the roof challenge: Tight engineering restrictions make this a true challenge, one for the can-do-all types. You have to be good not only at engineering an aircraft that fits the rules, but also have the hands required to put it where I ask you to, in the way I ask you to. You might post any attempt with any craft for fun, but competing runs must adhere to the following: Procedures & Rules: •To create a fair experience for everyone, mods are not allowed for competing runs, in any form, save for information mods like engineer. Parts, physics or skill affecting mods (such as airplane plus, FAR/NEAR or mechjeb's autopilot respectively) are definitely not allowed. Again, for clarification: NO MODS - Even if not doing so with malicious intent or even knowledge, you might be gaining advantages over all-stock entries. With the tight regulation margins of this challenge, that's something I can't allow. •Create an aircraft that meets the following criteria •Your aircraft, once built, has to take off from the default runway without any kind of assistance (towers for example), and land at the two helipads on the KSC rooftop. The flight and landing have to meet the following criteria: Lastly, to validate your entry, your aircraft must meet the following criteria after completely stopping: As you can see there's no score system, a successful landing with a craft that follows the rules is all you need. I'll probably make a badge or something to include in your signature. TL;DR - Short, precision landing competition for "standard" aircraft, except the runway is the two helipads on the roof of the VAB. Have fun. You can post entries that don't follow the rules as well, but of course they won't count. My attempt, includes F3 screen to show that nothing fell off after that little slide lol: https://streamable.com/7r7mm
  20. I have just reinstalled KSP v1.8.1 with RSS/RO/RP-1 amongst other mods I'll list from the KSP.log (some of which I never never used before and I have found no known conflicts between them) and a curious and very irritating bug has occurred. https://www.dropbox.com/s/05w6ekia76zosgg/Player.log?dl=0 - Player.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/fo44wtxbmf81hwb/KSP.log?dl=0 - KSP.log This issue has never occurred during past installs using ALL but the highlighted mods - see spoiler. SIDENOTE- Previous installs have used Principia but on this occasion, I chose to use PersistentRotation instead. KSP 1.8.1 64-bit - Win10 PROBLEM - Loss of green part highlights during flight and design while mousing over parts and editing of action groups disabled. STEPS - Design rocket - start KRASH simulation (highlight issue manifests) - Terminate simulation (highlight issue persists and editing of action groups doesn't work - including no editor dialog for RealChutes - to clarify - I can get to the Action Groups tab but cannot select any action group or part). TRIED - leaving and re-entering VAB - issue still apparent, exiting to main menu and reloading save - issue still apparent, closing application and re-loading - issue resolved until KRASH simulation started again. MODS installed (extract from KSP.log) - most have worked fine in previous install - new ones to me are highlighted in BOLD in the section 'Folders and files in GameData:' as not all are listed with version numbers. I don't know much about the KSP.log file and it's contents but I do have limited Java programming knowledge and NullReferenceExceptions are never good news, the following is an exert from the KSP.log file that appears at the time of the scene change from editor to flight (simulation) - I don't know if this is related to this issue but similar Exceptions are listed in following scene changes and in large numbers when returning from flight to editor - will show all Exceptions if required and requested. The only mod installed that i can glean from this exert seems to refer to the ClickThroughBlocker. Upon first load of this install (and any subsequent Career mode start) I received a pop-up that I believe is due to a recent update to the mod on this pop up, I select the previous default of following the mouse and not the click. I never installed this mod manually so I have to assume it is a dependent for another mod and was installed thusly and automatically by CKAN. Perhaps this new update is causing a conflict with one of the other mods? After investigation, ToolbarController is dependent on the ClickThroughBlocker which is in turn depended on by the Patch Manager which I believe is a mod that cannot be removed without wide ranging mod removals... My suspicions seems to have been confirmed - after rolling back the ClickThroughBlocker to version, the problem appears to be resolved after starting a new save. Will update again if the issue rears it's ugly head again. Re-updating CTB does replicate the problem, rolling back does fix it.
  21. Hello Everyone ! I have been working on a Space Center for my Lego City layout for a while and after 4 years most of it is complete. It has been was heavily inspired by the Kerbal Space Center, and my love of the game. Here is some pics of the center ! It's not to minifigure scale and some buildings need improvement but I'm happy with it. I was lucky to live near to a Lego Store, where I found lots and lots of white pieces for a reasonable price. I got the Lego Saturn V after I designed the building so it couldn't fit in due to the gigantic size of the Saturn V, so let's say this VAB is at Kerbal scale. All the space themed sets i got through the years finely add to the space center Overall view of the space center part in my city The VAB and SPH The Launch Control Center, with interior The launchpad The runway Interior of the VAB The Space Plane Hangar, I still need to finish th interior Landing of the Discovery Space Shuttle Crowd of people watching the launch Astronauts training for their next mission I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed building key elements of the game, fly safe !
  22. Who doesn't like a good KSC race? This one is simple: Jeb needs to pee and the only working toilet is in the VAB. He's no layman so he isn't using the front door. Get him from the launchpad to the Helipad atop the VAB ASAP! It's just that simple, get from the Launch Pad, to the Helipad in the shortest time. Parachutes are acceptable. Aggressive lithobraking is fine. Kraken driven trebuches are encouraged. Rules: 1. Craft is "Manned." 2. Kerbal must arrive alive. 3. No non-stock parts, DLC okay. 4. Stock physics. Helper and aesthetic mods are fine. 5. No cheating: hyperedit, F12, etc. The time stops when either; Your craft is moving less than 1.0m/s, or your Kerbal is Standing on the helipad. That's standing, not laying down. Videos are always more fun to watch but a pic of your craft on the launchpad followed by a pic of it on the Helipad will do. Make sure you show the time. Get creative, I'm guessing this is going to be a very tight race. The 5 Second Club: The 10 Second Club: Leader-board (Glitch/Kraken): 1. @dnbattley - 2 Seconds ... ... Leader-board (Traditional): 1. @dnbattley- 4 Seconds 2. @Pro100kerbonaut - 6 Seconds 3. @ZZetho - 11 Seconds 4. @Klapaucius - 16 Seconds ... Here is a little inspiration for you guys. I'm sure this time will get stomped pretty quickly.
  23. Pease make the previews larger. They are currently small and pixelated,. Why not make a a hover over option with a larger thumbnail?
  24. So I bought the breaking ground DLC for Ps4 Pro today and started a fresh carrier to avoide any corruption. I started on Hard difficulty with enabled revert and quickload. Also enabled part preasure and g-force for parts and kerbals with plasma blackout and require signal options. When I unlock the tech with FL-100 Fuel Tank it keeps duplicating and have to purchase the entry fee for that part over and over again whenever I enter tha VAB or the Tech tree, also this tank part is dupIicating every time I repurchase it, so by now I have 3 of this sane FL-100 at the tech tree. I already tried to delete and reinstall the game with the dlcs and also deleted every save file, but without any success of solving this tiny but anoying bug. Please, if you have any solution, I would be happy know.
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