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  1. Past hour
  2. They pretty much have to. The parts are likely stored internally in a database and to correlate the tables together the most efficient way is with an id number.
  3. Me too, runs fine-ish for everything but ram
  4. Have you ever looked at MKS? ...Kolonisation Congratulations on your achievements and all the enjoyment and entertainment you gained from KSP!!
  5. But did we? Cause those clouds A. We haven’t seen and B. Those clouds are AWESOME
  6. Shuruppak 192304252024 new page too!
  7. I wonder if the more jagged non-weathered quality of lunar rock and dust will make better aggragate and stronger concrete in that respect. Maybe offsetting the lowered strengths of other aspects described. Do lunar dirt simulants have this same jaggedness? Idk
  8. PLEASE tell me there are more VFX fixes and improvements for reentry soon
  9. When can we expect to see these multi layer clouds?
  10. Today
  11. Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. You worded better...
  12. Yesterday
  13. We already knew blackrack's achievement. show us some more colony related stuff.
  14. I finished my current run. I set to improve my previous record, I ended up pulverizing it. I had no idea there was so much science I missed before. Now I really think I got all of it. There may be a few dozen science points left from the multiple grabbing of the same experiment; I got 4 copies for each, which is enough for over 99.5% recovery, but grabbing a fifth copy should still earn a few fractions of point. But no more than that. I still have to update the report thread, I plan on doing it tomorrow, the day after at the latest. But @JacobJHC generally takes some time to review, I may as well post now.
  15. I completed the new Jool 5 science record. I got all experiments from all biomes, in quadruple copy because some experiments will give extra science if collected more than once. quintuple copy for infrared spectroscopy, because it's the one where multiple copies are worth more. And because I had a convenient place to store them, while only carrying 4 containers in all my landers. For Laythe, I took both landed and splashed down science (it's 2 different sets of science reports) for 8 biomes. I landed the exploration plane on an aircraft carrier to trick the game into giving the landed condition for all water biomes. Only now I think a submarine could have achieved the same, and it would have been a lot easier to fly than an aircraft carrier. that thing was a huge aerodinamic problem to launch and a huge center of mass problem from the moment I docked it to the mothership to the moment I dropped it on Laythe. I circumnavigated all moons. I visited all anomalies. I forgot a reentry vehicle. Fortunately, the only lander I did not discard, the plane I used for Laythe, is capable of ssto on kerbin; so I can land it, drop the pilot, send the plane back to orbit, dock with the mothership, refuel, get another crewmember, carry it to the ground, go orbit again... repeat for 9 crewmembers. so, technically it's not finished. I could also just launch a capsule, the rules allow it, but it's less nice. I also have to finish writing the report. A few more days. However, this is a momentous moment for me. After four years and many thousands of hours, I find myself without any ongoing project for this game. I've done everything. At least, everything I was interested in doing. 3 grand tours of the stock system with kerbalism; once including the outer planets mod. A grand tour of the real solar system, one of the whirligig world mod. More jool 5 than I can recall, always with some additional condition. A nanodiamond caveman. at least 18 planets circumnavigated with a rover, many of those planets from mods. I visited all anomalies (ok, i didn't bother with all of them on the mun and kerbin). found 21 green monoliths. Now, whenever I think of something about this game, I've either done it already, or i'm not interested. I'll probably stop playing ksp, after all this time. Maybe i'll get ksp2 eventually. As a science nerd, this game struck me in all the right places. Only the civilization saga has left a similar mark on me. Likely, even 10 years from now, even if I never pick it up again, I will still name ksp as one of my favourite games. Or maybe I will I find some other long term challenge to waste my time tackle after all.
  16. I'm wondering why the old fuel switch patches were removed, I really liked the option to switch the tanks, RCS, vents and mainly engines between LFO and methalox. Also, with the new patches, when I have both Community Resource Pack and Configurable Containers installed, the fuel tanks are all set to LFO (which you can't switch to methalox in CC without having a custom patch for that), and engines keep using methalox, so the mod becomes basically unusable at that point, where it worked just fine before with the same set of other mods. Am I missing something?
  17. I have seen a fully reusable grand tour that managed a purely rocket ascent from eve. it did so by landing on a 6.5 km tall mountain on the equator. from there, it was possible to orbit. so, 12 km will also give some payload capacity.
  18. Those clouds and plumes look soooooo good, you guys are absolutely cookin! Looking forward to the next updates
  19. https://x.com/cnspaceflight/status/1783621625495318904?s=46&t=Jd73T2beq0JLNtwTy1uR5A Shenzhou-18 has docked with Tiangong. There are now 13 people on orbit. Shenzhou-17’s crew will depart in 4 days.
  20. Fantastic updnate! Those visual improvements look terrific, but im especially excited about the optimization of the PQS shaders. Memory usage has always been a bottleneck for me, playing on a below-spec device. Cant wait to see how this affects that! Also nice to hear about more bug fixes on the horizon ofcourse. Keep it up team!
  21. Could you change my name to SpaceNerd24, though if you cant that's ok too.
  22. What’s the likelihood they were killed lined up like that? Your images come from a European caricature of the native person. Both a Frenchman named Lahontan and the Jesuit missionaries who lived there spoke of how the Wendat did not use violence to force others (within their group) to do things they wanted them to. The AI is not going to want others to have arbitrary values like “righteousness” and what not. It’s just programmed to ensure the physical survival and expansion of the colony. This regulates basic needs and the functions of the colony. The colonists are free to decide how they want to spend their own free time. When I say “law” I mean public decisions, which the Wendat did make when deciding things like going to war or not. No one could force anyone to do anything. It was up to the persuasive powers of the person proposing the action to convince others to help. 18-25 villages over 35x56 km area, with a total population of 18-22k. Lands farmed extended up to 880km squared. http://www.1704.deerfield.history.museum/scenes/nsscenes/lifeways.do?title=Wendat#:~:text=Most of the villages%2C of,through their success in agriculture. These were not hunter-gatherers. Many tribes besides them cultivated maize and other crops. And yet, no money, no institutionalized trade, no authoritarian chief. Farmers did not force others to give them something in return for food, they gave it as they believed freedom was an important value, and you’re not free to do much besides gathering food if you’re hungry.
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