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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. yeah, that is re-added as a dependency for a lot of the Skylab functionality. We haven't added it back to the repo. Good news, it's just the plain plugin and not the full MOLE package.
  2. It's almost as if it's something that you just have to buckle down and learn and do... I didn't know anything before I started working on BDB
  3. I would use overlay or soft light, but it's dependent on how bright the underlying texture is. Hard light does nasty stuff to textures.
  4. It's still pretty bugged, @Jack Wolfe probably just didn't trigger the bug. We tracked it down but havne't made a commit yet.
  5. ^ I'm lucky if I remember what I ate for breakfast in the morning, let alone what some guy on a forum asked me about weeks ago.
  6. (Psst, BDB needs Sciencedefs for our OSO experiment while you wait for new Coatl experiments)
  7. Can you still provide craft files? I can figure out how to build them.
  8. It has potential to break your tech tree unlocks, for example if things you already unlocked move to another, later node, you might have to unlock it twice or something. I don't remember exactly how it breaks, so I think the best bet would just be to back up your save (and the old version of the mod!), update, and see what happens.
  9. Look, they're still here at the bottom of the cfg... https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/blob/master/Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Parts/Saturn/bluedog_F1.cfg
  10. Finally... Issue was something to do with the window animations. Starting the unity setup over again without them made things work. Right now everything is at the bare minimum to get everything working in game, with little in the way of polish or features. Huge thanks to @Angel-125, whose MOLE mod will be the basis of the features and functions of our Skylab. As a result, the configs are currently more or less copied wholesale from his. The base Skylab is still missing the Apollo Telescope Mount (and related parts) as well as the discone antennas (visible coming from the bottom of the airlock module in this diagram). Additional preemptive thanks to @Daelkyr who is going to be doing some config work on these parts for me.
  11. you need to start a new branch, you didn't keep yours updated so its months out of date and can't be committed without solving all the conflicts.
  12. It's a cfg issue but I don't remember what it is... Actually, does it work if you quicksave and then quickload? IIRC there still are instances of stock glitching docking ports like that.
  13. If you go into Bluedog_DB/Parts, you can delete all the folders other than Apollo, Saturn, and Shared folders.
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