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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I counted at least 8 mod which I maintain. I haven't even started yet, it's going to take some time
  2. Most if not all of this mods will need to be updated Give the mod authors some time to do their work
  3. I think the suggestion made earlier was good. Rather than having to attach the nozzles, use a right-click menu to select the desired nozzle for each location.
  4. Ok, so now contact that author to get a fix for the Kerbal sinking. Thanks for figuring that out.
  5. The mod doesn't change the mass of the kerbal. Try it in stock, you should float. So, I suspect that something else is doing that.
  6. @tetsuchou I see you are trying to get this available again. It's good that you are using Github, but you need to put a release file there. I'd also suggest adding it to SpaceDock
  7. Yes. First fix the .version file, it has a syntax error. you can test it here: https://jsonformatter.org/ Then, upload the new release to Github and Spacedock, it will be picked up automatically. Make sure that the version you specify when doing the upload matches the version in the .version file
  8. I have the file, and also all the other files you had on Kerbalstuff. I'm going to see how it works, let me know if you want any of the other files. And, once I disabled the "allow srf attach", attaching the nozzles was pretty easy. But, they are huge, almost like regular rockets. These aren't simple RCS parts, they are mini-rocket engines! Some are small, but others are too big. Anyway, nice to have, let me know if you want the file (or anyone else)
  9. Yes, but I don't do FAR. Look at the patch, it sets the deployment altitude to 700, try increasing it and let me know what works.
  10. Please remember that I don't do models :-( So, whatever you can do would be great. The entire mod is up on Github, so if you are missing something, look there.
  11. New release, Updated config file to have ModuleRCSFX along with ModuleRCS This was preventing the checklist from recognizing RCS parts which used ModuleRCSFX instead of ModuleRCS
  12. I have the entire Kerbalstuff archive, I'll take a look for it.
  13. Given how many mods you install, you really need to try to identify where the problem really is. In this case, it's an RP-0 problem, which you seem to be asking everyone else except the RP-0 people to fix. To prove this, just install KW by itself in a plain install, and see if you get any errors.
  14. So, if all the parts begin with MI_ I can use this: @PARTS[MI_*] yes?
  15. New release, 1.0.1: Fixed typos Removed ProbeControlPoint from 2 BOMPs
  16. ok. So, do you know how to tell MM to apply a patch to files in a specific mod? Or do I need to specify each individual part? Thanks
  17. Sorry, I'm not stating it properly. Is there a need for a local patch for IFS if this patch will do it for all tanks?
  18. Umm, how? I see 3 blocks, rectangular, round and oval. would be nice if they could be resized. And then I see 1 or 2 nozzles, also resizable Oh, you are referring to the vessel part count. Easy to deal with, make them physicless, so the game won't have to deal with the physics, which is where it really bogs down. Make the blocks have physics, and, if you want, a small mod could be written to add the mass of the nozzles to the block, that mod would only be active in the Editor
  19. This may sound crazy, but hear me out. I had this idea that, rather than have so many parts, to create an RCS block module with a number of attachment points (both rectangular , round and ovel) and then have several individual RCS nozzles that could be attached to the block module. This would allow anyone to create exactly what they need, could even have different size nozzles pointing different directions.
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