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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. The downloads works well. You can download them separately. Look at page 1 below the link you can see which dependencies are included:
  2. You need the firespitter-version for KSP 1.4.x.
  3. Read this page and you will find an answer.
  4. It`s from the very old (Bobcat) Community-ISS-Mod. You can find an old version on github.
  5. @damonvvWill the RTG be separate parts? That would make it modular and align it with Coatl Aerospace. Also: has the core a Textureswitch like Coatl Aerospace?
  6. So the chutes are open? Do you have FAR? Log? Other Mods? Sorry but if you can`t post an issue correctly we can`t help you. We are no fortune teller with a crystal ball.
  7. ' aren't working' isn`t just a definition of an issue. What exactly isn`t working? Do you have other mods installed? Log?
  8. @AlphaMensaeI had the same issue with some arms. They didn`t retract. I`m not at home in the moment but I can check which not work in the evening.
  9. Same here: It`s not a problem with Contract Configurator because I haven`t installed it. It must be a stock problem or another mod like ScanSat, which has some configs for contracts.
  10. Older versions (before 5.2) has firespitter. But I don`t know if there is a burned texture and if it works in newer ksp-versions. In every case you must youse the correct version of firespitter.
  11. For TextureSwitching you need Firespitter. But Kartoffelkuchen changed to the new Stock-Texture-Switching. There is no chance to switch the Texture inflight, only in VAB/SPH.
  12. Career-Mode? Are your Kerbals on higher levels?
  13. Then you should use a version for 1.5.x because the newest SD is for 1.6.x
  14. Do you have Kopernicus and Modular Flight integrator (bundled with Kopernicus)? With this 2 mods ist works. I have a working Savegame in 1.6 with Sigma Dimensions. Edit: You can post in the Sigma-Dimensions-Thread too. It isn`t closed and Sigma is still active.
  15. You need to copy the entiere Sigma-Folder into GameData. There is no need to put the settings.cfg into GameData because it is in GameData/Sigma/SigmaDimensions. You must only chnage the parameters inside this config. Download SigmaDimensions and put in your GameData (as you do with any other mods in ksp). Also you need Kopernicus and Modular Flight integrator and MooduleManager. Next you go into the settings.cfg and change your required parameters. Start the game. Ready. I suggest for the first time you change only one parameter and look how it works.
  16. Description is on github. You need to change the settings in the config which is delivered with Sigma. If your System should be 2.5x you must change Resize to Resize = 2.5. 1 is stock. So for a 100km Atmosphere heigt (stock is 70km) you must change to Atmosphere = 1.4286 because 70km x 1.4286 =~100km Note: change the settings in the config effects the entire kerbol-system. If you only want to change te parameter you must write a new config. I`m at work so I have no access to my configs but can send you later.
  17. MechjebForAll is only a config to bring MJ-Modul to all Pods/Probecores. So if MechjebForAll is installed you don`t need the MJ-Computer anymore. So you need Mechjeb + MechjebForAll both. Or only MJ. MechjebForAll without MJ does nothing.
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