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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @Dafni Everyone's PC is different. Also is everyone's patience for low framerate, and everyone's determination to get a certain mod combination (by size) to run on a PC regardless of the performance or increased threat of bugs and crashes. This is the kind of question you'll only get the best answer to by trying this out for yourself. As a head-start, I recommend you have 12GB of RAM and a decent quad-core with very high speed. KSP does not take advantage of high numbers of CPU cores, of course.
  2. I like the vertical segmentation of the wall panels. I see what you did there. I'm eager to see what you have in mind for props.
  3. Actually no... CRP only automatically provides resources for the surface. I made the atmosphere resources available. The resource configs were removed due to a technical issue (installing resources breaks KerbNet...this is only really a problem if you don't like SCANsat and Waypoint Manager) and the solution for it not being known yet. Officially, they'll be back soon™ but you can try this out and let me know if there are any problems. GPO_Resources.zip
  4. Classic Stock by Angel-125 and myself has fully taken off and I've begun building a play install for KSP 1.4: Full Classic Stock. So the optional integration patches are now coming: The current project is conversion of Near Future (Electric and Propulsion): The ArgonGas tanks and engines have been changed to use Hexagen; The scanner and harvester parts now handle Hexagen where they normally handle ArgonGas; The Lithium tanks, RCS and engines have been changed to use Rock and to be as mass drivers; The nuclear drums and reactors hold and use NuclearFuel and NuclearWaste, not EnrichedUranium and DepletedFuel; Titles (display names) and descriptions have been changed to suit;
  5. Near Future Propulsion supples tanks and engines that run on Argon. Before you suggest against installing a whole big mod for it, I suggest it because it sets the bar for ion engines...and depending on how you look at it, it'll save you the trouble of coding the tanks for it. (And you can delete whatever you don't need from its Parts folder.) In the end, since you want the stock engine to run on Xenon and Argon, you'll also have to study the configs for dual-mode engines like the RAPIER and add these to this engine through MM: A new running_xyz {} node inside the EFFECTS {} node. A ModuleMultiModeEngine {} A second ModuleEnginesFX {} that calls on running_xyz {} for the engine plume. EngineID keys for the ModuleMultiModeEngine {} and both ModuleEnginesFX {}.
  6. It updated a few hours (or up to 3 days) ago. While you were sleeping. ~ _~ Lol. Have you tried GEP? The official expansion for GPP. Also, look here:
  7. They will work just fine where Kerbin and Sun alone are concerned...except that (for Kerbin) any specified coordinates will be invalid because the geography is different. GPP uses the internal name Kerbin now (it stopped using Gael this way) and that name will be seen by most mods, curing most of the problems of mods and features that are hardcoded to look for Kerbin. Example, if you check the list of bodies for TWR in the floating KER window in the SPH/VAB, you will see Kerbin, not Gael. Where any other celestials are concerned missions will obviously break. After all, there is no Mun (in GPP).
  8. OPT Reconfig 1.0.3 Provide (my) own CryoTank options to deal with what appears to be an empty CryoTanks folder glitch which may be caused by CKAN.
  9. Hey Linux. if I may, I'd also like to pass a vote in favor of a configurable additional resource requirement. I see there are 3 open issues on this mod's repo so I commented in the one I liked the most. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/FTLDriveContinued/issues/22#issuecomment-388271550
  10. This should not be a problem (anymore). GPP v1.6.x no longer internally names the homeworld Gael but uses "Kerbin" and applies "Gael" as the display name. I assume your installed GPP is 1.5 or older.
  11. @Norcalplanner No, I haven't picked one in GEP. (No world in GEP looks the part, and that's a vital option for consideration.) But it's pretty obvious which world in GPP it is.
  12. Thor Tech Fixed major problem with Classic Stock mode The config file that points to the relevant other folders had broken links.
  13. The Spice 0.8.2 Fixed major problem with Classic Stock mode The config file that points to the relevant other folders had broken links.
  14. There has only ever been one picture there, the GEP banner. Scroll down a bit and you'll see an image strip of all the GEP bodies.
  15. I second this motion. (Yeah, it's time to upgrade... I can still hold out and play on 1.3, but GPP, GEP, Sigma's mods and Pathfinder are practically all that will make me move to 1.4, and they have moved to 1.4, so... ) I could possibly spare the effort to test GPP 1.6.3 and GEP 1.0 in KSP 1.3.x myself but that's likely leading to a load of troubleshooting I want to avoid.
  16. Before you go looking to pour your anger on a modder, remember this. Modders firstly make their mods for their own enjoyment, not yours, and in their free time, and without asking to be paid. The modder has every right to leave you hanging with that attitude. Your situation is either caused by getting a bad roll from the RNG in a new save game, or the tiniest error occurred in its configs somewhere-- neither of which are worth getting steamed over. ...Since it's called Unobtanium, maybe it decided it wanted to be unobtainable at Icarus.
  17. @KerbalSofaProgram Kopernicus has its popularity because it's the only mod that enables planet mods to work (and it is well maintained). Kopernicus properly supports star tracking for many stars. It has done so since sometime while KSP's latest release was 1.3.0. Choose a planet mod from here: http://outer-planets.wikia.com/wiki/Planet_Packs (but only where the Kopernicus version is 1.3.0 or higher. You can go as far back as 1.2.2 but consider any planet mods before 1.3.0 to be dead and maybe even broken. The latest and greatest planet/star system mods around (and in mostly stable release) right now are: Whirligig World (replaces whole system, multi-star system, not for people who are new to KSP) Kerbal star Systems (replaces Kerbin, re-imagines stock planets, galaxy mod, will punish your PC) Other Worlds Reboot (small remote star system) Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered (rearranges and reimainges the stock planets) Extrasolar (small, remote star system) Evolution! (replaces whole system, will punish your PC) After Kerbin (replaces whole system but keeps stock system feel) Before Kerbin (replaces whole system but keeps stock system feel) That's Alotta Kerbin Gameslinx Planet Ovehaul (replaces Kerbin, adds muns, a star and a butt-load of planets) Outer Planets Mod (now owned by Galileo) New Horizons (shuffles stock planets, adds planets, not for people who are new to KSP) Galactic Neighborhood (this mod makes nearly any combination of planet/star mods work, is only meant to be used in sandbox play)
  18. @Manwith Noname Ahhh. In the case of % it's mainly a fail-safe to ensure that a node with a given configuration always exists, overriding when necessary and preventing duplicate creations of a node. Instead of instance numbers you can use the :HAS pass and target each module by keys or sub-nodes/sub-modules. It works fine with % but I'd also discourage using :HAS with %.
  19. (No ill intent here) Try to read back at least 1 page in a thread before asking your question as it is answered in the first quote (only about 5 posts up). This mod can/will support any planet pack but it just needs people to write the science results. (Currently, no it doesn't as there is no custom science.) I caught mention of crowd sourced science for After Kerbin in someone's youtube series but the files (if any) may only exist on that youtuber's discord server.
  20. That is unknown territory the way you're trying to use %. This symbol serves to edit if an object exists, or create the object if it does not exist. The appropriate symbol is @ so you're only editing something which already exists, and which you can fully use instance numbers with. Given how things are working out, I figure you're basically running a double edit on the same module.
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