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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. What tides? All the liquid on a planet in the outer solar system would be frozen solid. And if a volcano big enough to change planetary heat erupted, no life could evolve in that timespan, and if there was any existing life somehow, it would probably die out from being exposed to completely different conditions. And no, there wouldn't be anything to do on this planet. No more than any other planet. Terrain can only get a planet so far without new features.
  2. Why would there be life on a planet completely out the goldilocks zone? And we don't need another planet with nothing to do on it, we need things to do on planets.
  3. I've seen it mentioned a few times, but I'm not sure if its still around or just a 1.2.2 thing. Help would be much appreciated.
  4. Yeah, but it might be easier than looking through Download pages and finding out if you can use them in mod packs or not.
  5. Oh my god. That is amazing. I am in shock. I am actually emotional right now. Thank you. TOTM. Edit: I might be being extremely idiotic here, but doesnt the spitfire have 4 propeller blades, not 3?
  6. Wouldn't it be easier to just link them downloads of each mod separately? It's not that hard to install mods, if they know what a gamedata folder is they should know how to install mods.
  7. I designate all my ships with the prefix "F-Tech" so I know which ships are mine and which are others, followed by some letters denoting its use, for example all my first gen warships used "EX-" followed by a number showing that it was the nth one of its type I built, followed by a name. (usually a figure in Greek mythology)
  8. @Joseph Kerman wow, that car looks amazing! I might try it out later. I'm going to enter a car I built a while ago, which is quite hard to describe. It has 3 junos, and I find best results are produced when toggling between using 1,2 and 3. Could I set 1 engine running as default and have the other 2 set to RCS?
  9. I just realised I never really posted my mining freighter and station. Damn. Expect them tomorrow.
  10. Lego city police music! Interesting design. I might try something like it on a smaller scale for something.
  11. Sorry bout that. XD. If you're using it for non military means, you can remove both anti air turrets and cut off 100 parts. (just remove them at the docking port, and you can use the extra 2 nodes to store more planes)
  12. Taking a break from taking a break to ksp, built a small WW2 fighter. It features my very very WIP unreliable mini stock RCS ball gun.
  13. Yes it does, but the overwhelming majority of the damage comes from the tip of the missile, and due to the very low part impact tolerance of the fuel tank it's a very good compromise for a ton less weight.
  14. I stay 30 miles behind my ships while they are being tested, and give encouragement. That's an interesting missile. I would reccomend draining most of the fuel out of the tank, as from it pictures it has loads left on impact. It get rid of some mass and increase acceleration with no real downside.
  15. Sorry, been taking a break from ksp to play Breath of the Wild. I can do some dogfights now though.
  16. 260 dollars? I don't know what the average age of ksp players or the target age for the mouse, but speaking for the early teens age group, the idea of buying something like that for that price is laughable. I've bought a second hand current gen game console for half that, and my current mouse setup (Logitech g510 or something like that) was less than a third of that price.
  17. It looks like an interesting concept, but I think the standard keyboard works fine, and I doubt I would consider changing as I'm just to used to the normal camera controls. I don't really see the point in the slide button, what's wrong with the mouse wheel? The whole mouse on a joystick seems like it might be slightly awkward, having a stable camera is neccesary in editor when placing a part to get it where you want, and it looks like you might move it accidentally. (Or in flight when right-clicking a part) This is all judging from the gif though, it could be completely different to use.
  18. What is the definition of "big"? Mass? Crew capacity? Length? This challenge is too ambiguous to compete in now for me.
  19. well, its got freaking machine guns, it probably could function as a MBT at a push... YAY! Do I get a prize?
  20. ...The names Bond, Val Bond... Val isn't doing the wartime economy any favours, is she? She's cost them 3.5 million dollars on nice cars while refugees are probably running out of supplies and overcrowded. (The closest match I found to the song is Imagine Dragons "Believer.")
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