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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Welcome to the forum, @Morning Star Industries! I've moved your question about playing the game to our Gameplay Questions subforum. Good luck with you issue!
  2. Ideas and suggestions are fine as long as the mod author hasn't expressly said they don't want them, and they're in a "i would like to see this" tone and not a "you should do this" tone. If you have more questions on the matter, feel free to PM myself of another mod, or head over here and ask.
  3. Considering that the game's atmosphere has changed significantly since this question was asked, and the information in it no longer applies, we're going to lock this as to not cause any confusion.
  4. Konstruction! I played stock for a bit, but eventually got tired of my stations being wobbly noodles that were basically hooked together with velcro.
  5. There's not a whole lot you can do with laptops. Since the problem seems to be heat-based, the only thing really could do is replace the thermal paste and the fan. You could also try running it without the battery in it. I've got an older Dell laptop that will, once in a great while, refuse to boot for seemingly no reason. Unplugging the (internal ) battery will get it to turn on normally. Run it a few hours, shut it down, plug the battery back in, then it'll go a few months... before doing it again.
  6. Let's not needlessly bump threads, please. We don't lock threads just because they're old when they're quietly sitting around. Please only bring back old threads if you have something to contribute.
  7. Now that we know what's going on and how to solve it, I've moved your question to our modded tech support forum so others may come across it more easily. Glad you got it figured out, @pantherboss1668
  8. There are a couple mods that do this on purpose. What mods are you using?
  9. Some content has been removed for backseat moderating. If you see a post you don't like and believe it's breaking the rules, please just report the post instead of replying to it. We will take a look and determine if any action is needed.
  10. Some posts have been removed for pressuring for updates. Remember, our mod authors are volunteers under no obligation to keep things updated. Politely asking for updates is fine, but continuing to push when the question has not been answered is not. Please be patient. Thank you.
  11. Given that this mod is for a very old version of the game, the links are dead and the author hasn't been around for 8 years, going to lock this to prevent any further confusion.
  12. Actually, all the times someone quoted or pinged you won't be changed. The pings will still say @5thHorseman, but clicking on them will still work to take you to your profile.
  13. This discussion has been split off from the Kopernicus Add-On threads.
  14. Thread locked for moderator review. ----- Thread Unlocked. A good deal of content has been removed. Reasons for this include pressuring for updates, being off topic, and demeaning comments. An off-topic discussion about preventing Steam from updating has been relocated here: Please keep your comments here civil, respectful, and on-topic. Thank you.
  15. As pointed out, we have an entire subforum for sharing builds, https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/21-the-spacecraft-exchange/ and another for tutorials. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/50-tutorials/ Putting so much content into one thread would be difficult to navigate.
  16. Moved from Tutorials to Gameplay Question since this is seeking help rather than giving it. Welcome to the forum, @Krishnan Kerman. Someone with a long and detailed answer should be along shortly!
  17. Can you post a picture of what you're dealing with? I have a feeling that it's not the decoupler, but because some invisible clipping is going on, and that's what's ejecting the vehicle. Also moved to Gameplay Questions.
  18. Some content has been removed for discussing violence and threats toward animals, which is inappropriate for our forum. Please keep it clean and family friendly.
  19. If the primary focus is KSP, don't worry about the GPU too much. It's not a GPU heavy game at all. Just having a separate GPU is really what matters. What your main goal here is high single-core performance on the processor. So between those two choices, the iBUYPOWER would be the better one for KSP, although I don't think it's worth the price. If you could get him down to $300 I would say that's a decent buy.
  20. @RagnarD What's your budget? We can help you find something suitable.
  21. MMMM Oatmeal Creme Pies. I love those things. Though they're not as good as Star Crunch or Zebra Cakes. All of which are dangerous to have in the house since I tend to inhale them, so I don't buy them much.
  22. Hello and welcome to the forum! I have moved your question to our support forum. Good luck with your issue!
  23. Moved to Kerbal Network, since it's a suggestion for the forum, and not the game itself.
  24. Roughly the same amount time has passed (~25 years) between the launch of Apollo 13 and the movie, as has passed has between the movie's release and present day.
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