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Everything posted by coyotesfrontier

  1. Could we see a version of this for 1.8+? The current RCS sounds are awful to listen to.
  2. With the new code for NTRs, would it be possible to power a NTR with the heat generated from another reactor? It might require a single NTR to be on two loops though, one for power and one for cooling.
  3. Small question: What was the TWR of the Saturn V's second stage, the S-II? I can't seem to find this information anywhere for some reason.
  4. You can always edit your save file to remove the old-FFT engines on your craft and replace them, it's a bit difficult but not that bad.
  5. Pretty sure the Swivel and Reliant are the XLR-105-5 (Atlas Core Engine) and XLR-89-5 (Atlas Booster Engine), respectively. Terrier bears a resemblence to the Lunar Module Descent Engine, but I'm not fully sure if it's based on it. Puff is probably the Space Shuttle's OMS engine.
  6. Is there a way to manually override it? Would be useful for precise control over how much uranium is being used.
  7. I'm pretty sure that KSP2 will be playable on a 1030. I'm running EVE and Scatterer on integrated graphics (Vega 11) with roughly the same power as a 1030, with acceptable framerates. I imagine KSP2 will be better performing then EVE+Scatter KSP1, so you should be good.
  8. It's on a fishing boat in the foreground, the perspective makes it look like the recovery team is holding it: https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultPunchySrirachaDoubleRainbow (watch till the end to see what I mean)
  9. Looks like some unrelated fishing boats wanted to get a view of the capsule: https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultPunchySrirachaDoubleRainbow
  10. KSP has 3 different settings menus, one for the main menu, one for the space center, and one for flight, each with its own exclusive options. For example, you can only edit navball scale in flight, only edit terrain detail in the main menu, etc. Having them all unified into a single menu would be really nice.
  11. Lo siento por mi mal español, estoy usando el traductor de Google. El mod que estás buscando se llama "Kerbal Konstructs" y está disponible aquí: A pesar de ser para la versión 1.8.1, funciona bien en 1.10.1.
  12. If you have the Breaking Ground DLC installed, you can use the KAL controller to automate it
  13. I'll probably use the new metallic fairings in 1.10 to make it a more traditional Daedalus, lol
  14. I have an identical problem in 1.8.1, it's not that big of a deal as I can just use fairings in place of the shrouds. I assume it's some weird mod interaction, can you send me your modlist to find what we have in common?
  15. Judging by the GitHub and what we've seen, it's probably a Gasdynamic Mirror Fusion engine. It could also be a Dusty Plasma engine, but I'm 99% certain it's the former
  16. Why not use Restock and have every part revamped?
  17. Maybe something would be helpful in this situation, for the mod devs. Can you guess what it is?
  18. I don't think it's the dev's fault for not including backups, Sony and Microsoft don't typically allow games to have a backup system for fear of exploits.
  19. More like the version of Tylo in the Alternis Kerbol mod:
  20. I've always wondered what Godzilla's atomic breath could actually be composed of. It's depicted as glowing bright blue, is extremely hot, and highly radioactive. However, the plume from a nuclear salt-water rocket from Nertea's upcoming Far Future Tech mod for KSP is an exact match for it, including in temperature and radioactivity: Given that Godzilla comes from the ocean, and his body probably contains the uranium isotopes that gave him his powers and made him grow so large, I think it's highly likely that his breath is the result of a NSW reaction.
  21. Not sure if it works in recent versions though.
  22. None, unfortunately. You'll have to stick with the English version.
  23. Haha, no. You need a lot more dV to get back from Duna's surface then what a Mun lander would provide.
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