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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Whose good crafts? Ours, yours? You’re not making that clear.
  2. Going to have to download this...great work once again @Angel-125!
  3. How haven’t I noticed this article yet? Very useful. Thanks @Maxsimal.
  4. It’s mostly gone now...but it turns out, not being able to turn your head to the right is really inconvenient. I did try to avoid it, but...yeah
  5. Carl Sagan is God. -A shirt that my dad’s friend has. EDIT: A third page appears!
  6. Well, finish the revamps in general. Otherwise the game will continue to look mismatched, defeating the point of the whole effort.
  7. My new laptop battery arrived! Just in time, too. The old battery had gotten to the point where the laptop died three seconds after the power cord fell out. It was pretty easy to install, too. No disassembling the underside of the laptop to get to the battery compartment, no hatch with annoyingly tiny screws. The battery pack just slots into the back of the laptop. The battery life appears to be roughly 2 hours, which is certainly an improvement over 2 seconds!
  8. I apologise to those of you who read this for the lack of new chapters. The problem is, the part count on the airship absolutely destroys my framerate. This removes a lot of the fun factor and means that I'm not particularly motivated to fly it, especially because the game kept crashing when I tried it today. I'll give it another go tomorrow - I really don't want to abandon this.
  9. 8/10 Another lovely Fraston avatar...there’s nothing like it
  10. A pair of ear defenders will help with that. Never mind the extreme difficulty of finding ear defenders for a cat
  11. I think the reason KAS was completely redone was realism. In old KAS, you could create pipes and struts out of nowhere, so it was remade to make things a little bit more plausible. I'm not sure why the grappler was removed, though. I don't think it broke any laws of physics that much. @IgorZ could you provide any insight into the exact motive (I'm making it sound like a murder ) for the KAS 1.0 complete re-do?
  12. IIRC the turboshafts, blades, and electric motors all come with the DLC.
  13. @0x00 Does this script require forcing OpenGL? The OP doesn't make that clear. Otherwise, this looks great, since my computer definitely falls under the category of 'potato' and I always have performance problems.
  14. Hmm. You said that some craft have old KAS parts. Some of the old KAS parts were replaced with very similar versions when the mod was updated to 1.0, which means that it's probably possible to replace them by editing the .craft file. However, other old KAS parts were simply removed, with no replacement. Crafts with those parts may be unsalvageable, unfortunately. I'd recommend asking in the KAS thread about what parts were removed/replaced, and if it's possible to edit the .craft to replace any of them.
  15. @Adelaar Does the game complain about 'missing part modules' when you try to load the craft? In that case, you can still load them - the message is just saying 'this craft was built with x mod installed, but it's not installed anymore and things might be broken'. If it says there are missing parts, then it'll be a bit trickier. You may have to edit the .craft files for the affected craft, and remove and/or replace the parts manually.
  16. I apparently slept in the wrong position, and now a muscle in my neck really hurts when I try to turn my head
  17. Banned for mentioning coffee. Tea FTW.
  18. 4/10 I'm not sure I want to follow an anonymous internet person around
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