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Everything posted by Hohmannson

  1. WIth latest KJR-Next and engaged servo lock(may need Advanced Tweakables), extended tethers are OK in Kerbin's gravity. Tested with multiple reloads and physic warp. You've made things i needed for years, thank you!
  2. Squad didn't add configs(that allow interactions) for big parts. To add them, get this and and run it without size limits and including stock parts. Made by our glorious code overlord LinuxGuruGamer. And get an enormous cargo container somehow, maybe MKS Kontainers will help.
  3. It's NEM(googleable name) - scientific-energetic module. I'm not sure it's in the scope of Tantares, but it's ultimately a Proton fairing-wide MPL with a conic adapter to docking port on one side and a truss with two wide Tantares solars on another. I think it's possible to kitbash it with existing Tantares, Station Parts Expansion Redux and (maybe) Planetside parts.
  4. In the intake, it's for the intake part. Choice of resource is yours.
  5. Bad idea, because some Kopernicus planet makers don't define every little pool on biome map, and biome borders may be harsh anyway. I think there was a string in ModuleResourceIntake part config called underwaterOnly = false (so you can make it true). And create a resource for it, something like IntakeLiquid, which is GLOBAL and thus will be present in any ocean/sea/puddle in any biome if not overridden(and can be harvested only when your vessel is swimming or underwater).
  6. You can attach a claw to Benjee's tether and claw the kerbal, or you can use KAS cable winch, press "grab connector" and yes, it will work like a flexible tether, preventing them from flying away and allowing you to tow them back. Yes, it works in 1.11.1.
  7. Name could be "Advanced Workshop", because, well, it is still OSE Workshop, but better. Way better.
  8. And except Core folder. Shared assets there.
  9. You can delete any parts folder except two "misc" folders(shared assets there). And you also can delete certain IVA folders from Tantares/spaces if you don't use some of them.
  10. A perfect rover for camping. Also, the mod really looks better than real HDU-DSH did, maybe because it's made by an artist. Just in case, deployable tents are Ven's Stock Revamp.
  11. Moving other parts with parts is a complicated thing. I think the only replacement candidate if you don't want to re-make the model in Unity is Infernal Robotics - Next, you can try writing a config for it. https://github.com/meirumeiru/InfernalRobotics/releases
  12. Should be OK with this version https://github.com/meirumeiru/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases/tag/v4.1.15
  13. The finest politics, PR and KPI - driven funding, USA and USSR to choose, more states can be made with just notepad.exe
  14. Old plugin was not allowing to clone kerbals without having living kerbal on the ship. I looked at your code and it's no longer a problem, nvm.
  15. ScanSAT finally got a visual mode, so here are modules that suit the model - a mini-JWST(visible light,extreme resolution) and bunch of cams(multispectral). SAR radars are now giant deployable blankets made by Nertea, so not sure scanner probe should have one. MODULE { name = SCANsat sensorType = 64 fov = 2 min_alt = 5000 max_alt = 500000 best_alt = 250000 requireLight = True scanName = VisualHI RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.5 } } MODULE { name = SCANsat sensorType = 24 fov = 2 min_alt = 5000 max_alt = 500000 best_alt = 250000 requireLight = True scanName = MultiSpec RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.75 } }
  16. It's most likely my bug, not author's bug. For recompiling i had to change some variables to double(as needed because of 1.7.3-1.8.1 transition), maybe did it wrong. All what i managed to do(sln, compiled binary, config for stock MPL, etc) is here https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Mt9CbZy2TZV4jg (also, crew requrement and sounds were hardly removed, because i was not skilled enough and was doing it for myself) . Using this DLL with config provided can sometimes produce the bug, if ore is mined/generated on the vessel at the time you press the clone button. Stopping the production and pressing again usually helps. But it works, yes, i use it on 1.11.1. My humble suggestions, as previously said to Zer0Kerbal, is a part config switch to allow cloning without crew on vessel for some Von Neumann things. @theJesuit you can start tinkering with it now, plugin and cfg inside. UPD: I apologise for offtopic and maybe we should move to other thread
  17. It does, on 1.7.3. I managed to recompile it, but a non-critical bug appeared. I turned it to more experienced maintainer Zer0Kerbal, who disappeared from forums, GitHub and entire internet in summer. So, IDK, ask LGG or i can just DM you a source code and a compiled library for 1.8.1. Or you can take sources and .sln from guthub and compile it. Sometimes it says "i see no resource" so you have to press cloning button several times, that's the bug.
  18. It would. MoarKerbals was working(and is working, but i'm too dumb in C# to make it in a flawless release), it allowed to print random kerbals from specified resource. It does no problems, kerbals are born with backpack and chute in 1.11+. Also, Angel has made a ClassConverter module before(it's in Pathfinder DLL) that allows to change kerbal profession.
  19. And here are the pics, since i fixed the lights. Great ОК-ГЛИ you made here!
  20. Exactly. I am on 1.11.1 heavily modded and something is wrong with ModuleLight, the window lights don't switch up. I'm checking it now. About the control problems - i just needed to install the engine high and off-center, like yours, to make it fly good. UPD It is certainly ModuleLight not working, ModuleColorChanger works instead: No clue why it's happening.
  21. It turned to be not a bug, but a feature. Jettison module have one property, ResourceName. If it is set up properly on tanks, it won't throw out your Refunding. @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Ore],@MODULE[ModuleFuelJettison]] { @MODULE[ModuleFuelJettison] { %ResourceName = Ore } } After that the button becomes "jettison ore" and jettisons only ore. Squad didn't set it up, because no such technical resources like Refunding were planned. If that string is not defined, it jettisons any resources on part. Epic Squad moment here. Also, there is a mod JettisonFuel that adds this to all parts with resources. Not sure what could be done with it, but it's not widely known, maybe, it's OK to not do anything.
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